List all of the exit scams that you have participated in.
>pic related.
List all of the exit scams that you have participated in.
>pic related.
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sage in all fields
Jesus dude, how did you put money into LiveEdu? There were soooo many people on biz warning about this, and the posts were all obvious pasta from the scammers themselves.
I chalk it up as learning experience.
Don't tell me you've been perfect your entire life.
>implying i would invest into another pajeet nigger scam ICO again
Wait it's confirmed or it's just because of nigger ceo?
It's been confirmed.
There were so many red flags on top of nigger CEO Dr. Kangz Garbage
It's sad too because they accidentally gave me like 15x as many tokens as I paid for.
Try going to their site. Your web browser tells you its unsafe. Considering how laggy it was, I wouldn't be surprised if it was some shitcoin mining malware bullshit.
Forgot pic
Stratis had a chimp ceo and it didn't do half bad.
Just tried going to Magnalis.Network
How much did you invest?
There's a problem with KYC.
I had at least 3LTC there
Are you kidding me? A group of us were FUD'n it on here for a straight week and you still bought in?
what i could aford to first ico rodeo
Silk Road, Alpha Bay
You guys we're supposed to wait until tokens get distributed, then mass FUD
Then right before it gets listed on kucoin, we shill the hell out of it again
Such is the way of ARY, and such is the way of EDU
This must be the same ADHD pajeet who was fuding axp during diatribution
Again, how much was that?
What? The EDU ICO is a blatant exit scam. Even if it weren't, do you actually believe that it would make its way onto Kucoin?
Go away retard
>Using a different ID
come on man you have to be more subtle
live edu is an actual website with a pre-existing userbase and thousands of videos
You cant FUD it with they are actually just taking the money and running, that is retard tier
Just say that the token is pointless and it will never have enough use to drive up the value, it could make sense to some people
>What? The EDU ICO is a blatant exit scam. Even if it weren't, do you actually believe that it would make its way onto Kucoin?
The people that bought into EDU didn't actually buy into it because of its use. Had they considered its use, they wouldn't have bought into it in the first place.
These faggots are trolling, but there is actual scammy shady shit going on in this ico. This is just typical "lul u got scammed ico nub" post-ico fud.
Those weren't exit scams my dude. Government seizures. Daamn if I only had the coin I lost on both back.
Ok but that doesn't confirm it's an exit scam.
It's one of the few ICOs you could buy into if you live in Burgerland.
The site exists, and has content. The team is full of experienced people. Most importantly though, the government would probably tear them a new one if they tried to exit scam.
Are you being serious right now?
Everything worth investing in gets FUD'd. And the more FUD it gets, the better it is.
Prove either of these things to be true, please.
Best case scenario they have maybe 200 "videos", most of which are totally fucking unintelligible garbage they might have ported over from any random website with free content, often in non-English languages.
And thousands of users? Most of their videos have 0-3 likes. I am willing to bet the tech stuff that is hyped with likes is all fake likes.
The entire website actually screams scam. I could recreate this exact website with BETTER content in a day.
Fucking garbage, anyone who looks at this and actually thinks that the website itself is not an argument AGAINST the ICO is honestly retarded and deserves to lose money.
>cant tell if serious
Come on man you sound ridiculous...
Have you actually tried to play those videos? Most are private or simply do not play.
You actually just proved my point even more. This shit is all totally fucking fake. And almost all third world country origin.
How are you people this dumb?
kek dumb pajet
I told you retards that a fucking educational youtube knockoff doesn't need a fucking coin