There is alot of suicidal faggots on Veeky Forums so I propose this thread as a daily. I would like suicidal faggots to write why they want to kill themself and then we non faggots show them love and advices. Money is not the reason to kill yourself because then you have no life to earn money anymore.
Love yourself - daily
no girlfriend, no friends and knowing that I'm abnormal and will never have a genuine human relationship because I'm different.
Also sucking at college
I have a long extension cord to reach the bathtub if REQ doesn't take off friday
Wow you are so unique... I think I don't know anyone like you... fuck you and get your shit together. You are here and we are your faggot friends. Normies will come with time and if you still are single then ( and you won't be ) there are some great dolls you can buy..
When REQ moons you will be able to buy even longer extension chord. Don't go all in on one coin faggot. And btw so what if you lose some money. You press new game and be smarter.
I want affection and real love. My kinks turn off most girls and the fact I'm doing drugs doesn't help people to like me lol
My friend you are 1 in 50000 people. Earn money go travel.
How did you know I went all in damn
And another thing is REQ is playing with fire, it can bleed but all if a sudden go up 1000% it's sketchy to sell it
Been there done that be patient.
You should realise that is better to earn 2x and do that often. Then wait whole life for 1000x.
why would REQ moon Friday? It'll moon next month pal dont worry
I'm trying, once i have a few moon missions i will travel the fuck into lots of countries
I believe that in every town on this world there is atleast one girl waiting for you faggot
i doubt it but thanks
lol you know 99% of those threads/replies are just fags trolling
what price did you get in at
Fuck you. First try and then say that.
I am not a troll but I am an idiot. I used to be like this faggots but now I am strong.
>implying I'm not serious
I fucked a lot of girls in many towns but nobody stays kek
That is good because you don't have to share crypto money
the fact that you once wanted to kill yourself automatically makes you a retard
prove that you're serious
I am retard in many ways. Thanks
Originally 29c, made some money and played with other coins and got back in around .4X something
stil have to pay for hotel and travel :(
Atleast you get proper service for money. Whores take money from you to give it to their new fuckers
So a normie like you thinks he wants to kill myself. I'm a virgin with social anxiety so I stay inside all the time and I don't wanna kill myself. You ungrateful normie shit
Wow you're like any other dysfunctional autist on the internet!
If someone doesn't stay at home it doesn't make him normie. Its all about the feeling we got inside. I understand and appreciate you but this should make you feel better because now you know you haven't missed anything important.
I would still be virgin if I didn't hook up with them on the internet and drove 800km, anybody could do that, even people who are fraid of having conversations like me as well, it actually helps a bit to overcome it because lust takes over
I can't clean my room :(
You have a good chance of making it don't be a fool
Yes you can ( if you have no hands I am sorry didn't wanted to insult you )
This is a good thread OP. Props for making it.
I have to go to slep now. Remember faggots we should be nice to each other in some threads because if people start killing themself who will buy our bags?
bullied in corporate job. too afraid to free fall and do my own thing.
What are your kinks, user?