I just broke the one rule in crypto

Went all in on rlc

EOY predictions?

Other urls found in this thread:


i also think RLC is great but why do I feel like the same guy is shilling this coin every day


they also shit on SONM all the time which makes me very bullish on it

$40 eoy
also, this isn't me from the other all in thread, I didn't make this lmao

lol honestly first time I'm posting..

Why is the price down?

About $3.50

It has an incredibly low volume. Anyone selling even a little will make the price change heavily. Once people start to notice this coin (not many people know about it right now) the volume will increase and it will have steady upward growth with more resistance to people selling

what is an "all in" for you ?

I would say roughly : Exit scam EOY 18

Farthest thing from a scam little boy

This is one of those projects that can't even be FUDed.

How much can this coin realistically be worth per?

The cloud computing industry is like $400b. So it isnt unreasonable for rlc to capture a decent portion of this. With the way marketcap is way overinflated in cryptos i would say that a 20bil mc is possible in the next 18 months. Long term 100bil is possible but they would need to capture a large market % for this. My eoy target is 10b which would be $125 each

my target is 10 bucks by may

Ixec btfo by somn and golem, get rekt

The one rule is buy high and sell low.
The second rule is listen to everything you hear on biz.
Lastly, the third rule is there are no rules.

i spend 2 days researching these 3 coins trying to pick a winner. they're all decent coins, and i think long-term they will see success. SONM does have a working product, and i think they're all competitive based purely on tech.

ultimately in comes down to business strategy in this case. SONM seems to be marketing themselves to investors primarily, with not a very collaborative mindset. golemn is hyperfocused on rendering, which isn't really needed by dapps right now (i can't think of a single dapp which needs this at the moment).

iexec has been focusing purely on delivering the product to dapp developers, and they're racking up partnerships behind the scenes. even if iexec's tech were inferior, i think they would win purely by gaining market adoption first. after dapps are already using the product and the tech is ready for other non-blockchain service requests, they will open it up to the public to run nodes, and it will be immediately profitable. the network effects will already be in place, while golemn is still optimizing the tech and sonm is trying to build hype among investors.


I heard it's a worse version of stratis