Those who bash the Jew are oblivious that they're the ones who pump it to begin with. You must realize that this FUD, dumping, and fear is necessary, in the long run, to achieve massive wealth. They use every kunts in the book to accumulate . If you simply hold (or sell and buy lower if you think you can compete) and be patient thr jew will take you to the promise land.
It is just like with the alts.. Everyone blames the whales for holding it down but no one says thank you mister whale when they pump it using their resources.
With jews you win
Lucas Rivera
you do realize without the jews bitcoin would be at 100k+ already and we wouldnt have to sweat and figure out which one of the million shitcoins to gamble on?
Jackson Brooks
we wouldn't need crypto-currency at all if there were no jews
Isaac Ramirez
You win, but only if you recognise these Jewish tactics and exploit them for your own gain. We have our own kind of "goy" that cries out and curses the whales any time anything happens, they're called normies.
Nathan Hill
I personally think people are targeting jews for the wrong reasons
Sure Zionists are fucking awefull but you're every day avarge jew isn't bad. Every religion has extremists and they are terrible but the average person is alrite...
>gtfo faggot Or any other slurs from upset /pol/ faggs
Charles Jones
Look in how banking came to existance, if anything we brought this upon ourselves.
Kayden Bell
The Jews can go hang themselves.
Jackson Moore
Zionists are actually the good Jews. They have to keep their shitty commie Jews in check is what they need to do. It's the Commies that LARP as Zionists that are the problem. The George Soro's of the world.
Bentley Torres
>jew >religion
Their cultural makeup gravitates towards pranking oneantoher. This transfers to their interaction with other peoples, which is rarely seen in a positive light. They are oblivious to the negative feelings elicited, because they see it as something positive.
Elijah Baker
>it's just a religion, goy daily reminder that there are no good jews
Cameron Allen
>total cohencidence that jews are behind everything that hurts white societies >totally not a biological drive to leech off goyim and slowly strangle their host at the same time
Jaxon Cooper
Most of the crypto volume comes from Asia, dumb natsocialists
Julian Adams
What a piece of delusional bullshit
Alexander Russell
Have you actually measured that? I bet that most of that bullshit comes from the carriers of Anglo-Germanic blood
Ayden Jackson
Jewish Hollywood is the reason why circumcision is so rampant outside of jew culture. Think about all the TV shows that show men needing lotion to jerk off their cut dicks. Not related to crypto but it disgusts me that they've gotten away with this shit.
Christopher Howard
carefully excluding the bottom of the image, I see
Ethan Morales
Read Culture of Critique
Gabriel Parker
No! People hate them because they are rich and educated!! Just ask reddit. Other examples? Here you are: people hate Swiss, Japanese and Norwegians!! Oh wait...
Julian Perez
There is no good jew. They all have to go away.
Anthony Green
>Oh wait... you have to go back faggot
Ian Phillips
>who was (((blockstream)))
>central banks run by jews >5/6 biggest global media companies run by jews (6 run by shabbos goy) >communism is a jewish ideology >feminism cooked up by jewish intellectuals >(((frankfurt school))) >mass immigration funded by jews and supported by rabbis worldwide >jews control virtually every aspect of our public lifes while they only make up less than 1% of the global population
yeh its probably nothing
Elijah Watson
I can’t wait to use my crypto gains to fund and support a nice white family while simultaneously using my profits for political leverage which results in the final, and real this time, gassing of these kikes.
Joshua Nelson
You might be brainlet, so I will explain that to you: People like rich and educated people, reddit states wealth and education as reason why people hate Jews.
Juan Gonzalez
>>who was (((blockstream))) Did you conduct DNA tests on them?
>yeh its probably nothing What if you compare their numbers with the carriers of Anglo-Germanic blood? They don't run central banks, media, they don't promote feminism and mass migration?
Nathan Moore
>Did you conduct DNA tests on them?
are you fucking retarded? look into whos paying their salaries
>>yeh its probably nothing What if you compare their numbers with the carriers of Anglo-Germanic blood?
Yes you are fucking retarded
Thomas Powell
>Oh wait... I didn't read your post btw
Evan Mitchell
>look into whos paying their salaries Without a DNA screening it's useless. Probably they all have an Anglo-Germanic DNA and their typical phenotypes
>Yes you are fucking retarded How the fuck am I? Most leftists and bankers are genetically and phenotypically Germanic and (((Anglo)))
Jace Powell
>Without a DNA screening it's useless
Yes how can we ever be sure if Rothschild and Bilderberger group are jewish unless we take a DNA test. Jesus Christ I hope youre trolling.
>How the fuck am I? Most leftists and bankers are genetically and phenotypically Germanic and (((Anglo)))
Yeah Fed is totally not run by jews. Trump is totally not surrounded by wall street kikes. ECB is not run by a shabbos goy from Goldman Sachs. A Rothschild protege is totally not running France. Lets leave these poor jews alone they dindu nuffin
Juan Butler
Bullshit, kys, kike apologist. Look at all the Israel-firsters in Bush's cabinet that started this "War on Terror," i.e. "Wars for Kikes," never-ending campaign.
Joseph Wright
Stop taking the guilt off your of own kin. We all know that the problem lies in Anglo-Germanics, the cumulative wealth and political power that the carriers of Anglo-Germanic blood possess exceeds that of the Jews by many times. Most of the Wall Street is probably mostly Germanic in DNA
Zachary Williams
DNA analysis shows Ashkenazim are 50% Germanic 50% Hebrew anyway. Funnily enough all from Flemish women so not of the Shem. Elite and american Jews interbreed so most 'Jews' are like 75% white.
Logan Thomas
Never thought of it that way, great point. The only counter would be that the jew is in your own country (so his wealth is more in your face, making you hate him more directly), whereas those others have their own.
Only people who recoil from the JQ are those that had lobotomies. Too much evidence out there against them for anyone who's being honest. They'll pay for it eventually.
Lucas Smith
Ok so you are just trolling. Thank god, for a minute I lost all hope in humanity.
Xavier Murphy
Anglo Germanic DNA? Go fuck yourself kike, this isn't reddit, we can clearly see your types manipulating shit everywhere
Alexander Jones
Cameron Wright
Not sure whether you're a larping zionist or just seriously dumb as fuck. The zionist kikes are obviously the worst kikes. They are the ones that think they're oh so superior. They don't want communism, they want an oligarchy with them at the top.