Where do millionaires come from? How do I become one of them from middle-class? Actual answers please; information like books, what to study, and who to listen to. Are there any millionaire forums/sites to take advise and tips from?
Where do millionaires come from? How do I become one of them from middle-class...
If you have to ask this question you literally do not have what it takes. Unless you get stupid lucky somehow, like inherit money from a relative you never knew you had type of lucky.
Be born from a rich daddy.
All the money in the world is owned by a couple thousand if that. You will barely exit middle class at best if you weren't born rich.
Say I don't have any kinds of wealthy connections, so what is still my best option? Is it just that some people have the disposition to achieve great things to allow them to become rich? JK Rowling was broke until she wrote, but you could attribute her wealth to being lucky enough to be good at writing. What is the most a middle-class person can potentially earn?
They come from millionaireland where millionaires grow on millionairees.
Anyone telling you "this is how to be a millionaire" is a millionaire because you fucking listened to their bullshit that you bought for 29.99. Be inventive and innovative. Create something to change the world and the world will change your life.
They come to anime imageboards and then they read the books recommended there from other millionaires.
These days a million dollars isn't even that much money. I graduated as a software engineer and I'm already saving $50k/year. Realistically, I could be a millionaire in twenty years if I continued renting. Even shorter as my salary increases
Teach yourself the skills necessary to create something, Teach yourself math also and the rest will follow. I wish I could stay motivated but easier said than done.
Sorry, graduated two years ago**
Wow...I read these answers and I shake my head.
I'm old enough to have a 30 year old daughter and I've been a millionaire twice...first a dot com trader and made a million and not only lost it all but ended up broke coming out of prison in 2008. Then I became a millionaire again and hopefully I've learned from my mistakes and will keep it til death.
OP is asking a legit question. I'll say this to OP, keep asking that question of yourself and don't listen to naysayers. Always ask yourself 'what can I do to improve myself? and who could I ask?'
This type of response has always perplexed me. What you're saying is don't buy info from a millionaire on how to become a millionaire? Who would he get it from? A bum?
Realistically you'll be living paycheck to paycheck without a PLAN over the next 20 years. Been there, done it, seen it, lived it.
So...what would I tell myself 30 years ago to get wealthy?
Well...chances are if you're on this site, you're actually smart and you're ahead of the game (good). You have the intellectual horsepower to succeed, so go do it.
Next find what you enjoy and are good at, and the money will come in. Really, its that easy. If you expect to be rich tomorrow, well I can't help you there.
Concentrate on one thing. I do forex. I eat sleep and shit it...in front of the computer 14 hours a day. I still have a social life and I make my own schedule, but I ENJOY IT. When I hear people say 'but I want to enjoy my life not just work' or 'yeah, but I wanna have a social life too' I instantly know they don't have the drive to be rich. Sorry, but thats how it goes. So many of you kids want to trade for 3 hours a day, get moonmissions and 10x your money in 7 minutes. Well, it just doesn't work that way!
tl dr; do something you enjoy
the guy that invented the pet rock made a million dollars
Create a substantially valuable product or company
Get a decent job, preferably business or engineering related. Learn to invest in the stock market properly, and try to max out your 401k contributions. This will carry you straight to upper-middle class, but it's going to take a lot more work to make it "big." Start a business that is scaleable, i.e. you can use the profits you make to expand the business which creates more profits. You might have difficulty with this if you start a small accounting firm or work as an electrician. Finally, use left over personal income to invest in rental property. Rental property is great because you can use the rent you collect to pay the mortgage and insurance, and you get to collect both equity on the house and appreciation.
This won't make you a billionaire, but it will make you a millionaire. If you want to make billions then you're going to need to take that "start a scaleable business" thing to a whole 'nother level. Think large health care companies that own multiple hospitals; think of a holding company with branches in multiple industries; think of a real-estate company that trades sky-scrapers. This end-zone is very hard to get into if you weren't born a millionaire, but it is possible. It might be tough because the boomers had it easier, and they already have most of that wealth. However, they're set to die soon, and you can surely out maneuver the millenials. Right?
> Anyone telling you "this is how to be a millionaire" is a millionaire because you fucking listened to their bullshit that you bought for 29.99
I think the other problem is that confirmation bias will only make us listen to the stories of the successful. Bob and Peter both spend all their savings on lottery, one becomes a millionaire, the other loses everything, then Bob writes a book and Peter kills himself and nobody ever hears about him. If the lottery thing doesn't sound cool, change it to selling paintings or the stock market. There are obviously strategies involved, but a person's success doesn't mean that the strategy was good. Just my theory, but the quicker a person becomes rich, the more likely it is that variance played an important role.
Also, my personal plan to become a millionaire is waiting for LINK to hit $20.
A million dollars isn't much.
I don't feel rich and my dad has more than 2 million at least.
>He doesn't read Malcolm Gladwell
>He doesn't read Brian Tracy
>t. Didn't buy xrb at 8 cents
Just find a crypto that are only on one shitty exchange that reeks of scam. I made my first M with rai. Making my first B with trtl. Sitting on over 200M trtls
first you start to think like a rich person, then you become one.
there is no other way around it...
the ones who happen to get some money and still think like a poor person, will lose it all again...
that's why most lottery winners aren't a thread for the rich and i bet even entertainment...
just look at the state of Veeky Forums
>made 2 mil, what are taxes lel???
>i threw 232 eth into a ponzi and now it's gone... oh, shucks... easy come, easy go
>ECONOMIY UNFAIR COMMUNISM FTW (while trading in an open market to literally siphon money from stupid people)
But we need to take risks and throw our money at risky schemes.
>i threw 232 eth into a ponzi and now it's gone... oh, shucks... easy come, easy go
Another user told me that guy had $67 millions, I don't know how he found out or if it's true, but I really doubt someone would put that much into it if it was actually money for them.
>A million dollars isn't that much money
>Will take 20 years to save.
>run a business
>put yourself first
>realize your customers and lenders would trip over themselves for the chance to screw you over if it benefited them
Invest in crypto in 2015 or earlier.
Get a responsability job with 80h+/week.
start a business
take risks with your investments
thats about it
Thanks everybody for posting, I really appreciate it.
When people say business, would Harold von Braunhut be a good example? He was the first to sell sea monkeys, and I see those plastic containers every time I go into toy stores. Literally every kid has had sea monkeys. He must have been worth millions.