>Works as intended >Entire network can be powered by one wind turbine >Fee-less >Instant transactions >Infinitely Scalable >Massive community
OK so I get it, you might have missed out on Nano and you're feeling shitty about it. Well you still have time to accumulate before it pumps on Binance. This is the future, this is it.
Easy money Veeky Forums.
Tyler Diaz
>oragle problim
Luis Myers
In before dumb pajeets don't see the value of nano and say 'where's muh smart contract and muh partnership'
Brayden Myers
I like Easy money. 100k bought.
Aaron Gonzalez
The fact that Shitcoin Gold and Tron are ahead of this in market cap shows how retarded this market is rn. We need a shitcoin purge
Colton Martinez
This thing was amazing for me during December but I dropped it the first week of January and I'm not looking for more. Good luck tho.
John Roberts
Agree. Or Bitcoin Cash etc...Bitcoin as well even, Nano literally is the future IMO.
Tyler Stewart
it's OK buddy that's why we have LINK
Samuel Gray
Green ID checks out
Hunter Brown
If you want to shill this so badly, explain how a coordinated DDOS by a 1st-world government couldn't cripple your little lattice?
Caleb Hill
Can you explain why that wouldn't cripple BTC?
Juan Gonzalez
Raiblocks is insecure. Free and fast transactions are worthless if the network is not secure. This is MONEY we're talking about. Security is the only thing that actually matters.
Chase Green
Time will tell buddy, if it doesn’t cripple the network then I’ll see you fomoing in at $500
Joseph Taylor
>Same arguments were used for BTC
Christopher Baker
>a network not secured by any significant amount of mining hashpower >a network not secured by transaction fees >a network, that doesn't even incentivize people to secure the network >this will become world currency Get your head out of your ass you fucktard. This is MONEY. This is people's LIVELIHOOD we're talking about. And you believe the nano network, without any fees or mining, is good enough for this very serious use case.
>The only reason it hasn't mooned is because people are stupid! Pure delusion. Believe it or not, you're not the smartest person in this game. There's a reason BTC and ETH are number 1 and 2, and your shitcoin is ~20.
Cameron Ramirez
Josiah Thompson
They discuss this in the white paper. It is possible for this type of attack to briefly slow the network in its current form. They are currently deciding whether to limit the amount of transactions that can be broadcast from precomputed PoW or to use another strategy. It is currently no more or less resistant to this than bitcoin but maintaining such an attack is extremely expensive because the user has to do a massive amount of PoW themselves for it to last any meaningful amount of time.
A similar question; why don’t foreign governments just ddos all websites they don’t like? Theoretically possible but too expensive to do for very long.
Bentley Torres
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, are you serious? Fucking retard.
Tyler Green
Did they ever fix their node problems that made it unusable as a currency??
Asher Green
Eli Adams
I... I... no bully pls :,( I sold all my XRB for BTC now are you happy?
Sebastian Cooper
Has bitgrail let people withdrawal? Last time checked some fucking pajeet was holding people hostage, why? Because raiblocks is fucking feeless and the exchange makes $0 on the transaction in/out. Yeah great fucking bizmodel right there. Everyone has to switch back to king dick BTC to get the fuck out. Great fucking coin. No incentives. Literally forgot why bitcoin is so secure when this coin was made. >inb4 it's all FUD blacklist these fuckers for being logical fucking pussy ass bich raiblocks LBGT colorful ass shit. Sike sorta kind of like this coin hope it works out for everyone.
Adam Perry
should I get nano or tresor?
Matthew Morris
There is still a PoW computation. No one who isn’t a memey 14 yo is saying “it hasn’t mooned because people are stupid.”
Rather, it hasn’t mooned because;
1. Basic development is actively ongoing (see: node issue, now believed to be fixed) 2. It hasn’t been easily available 3. The dev team has not been advertising or announcing partnerships when they have been planning on a rebrand for a few months (but, as seen on GitHub, they have been coding) 4. It hasn’t been tested at larger scales yet and there is some reasonable FUD
Check back in a year.
Asher Reyes
I think they allowed withdrawals a few hours ago, and the price on Kucoin has been tanking ever since.
Josiah Evans
Put your efforts where your mouth is then
Noah Bennett
Just because the network doesn't have any software bugs, doesn't mean the software concept is sound for the use-case of money. The software can be perfectly coded and the idea will still be flat-out unstable, insecure, and wrong.
Joshua Bell
Then make it happen, fuck the network
Or are you just theorizing, you couldn't ACTUALLY do it, huh?
James James
This picture should be changed accordingly.
Bentley Jones
Bitcoin doesn't even replace fiat for any major regions yet it's highly overvalued at 200 billion. Nano is worth far more than shit coin mk. 1 and it's only worth 2.5 billion. If you're too stupid to realize this thing is going to moon, then I'm just going to laugh at your obituary when you inevitably blow your brains out.
Carson Richardson
Lack of security would be a big bug. If you can break the cryptography, go ahead. That’s a lot of money you can take.
Nolan Phillips
Just because 1 person couldn't do it doesn't mean a collection of rich people couldn't do it. This wouldn't be possible with Bitcoin, however, because it is secured by a vast network of miners and hashpower.
The cryptography isn't necessarily the issue. It's the fact that the network isn't secured, and the fact that there is no incentive for people to secure the network.
Remember kids, if it's too good to be true, it probably is.
David Butler
The incentive to secure the network is to take a big dog shit on Bitcoin’s face and preserve the value of Nano.
Your next arguement might be it can only be integrated into computers with stronger processing capability not IPhones. Who’s to tell what technology newer Smart phones might bring in securing the network?
Adrian Price
>The incentive to secure the network is to take a big dog shit on Bitcoin’s face and preserve the value of Nano.
Ok kid, I see you have no real response to my arguments. Go shill your shitcoin somewhere else. I see through your bullshit.
Brayden Rogers
You don't think protecting your economic interests are an incentive to secure the network?
Jeremiah Edwards
xrb.network Why are these people running nodes then?
Zachary Ramirez
this is like buying Apple in 2010 or Amazon in 1995. keep FUDing, development will get stronger and stronger. in 2 years price will probably be 4 digits. we've seen it happen with btc and bitcoin cash