6ix9ine will be publicly endorsing ChainLink and giving out free links next week on Tuesday at 6pm Mountain Time. Please keep in mind this rapper has MILLIONS of fans and good street rep. He can easily pump this coin up. You should all make sure to accumulate... and FAST!
linky got the stinky uhn
cum real sticky uh
just sold 100k
when did (((american))) rappers become literal homosexuals?
I remember a time when faggotry was a no-no among these nigs
this isnt why I bought link
oh well time to sell. i dont want to hold shitcoins attatched to this
Those were the good old days. Seems I started seeing literally gay rappers around last year. But a lot of them were in the closet for a long time, like lil Wayne and eminem
Dude I have been wondering the same thing. I saw some brothas rolling up in a honda accord blasting the gayest shit I ever heard. Rap used to go hard, now its all this auto tuned whiny shit. Quite embarrassing to be heard in public.
You must be really desperate to make this thread.
>t. bags are heavy
linkies iffy uh
>has "millions" of "fans".
>stage dives at his shows and noone catches him.
wtf is this subhuman?
TRUUUUUUUMP!!! Do something!!
This guy looks like his body is made up of HIV and ground beef
50 link, and they sats all hunnits
i aint wanna take my life but nigga fuck it
Linkies got the stinkies stupid
Scam pump stupid
Sergey loves anal stupid
Black cock only stupid
I remember you OP. You sit on your ass contributing nothing to society and steal money from working people because you have a piece of paper from the government.
I said I'm sorry mama, but tonight I'm cleanin out my closet
>street rep
>millions of fans
nope try again whiteboi
>looking like a massive faggot
>street rep
he looks liek the other homo with rainbow hair who's also a popstar but I forget the name
>LINK will be vocally supported by a literal pedophile
What happened to the yung lean tweet? That one guy had a real text screenshot from his manager. And said yung lean would be tweeting january 8 but that never happened.
Lmao assuming this isn't bait, I don't think anyone who is a fan of this degenerate negro actually has the brain capacity to buy crypto.
The final act before this coin goes to 0 yesssss can't wait for this meme to die
Maybe if was easegropping on his jew overlords about investing and overheard chainlinks name be thrown out there.
I like how so much anti Linkie memes made you guys adopt this guy as your figure head. Getting pretty desperate in here, uh.
Just sent this faggot an email with some disgusting gay porn attached and called him a nigger. Everyone contact this fucking cuck and smoeone call his employer and say nasty things about him
oh sorry wrong thread
Bag holders now feelin silly uh