Will this ever make me a decent return?
Bought 22k at £0.04 and plan on hodling until 2020
Will this ever make me a decent return?
Bought 22k at £0.04 and plan on hodling until 2020
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Literally all crypto's promise is a product after 5 years, BZC is the only one of 20 coins that's actually finished.
I wish I had near the same amount as you user. You will be a rich fag in 2 years
You think? I will wave from the moon.
30k REQ here (bought at 0.32). It's a fucking struggle to watch this shit going sideways like forever after it hit 1$ a month ago. I still have a dream that one day REQ will hit 10$ one day but the hope weakens every day.
Hodl strong my bro. Just dont check the price for a few months? That is what i am gonna do. The crypto gods will never reward weak hands.
Fuck have any of you actually check their GitHub, it's pretty fucking dead. Activity has notably decreased since the ICO, really make you think....
they fired the lead dev so theyre outsourcing all coding
it won't
You got an 8x return doing absolutely nothing and you're not satisfied. You turned £880 into nearly £7,000 and you're complaining.
The absolute state of Veeky Forums
Nice fud, but the time to accumulate is over.
Pajeet be gone.
Who said I was conplaining?
latest post suggests mainnet release soon
my guess to be honest is that they will give a mainnet release date tomorrow
Bought 12.5k at 0.03. Pretty Comfy. Will hodl long term. I’m used to this pumps every two weeks and the slow bleed afterwards. Good for day trading, but to stressful for me. I chill and will be happy in two years... cheers!
could be the old testnet released within the next 2 weeks type deal.
tfw only 5,500 .04cent REQs
Only 7k, scared I won't make $300k with it, not sure if I can sleep at night.
Exactly f this.
i just realized its wednsday so the update is in two days
such is life as a NEET
Nigga they both in Singapore
Don't believe the FUD
What's the relationship between the two?
very erotic
>20k at 90 cents
I sold at 40 cents I don't care, it's a slow bleed back to 20 cents and the last time i think biz is a nontroll board
They work in the same office and REQ exchanges currency via kyber