1.How is stellar holding its ground while everything else is getting beat up

1.How is stellar holding its ground while everything else is getting beat up
2.what are your suggestions about mobius? in or nahh?

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because stellar is the one true coin to last through all these shitcoins

>t. green id

cus it dipped like 20% alrdy and people are moving assets into it because its not a shitcoin

Stellar is a solid project.

Mobius is a shitcoin.

Invest in XLM and LINK.

I saw this yesterday in the Dutch news. The Rabobank is going to go live with 9 European banks in the area of trade as they are going to digitize the "letter of credit" on a blockchain.

The footage in Dutch
youtube.com/watch?v=_IBdq-mcc00 (from 1:05 and on)

Which banks are those?
>In entering the we.trade initiative, Nordea joins Banco Santander, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, KBC, Natixis, Rabobank, Société Générale and UniCredit
>The consortium is, in conjunction with IBM, developing a platform based on distributed ledger technology (DLT) that aims at making domestic and cross-border commerce easier, safer and more efficient for companies
>The commercialisation of the platform is anticipated in Q2 2018, while it is expected that test customers of the founding banks will use the platform earlier. Although backed by nine founding member banks, the we.trade consortium is an open bank platform available for other banks to join in order to create standardisation, collaboration and consensus across banks to support trade.

And where is IBM going with these banks?

>We have 1 major market maker (right now - again, stay tuned VERY soon), and 14 major institutions involved in direct or indirect capacity on the network. Starting in Q12018, you should see more of those institutions redirecting payment traffic on the network
>XLM is used as a settlement channel, directly, by this project.

Also confirmed by Stellar itself.
>IBM is bringing a consortium of 30 banks that want to send money across borders easily. They will use Stellar as the payment rail between them

He says they are going live in "a couple months".

my dick is rock hard

even though i'm a poorfag with 2k XLM

me to , 2k xlm

when I can spare more fiat for crypto I'm just going to keep going in on XLM

it's one of 3-5 current projects in crypto that's going to be around in over 5 years time

Banco Santander is the biggest bank of Spain and the biggest bank in Europe.
Société Générale is the biggest bank of France.
Unicredit the biggest bank of Italy.
The Deutsche Bank is the biggest bank of Germany.
The Rabobank is the second bank of the Netherlands.

Oh wait, the French bank is the third biggest French bank.


Stellar is more revolutionary technology, however it offers less incentive to hold and increase in price
This may change if node operation opens up and staking is required
Mobius has a similar value proposition to LINK
In that sense it is a decent hedge
One of the two will get it right, the one that does in a stable, user friendly way will make many millionaires

People are so fucking stupid I don't get it but at least it makes it easier to get rich. Mobius is THE train to be on and it's so fucking cheap.

All these morons getting sucked into buying scams every time they pump. You can rest assured that Aeternity and Chainlink will not be around five years from now. Just don't even worry. Fomo'ing will only waste your money.

Mobius is the real deal. No one is shilling it to you because it wasn't pre-mined so there there aren't special interests creating the kind of hype that sucks in lots of morons to shill their $100 bags.

Buy some Bitcoin, it's the original and still going strong and in the lead. There are still massive gains to be made if it maintains it's dominance. But if you still feel like you missed the train that will deliver untold gains, Mobius is it.

When people talk about Chainlink they sometimes call it Ethereum 2.0. these people are being retarded since Chainlink style smart contract oracles can be built as a second layer on Bitcoin and every other coin with Mobius. The Chainlink technology will not be useful never and the current token will be worthless, there is no reason to buy it besides throwing your money away, validating some Veeky Forumstards, and enriching an fatty Sergey.

In fact Mobius is truly Ethereum 2.0. Mobius takes the ideals of Bitcoin, a permissionless electronic money and brings that ideal to reality. Bitcoin proved the concept of a PoW blockchain but without fungibility it cannot be money. Mobius team also has the years of Bitcoin experience to draw on for improvements.


you get staking every week if u set ur inflation address up...

haha faggot linkie!

thank sir mr pajeet sir good coin pls buy 2 year lambo sir

i can hear u crying behind those eyelids from across the internet

I unironically love this coin.
>ico's like ethereum
>going to be the currency to trade in on Fairx like Bitcoin (and BNB coin)
>going to get the world class banks on board
>has fun side projects
>the api's, wallets and everything are all finished and ready to use
This is certainly one of my favorite holds. But I can't help but speculate on some other coins as well of course, because trading is addicting.

You get inflation distribution of 1%/52
You don't get paid for being a validator of transactions, which would be what staking a node is

Regardless of the price, it doesnt look like Stellar is going anywhere. It also has partnerships with payment providers.

The partnerships just keep adding up.

B.. But the roadmap was pure le reddit!

Banking cooperations and IBM is all nice, but it makes it an enterprise coin imo. I own a bit of XML as a hedge against wild swings in other cryptos, but I don't believe it will make me rich.

Also Mobius is over-hyped.

Stripe integration was strongly hinted

>You don't get paid for being a validator of transactions

They may change that in the future