Link math

>Node operators are paid in the currency the smartcontract specifies. LINK has no value

Lets remember that what is cool about LINK is that is creates Trustless Oracles. This means that nodes are financially incentived to provide accurate data.

>$80T in bonds (low estimate)
>at 3% average interest, $2.4T in interest payments yearly
>ChainLink captures 10% of the bond payment market... $240B yearly
>LINK is 100% staked in nodes. All nodes have equal reputation
>Those who pay out bonds demand 100% collateral
>1 node at 100% collateral is equal to 10 nodes at 10% collateral
>$240B is yearly payments means $657MM per day
>Assume average contract life is 1 day
>1B LINK securing $657MM worth of volume per day means 1LINK is worth $0.657.

This is essentially the bottom floor. This is at 10% of bond payments and nothing else. This doesn't factor in other use cases or ROI of running a node.

Other urls found in this thread:

Link will be the first intergalactic currency

Assuming that all 1B tokens are staked. The amount staked vs. the amount being traded? So many unknowns.

yes. Assuming the only use of the token is to stake as collateral and so the only use to buy would be to enter the market in order to undercut someone else's fees.

I'm ignoring speculation value and looking for the price floor.

From white paper:
5.5 LINK token usage
The ChainLink network utilizes the LINK token** to pay ChainLink Node operators
for the retrieval of data from off-chain data feeds, formatting of data into blockchain
readable formats, off-chain computation, and uptime guarantees they provide as operators.
In order for a smart contract on networks like Ethereum to use a ChainLink
node, they will need to pay their chosen ChainLink Node Operator using LINK tokens,
with prices being set by the node operator based on demand for the off-chain resource
their ChainLink provides, and the supply of other similar resources. The LINK token
is an ERC20 token, with the additional ERC223 “transfer and call” functionality
of transfer(address,uint256,bytes), allowing tokens to be received and processed by
contracts within a single transaction.

nice quick mafs op

So what happens when all the tokens are paid out? Or are they expecting the price per token to be so high that the 350MM they have stored will be enough since each token is divisible?


I understand that this was the intention but their updated documentation seems to contradict this.

I think the difference is when it comes to external adapters vs. core adapters?

bitcoin has an daily liquidity of about 1B$ but it's market cap is around 137B$. this is the case with most coins. so i still believe in 50$ Link this year.

In Theory, node operators could be paid in LINK, BTC, ETH, any shitcoin, any currency, etc.

p..paid using the rrequest network?


It is unlikely all the coins are paid out.
The more tokens reside in nodes, the more scarce they are, the more expensive they are,
Return will decrease % wise but stay the same in $

Yeah this actually says the payments may not be in Link. Staking is still Link, but I don't know, this is worrying

> 100% collateral
> let me divide the volume of operations in 1 day by number of tokens to get its price

Link doesn't look anymore that good. Probably selling 80% of stack and leave 30k just in case.

>1LINK is worth $0.657
Thanks, just sold everything.

>link is going to be $500 by eoy!!!

Funny people spout shit without understand basic maths.

The number of nodes is what matters. The more nodes, the less is staked on them on average, the less LINK you need to compete, the more expensive it is.

What do you see as a realistic price?


Its going to be more then it is now and that all you need to fucking worry about.

So are most altcoins nigger

accidentally saged so heres a bump

Yea no, retard. Large majority (95%) of these altcoins and the companies behind them will be rendered bankrupt in 2+ years. once people realize theres no real use for them and nodes start dropping off, they will disappear. Count on that.

They have survived this far largely due in part to the bull. Now fuck off brainlet.

I believe. It’s crazy cuz at that price, most of Veeky Forums will be multimillionaires...

No shit retard, I never disputed any of that. I simply provided a mathematical framework.

Look into picking up some mobius then

Youre retarded stop replying to me

>this is worrying
how so? it could be part of the contract to not be paid out in link.

That would work but if they end up using ChainLink then you'll be paying for the tx fee for CL + tx fee of REQ for using REQ.

Anymore that good. When flags seriously.