what went right?
What went right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Everything except the timing.
>partnerships with Forbes/Bloomberg
>solid roadmap for 2018
>professional conference with qt korean grils
If grandpa bitcoin didn't shit the bed, this would've gone to $13-14 easily.
bullshit. the conference was a disaster and none of the dapps were remotely interesting. there were fucking empty seats in half the room.
Moon may happen at any moment. Just HODL and dont look back
20 trillion uganden dollars eoy
Is there some news that hasn’t been released yet? Wtf was Ian balina tweeting about
Send him ICX for 2x back
pumping his specially handed ico bags with 70%+ discount so he'd shill this crap.
>trusting nigger in crypto
be ready when he dumps on you
the dump to 7200 was the news :^)
He needed buyers when he figured out what terrible nonevent that was.
Exactly this
this might be the best coin of 2018-2020. just forget about it
Ok, i will forget about my 30k ICX for 2 years. They are nothing worth anyway.
didn't you watch it? he was involved in that shitty pajeet dapp and was paid to shill it
if you watched it, you'd have cringed 100+ times.
it reminded me an undergrad / highschool research project presentation.
these guys are trying to start a futuristic tech company and almost every presenter had difficulties with FUCKING POWERPOINT AND THEIR MICS
You have a n example/timestamp? That was the most professional conference/seminar I've seen yet from a crypto currency. I didn't catch the whole thing because of the time zone but the first few hours were very well done. But yeah the dapps were a bit of a let down but hey it's a start.
it looked more like pre2010 E3
>That was the most professional conference/seminar I've seen yet from a crypto currency.
Until you watched this.
They should've let Min Kim do all the presentations
damn this guy is slick.
actually tho
This is on the same level as ICX imo
Everyone said the same shit about antshares during their rebranding conference, yet it skyrocketed a month afterwards