>We've had enough Grandpa Bitcoin, you can't keep doing this to them.
>Grandpa Bitcoin you're delusional.. YOU TRIED TO KILL THEM.
Screencap This.
>We've had enough Grandpa Bitcoin, you can't keep doing this to them.
>Grandpa Bitcoin you're delusional.. YOU TRIED TO KILL THEM.
Screencap This.
Push that old dement fart down the stairs.
Granpa coin can't die soon enough
Newcoiners need to be quiet
it already begin
>you come at the king, you best not miss, Sunny
Guys, bitcoin will never die. There is more to a coin's value than its utility. It's old and outdated but It has the namesake of being the first. Investing into BTC means you are investing into the idea of crypto. You can't buy anything with gold but it still has value.
Yeah, except it doesn't.
What if the flippening happened to fuck with wall street? Or are burgers irrelevant?
Bitcoin invented triple entry accounting
Nothing else has the level of security bitcoin has
Ethereum gets shut down by kitties and whenever a large ico is on, failures with smart contracts thank to shitty code result in millions and millions lost
Its proven. It's reliable. There is no creator in the picture (if you can't understand importance of this alone then just gtfo)
Anyone who is wishing for btc to fall is just a dumb cunt newcoiner who went all in on shit coins and blames their horrible trading on the king reigning supreme over the entire market... no one's fault but your own and you need to leave
BTC is a Fork of BCH. Nice try.
Thats why ETH will win. No one wants to have to decide between them.
t. butholder
Welp, I guess someones gotta do the honors of carrying bitcoin to its resting place at 0.
>project dragonslayer all over again
Incoming BTC bullrun
Why is there no bcash in my bitcoin qt wallet then?
Cause you're retarded and bought the wrong one probably.
Lmao that's funny as hell
>BTC: Coach, I get the living shit beaten out of me!
>SATOSHI NAKAMOTO: Holy Fuck! I didn't it would come to this! You gotta PUNCH HARDER, mah boy! Guts and PUNCH HARDER!
>BTC: Ok coach, Ima gonna punch huehuarder and block some more punches with my head! Here we go! Holy fuck! i got plenty of oxygen in my muscles! Coach, you're the best coach ever!
>ALTS: Oh shit! He's got plenty of oxygen in his muscles ! FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
ETH is a fork of ETC faggot