Explanation on what happened w/ PoWHCoin

Alright guys. Here's what happened.
PoWH did not INTENTIONALLY have a backdoor. The entire contract was drained because of something called an overflow bug.

function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public {
transferTokens(msg.sender, _to, _value);

The thief passed in an argument value of ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff, the largest possible unsigned integer which overflowed and allow the contract to pass and checks to see if he had any balance.

The transfer function then triggers a sell on tokens he doesn't even have.

SHILL: EthPyramid is patient. We are constantly testing and fixing bugs. Rest assured – this won't happen once we deploy.

Other urls found in this thread:


>hand rubbing intensifies

>tfw all I had to do was read the code to make 1 million dollars

can confirm this is true

232 Ethereum guy here. I hired the Russians to make this happen, you stole me first, though. You know what they say, it's no crime to steal from a thief.

kek id laugh my ass off if this is what happened

>shoulda paid attention in college

>The thief passed in an argument value of ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff


anyone on Veeky Forums who knows about ethpyramid is on the ground floor of the most well thought out and innovative money maker the ETH blockchain has ever seen. congrats boys, we're all gonna make it

how did he do it?


ethpyramid discord ?

This is the man himself. He's also working with one of the guys who found this backdoor too, they're making it scam proof.

>Discord ARC says he bout to do it to em
>Think its FUD
>Shows proof with POWHcoin69
>Not risking it, made back with dividends so im good
>Pulles out of POWH
>Takes shower
>Comes back and POWH is fucked
>Thanks ARC for the warning, you saved me 1 ETH bro

He thinks college teaches you useful stuff like this.

I was just about to make a thread on PoWHCoin crashing and I figured it was due to weak hands jumping ship to do something retarded like buy Ripple for the "impending Coinbase addition". But you're telling us you stupid motherfuckers couldn't even code this correctly? I can understand the hastily put together shadowfork shit flopping, but even the original one was a glitchy beta? Fuck you pajeet-tier imbeciles and any retard who buys into their next Jew scam.

I’m so ready for this OP.

This is what happens when you don’t get greedy and actually want to make a sustainable product.

This reminds me of exactly how ethercraft is. Great devs who are takin time to make sure shit doesn’t get fucked.

>tfw majored in finance

how do I learn to read code so I can do stuff like this

gojjam wtf am I doing with my life

Nobody is going to put ETH into this now. Anyone willing to take a chance has lost their ETH.

My body is so ready. It’s fucking aching

Lol there’s still people putting eth into POWH

How long do I have to wait? I'd much rather the team put up a solid date than keep delaying, especially when it's late at night. I keep staying up late so I can buy in immediately and getting fucked by these delays. Getting pretty sick of this shit, may just forget about it.

Also noone stole anything from you lmao.

One of the ethpy devs here.

Trust us we’re aching to get it working too - we just REALLY don’t want to Mt Shadow2.0Gox everyone.

Smooth over your jimmies. Soon.

The alternative is we release something that gets pajeeted as soon as it hits 100 Ether. Would you prefer that?

you JUST DID Mt. Gox everyone you fucking retards

Good for you user

I like how you think I had anything to do with PoWH. I didn’t. Take your finger pointing and fuck off.

No but I'd rather the rescheduled release times not be in the middle of the night

why hasn't someone done the same thing to the other clones? 3, 69, whatever there is

Are there Discord screenshots of this? For the lulz

Are you up?

Meant to quote I do appreciate the effort to make the release solid, and I still plan to buy in. But I know I'll get cold feet if I wait until the next day rather than buying in when it's released. Sometime in the evening would be fine but 2-3AM is pretty hard to keep doing.

Worldwide audience, man. Sucks but we gave ourselves another 24 hours to let everyone try and beat the shit out of it on Ropsten first.

You idiot, these are compeletely new and actually competent devs. This is ground floor. Either you get in on the hype or miss out on this ground floor.

EthPyramid Discord here

discord gg/T3dCMr

>these are compeletely new and actually competent devs


And this is all recorded on the Blockchain right? How do I view this?


yeah. He saved me about 750 usd, got out with 20 min to spare. Now hes helping redesign ethpyr with the proper checks to avoid this kind of disaster

yeah if you find the contract address you can watch the removal of 900 eth

One of us has a PhD if that helps.

It fucking doesn’t matter in the slightest, but we’ve got Dr. Peeramyd on the case.

Press ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff to Pay Respects

Want to thanks you guys, I was waiting around for this to launch yesterday and pulled out of powh while I was waiting, at first I was pissed off because pulled out at 920ether after holding for two days and I seen it go up to 1070ether. But so fucking glad I did now

how do I do the overflow bug?

>How do I steal money?
I guess you will have to learn by yourself

How did he do it?

...It does? Ever taken an embedded systems course?

Also why not shill the test net now and have the test net up for a week and have a release date, get anons to use the test net for the week so they can be sure this is finally safe? This would be a good idea because the anons can see how much they can make once the real one is up and running

sure, shill the testnet.

we've pushed a fix that does safe math operations but we need y'all to help out and test edge cases.

