It's your last chance boys...there are pics in the telegram of the event. There are HUGE players involved in this, including the chinese government.
Mainnet is released today and its a very easy 3 to 5x from here.
It's your last chance boys...there are pics in the telegram of the event. There are HUGE players involved in this, including the chinese government.
Mainnet is released today and its a very easy 3 to 5x from here.
Other urls found in this thread:
10k INT bro checking in
Yes. FUD is going to start clearing up too. ITC and INT both will be solid
holy of the sponsors is the biggest branch of chinese government for technology research...
SAP and Huawei at the conference
My body is ready
>Total Supply
>1 000 000 000 INT
>Circulating Supply
>150 000 000 INT
Enjoy being fucked sooner or later.
any one can print company name on a paper. That evetn looks smaller than some school gymnasium
hnnnnnnnnnnnggg IRON HANDS reporting in
Lol bro...are you in the telegram? SAP, Huawei, and Microsoft China are attending...and there are other big players involved including a big car company
>Microsoft China
I'm out. Completely fucking irrelevant to anything MS do aside from getting people executed for SW piracy and pushing copies of MSPhone that fall apart when the vibrator rings
>mfw been Fuddin this shit before the conference
DO NOT FALL FOR THIS SCAM! Their partnerships are unconfirmed and mostly bullshit. You will lose your money!
this is how chinese scams works. Anybody can invite big names to their daycare convention , they don't have to attend and even if they do there might not be no deal
shut up. just let them fomo at this point
I hope this takes off. Bought at 80c and watched it dropped to hell. Sold half my stack at 80 and kept the rest but i'm still down. Please let me be free.
good job getting on the crypto reddit frontpage.
good job shilling again.
It is not very friendly of you to dump on noobs though, out of your frustration.
this won't see 1$ again in Q1
lmao at your agenda...
they listed them as partners in website, and they are attending to their CLOSED OPENING event
this can potentially be a top 30 coin and its painfully obvious at this point
this will see 3$ before end of feb
lying fudding faggot grow up and stop trying to steal bags
Moonmission confirmed you faggots
why does no one mention they are partnered with IBM?
because it has not been confirmed. It is fucking speculation
>user chooses virgin INT over superior chad ITC
hence why the price never goes up. It will moon so fuckin hard if any of them do get confirmed
0 chance.
8 page placeholder whitepaper and empty promises are not worth 1b
Ah yes all these big events go so well.
I remember the spike after wtc and icx. Into the gutter.
>Next iota
Is that supposed to be a good thing?
Who knows. IOTA might have grow more like ETH and this could be the NEO of IOTA
Or maybe it's the next SHIT on my SHOE
Doesn't matter. This would've mooned fuckin hard from just the speculation if this was NOV/DEC. Just unfortunate times for every coin
this is too big...
Moon time
I guess even a 15% is a moon in these times.
its called the beggining street shitter
IOST is better.
Buy it on its low and ride the coin.
Yeah, no, gtfo
>Not both
>Not holding NAS & HPB as well