3 hours from now. Are you ready, fucknaggers?
Jibrel Network
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should i go all in user?
where can i buy it?
How the fuck is it three hours from now.? Pretty sure you have your times fucked up user
Release is feb 1st 12:00pm (GMT) or am I wrong?
Isn't the price going to immediately tank?
Yes, 12.00pm is a noon. So, now is 9.21am GMT.
Maybe, maybe not. Market is fucked up currently.
Never go all in, unless you are a poorfag.
2 hours and 40 minutes is when the tokens will be released.
This will be on Kucoin right, and word if it will be on binance also?
Could be on binance, if not from day one. They never announce coins being added to binance beforehand.
>This will be on Kucoin
Yes it will.
> if it will be on binance also?
Binance doesn't allow to announce anything. Eventually it will be there.
I'm guessing it will trade on binance aswell, but have to send ether to one of them, should I play it safe and just send it to Kucoin?
That's what I'd do. Would probably be able to get it cheaper there too.
You reckon user, the volume sucks and easy to fuck with
Kucoin is a piece of shit
Also any ico holders planning on dumping or holding? I am a ico holder, but I am holding in case this thing skyrockets and going to buy some more today as I was a neet and did not put enough on this on the ico, such a fucking idiot
I agree with that, I went back to using binance, but just went on there before and seen its been upgraded a bit, kind of looks like binance now even
Never sell JNT. Only buy more.
i think doing anything other than holding in this current market would be unwise
Agreed. So what do you reckon guys, this will release on binance at the same time?
I'm ready to get jUSD instead of JUST
Looking forward to holding these balloons for the year. My body is ready.
4 dubz out of 7 post
Sorry just had to say it
fuck yes
Where you buying from user?
Wait a sec, I look up my crystal ball. It's a fact it WILL be there, the question is WHEN. There can be the same situation as Qash, when the binance fucked the agreement to list it and still holding 1mil of tokens waiting.
Fuck, thanks for whipping out the crystal ball. I guess I'll just have to use kucoin
Got in on the ICO for just over 2k JNT with 0.65 ETH.
Thanks to the fucking Veeky Forumsard who shilled it here on the last day before it closed.
Fucking lucky, I was a pussy and put like 0.15 on it, fuck sakes. Didn't do any research till after, so I did fomo in but when I found out who fucking owns this a I felt like I needed rope for not buying more.
There is a chance of tanking after listing, so don't be upset. It is a crypto, there can happen any shit.
I will be watching this shit, no jumping start in
Also pajeet spotted
I went all in with 1 btc when the price was above $18500. /comfy/
Don't worry, pajeets are banned from crypto :) WE are pajeet free soon
Just fucking with ya, didn't notice you were the same Id as crystal ball faggot
Bumperino. While pajeets are baning crypto, Arabian oil magnats are betting on it.
means JNT will make 99x returns EOM
5.7k Jiblet here, I'm not expecting much of a moon given the state of the market right now but whatevs. Iron hands here.
1 hours left, lets go boys
Jibrel is a financial service provider (soon to be a fully licensed bank) in Switzerland. It allows for fully backed traditional assets via so called Crypto Depository Receipts (CryDRs) on the blockchain, which is an interesting concept especially regarding the ongoing Tether controversy. The first asset has already launched for institutions and is called jCash. jCash rolled out in 5 different currencies for the start.
JNT will be used as a proof of solvency token. The Jibrel bank/DAO has to hold enough JNT to cover for its onchain liabilities. This means if there are tokenized assets worth 20 million USD, the DAO has to hold JNT worth that amount. If JNT dumps in price, the DAO will have to buy more JNT to keep being able to cover for their liabilities. Conversely, if JNT moons, the DAO will sell JNT, because it will hold too much. This dampens price movement, however, the more people use this service and tokenize assets, the more JNT will be held by Jibrel. Well, technically they wouldn't need to hold more if price increased accordingly, but from an investor's perspective this does not matter, as a supply decrease implies a price increase anyway. All this is regulated by Swiss banking law and audited by PwC.
The token economics are great in my opinion, because they are directly tying price to the success of the project.
This is the definition of a hodl coin. Their roadmap is directly tied to token price.
This is the next 100x coin.
30 minutes.
Lol this shit is going down so hard. Sorry, user. Shit market timing
yup I have the same feeling, bad timing
In the bull market back in dec, yes sure.
Right now it wont even be x2.
You know bitshares has had this for 4 years now with bitUSD and bitEUR? Look up smartcoins... Each one is backed by 175% the value of the debt in bitshares (or any currency you want). There's bitCNY, bitGOLD...
>Buying while buttcoin is tanking
No thanks. I think I'll just sit in ETH and wait a couple of weeks for a discount.
do you think there will be JNT/BTC or JNT/ETH on kucoin?
Well, I feel nothing.
Was supposed to be 5 minutes ago? Any exchange up so far?
where the fuck is it
where the fuck is this... i had to wake up at 4am
What does anime-chan think about this one? He used to do solid shilling analysis, got me into airswap.
nice exitscam
exit scammed by jews who knew
Go to Kucoins Telegram. The admins don't even know what Jibrel is.
does "unlocked" mean available for trade? Or available for deposit?
Fuck off, we need it on binance and Kucoin over here for fuck sakes
Is this a good buy price?
1 JNT = 0.25 USD
Was ico price. interesting
They unlocked the coins and it's currently trading on gate. Other exchanges soon.
>The JNT trading will be enabled at 12:00pm Feb. 2, 2018 BJT
You can only deposit yet.
it's not on coinmarketcap, I believe that's fake
Fuck I need to sleep
exchanges will allow deposits and it will take time before it starts trading. Rest easy user
OK rest I shall go to sleep, guessing this time tomorrow it will be added to trading
Shouldn't it already be on HitBTC even if it's not trading? I'm not seeing it.
Wasn't this supposed to hit Liqui.io exchange as well ? If so I can't seem to find it yet =/...
tokens are unlocked, it's up to the exchanges how quickly they'll list them
not even Jibrel is going to save us
What was the ico price?
quite the contrary