Does anyone have a link to the original contract? What was in the transferTokens() function that caused this to happen?

Where's the contract the Eth Pyramid test net is using?

>this time it will be different

It seems the contract is available here: etherscan.io/address/0xa7ca36f7273d4d38fc2aec5a454c497f86728a7a#code

I'm not very familiar with Solidity, but I'm trying to figure out why this was able to happen.

So the thief passed the maximum possible uint value to the transfer() function, meaning that if you added anything to _value, it would overflow (and become 0 again).

But shouldn't the check of (balanceOfOld[_from] < _value) in transferTokens() still return true, thus reverting the transaction? Nothing was added to _value, so how did it overflow?

Can someone with more experience pls explain how this happened so I never make a mistake like this in any of my softwares

>tfw I spotted someone make a valid transaction on shadowfork with wonky additional data like 12 after that crashed
>post it to Veeky Forums
>get told it means nothing
>wake up to this

So if the thief now has that much Eth, how the fuck is he going to cash out and put it on his taxes?

He reinvests and launders it on Binance.


This was the state of it as of yesterday, could have changed significantly now though. Try asking in their Discord for an updated version.

maybe he shoud programmed an input validation for those numbers, so mad ..

Bump. Props to the sploiter for figuring this out while we were all playing with our dicks, he earned his haul.

Academic question; is it possible to make the ERC20 token transferrable to other wallet but still able to receive the dividends?


I think he'll definitely get caught eventually, there's no way he'll be able to make it look like he just had some lucky investments when he tries to put it in the bank or put it on tax forms.

>Illegal hacking an illegal pozi scheme on an illegal cryptocurrency network


Is the all dividends gone also?

Im from the Powh Discord

Get out of your ERC20 tokens NOW

what do you mean how? by writing a program to do it...


it really depends on the college

start with a python hello world. go from there.

can this fuck me if i got ERC20 tokens on exchanges? it only matters if the tokens are on the contract adress r-right?

I majored in Accounting and now a law student and I regret not knowing code.
It's like, you can't be a millionaire these days without knowing code.

>this time will be different goys

>got all in into this ponzi scheme
>it crashed
>*throws things around*
>total IT brainlet
>*rightclick* show source
>delete some lines
>acidentaly hit enter after typing "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"
>mfw bankroll 1000000 USD

become an IT lawyer

Dubs confirm this shall be a thing

Exchanges hold the tokens themselves. If their wallets are drained, you're essentially praying they will honor their clients' balances. Some have proved they would (Bitstamp), some have made shitty socialized losses schemes (Bitfinex), some just exitscam (too many to list). Good luck.

Correct, because your tokens are in an exchange wallet.
If someone hacks the exchange wallet, then the exchange has got a problem... and a lot of motivation to fix it in a way where you don't get hurt (too much).

Guys just try to trick me again and u ded...
Btw. There is quantstamp for contract audit... Like, seriously see it

Im new to eth and smart contracts. How does a hacker execute some of his own code on someone else's contract?

He doesn't, he sends inputs that trigger a bug in the contract. Input validation 101.

get in early on the new ethernumbers ethernumbers.co/index2.html


Your respects payment triggered an owerflow. 1000 ETH have been sent to your wallet.



Real nigga talk, what happened is you invested in a pyramid scheme and it blew up.

So we want it back, right
Cmok guys! We can do this. Ethpyramid will be the choosen one. Og powh dęba were retards and failed

>"oh these, I mined them back in the day and forgot about them because eth was worth nothing then lol"

Never going in to anything like this after this fiasco.

The blame is on devs, who fucking released buggy contract
and didn't save the ETH for us before the hack, they fucking must have known about this,
instead they were fucking with shadow.

I would also be suspicious that devs themselves did this to us.

Aa ahhhhhhh hahahahahaba I told yall OG had bed bugs like shadow did but no one listened hahahahhahahahahahahha fuck you in the mouth, I told you so. Why didn't you listen?


holy shit



brb giving this a try lol

its not how you do it user...

What is happenning? Can somone explain to a beginner?
What are the consequences?

All the money so gone

>Give money to a currency made by Veeky Forums user
>Their token gets 'hacked'
>Easiest one mil of their lives

The actual fuck is wrong with you people?

I am legitimately happy that all you powh fags got your shit taken and I hope lessons were learned but I know you'll all be buying the next pajeet scam tomorrow

can anybody tl;dr what is this, have been missing out on Veeky Forums few days

I'm guessing the problem is before that line. This is what tickles my exploit bone:

payouts[msg.sender] += (int256) (balance * PRECISION);
totalPayouts += (int256) (balance * PRECISION);

It seems they were using signed int256 and unsigned uint256 later, so it was overflowing and then getting smashed into a uint256.

Google's coding style guidelines explicitly said "NO UNSIGNED DATA TYPES" because it is all too easy to silently truncate, or extend values due to signed/unsigned mismatches.