get comfy
Welcome to the flippening
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I'm really glad I didn't buy grandpa.
its about fucking time
my body is so fucking ready
>up 1%
top kek, I panic sold for no reason, someone actually just marketbought 500k when I was selling @ bitfinex
hope it dips below previous low so I can jump right back because BTC is tanking like motherfucker now
Look at it surviving this crash. The bane meme becoming more and more true.
>Have we started the fire?
>Yes, the fire rises!
6 on gdax
>Doesnt look at the 1 Week candles
>btc down 3%
>eth up 2%
cursing my weak hands as we speak but I think BTC will drag it lower than where I sold in a while
realistic ETH price monday?
also guess shitcoin price
thank you money skeleton
How much of BTC's volume do you think it'll get? 10%? 50%? How many BTC retards will be willing to buy in after taking it up the ass?
Around 1200
Shitcoins are going to suffer.
i'll exchange my 0.001 btc for .5 eth
Most people won't actually buy ETH until after it flips BTC.
watching it on a bitstamp tab live so is like seeing the future of cmc kek
at 8 ETH will scoop up a lot but then so will fiat so mebbe a third to half if it parks on 8
at 7 and below carnage everywhere
only guessing though
>60% of stack in ETH
>20% of stack in OMG
>20% of stack shorting BTC with 10x leverage
This will be a fun month.
hmm I feel like ETH is going to go lower during this but I am doubting it might anymore. hmm
Yes the flippening until futures trading starts for Eth. Then Wall Street will drive Eth into the ground as well. BTC is being fucked with by Wall Street that is the reason the price is tanking - CME futures stopped trading last Friday and settle this Friday so the only way traders can now strengthen their short positions is to drive the price down further.
The ultimate Chad portfolio
Respect user
this guy fucks
lol at you idiots believing this larping faggot
Why the fuck would I larp about the ratio of my folio, when it's clearly the best course of action?
should have shorted everything else too
everything is bleeding
Nah BTC is entirely speculative
ETH has enough underlying value where it can avoid this shit if futures ever start for it
Thank god my portfolio is mostly OMG
The flippening hype will drive it up even more. Expect not just a flippening, but a moon mission.
sell your dinosaur coin now gramps
I bought some eth recently for this reason.
Lost 75% of it to an ICO scam....
Shit man ETH is up 1% right now lol Thats fucking impossible!
In an hour the Americans wake up... This will get ugly
Bitcoin $5000, ETH $6000 EOM
>tfw you finally manage to pull the trigger on commiting to the flippening.
how can this stay at 1100 when btc is tanking like that
last time BTC was testing this price ETH dived to fucking 700
If I see BTC go below 9500 and it stays below for a bit I will just say fuck it and go in. I am just worried of a massive panic sell off of the entire market. I dont want to get justed when ETH hits 600 USD lol
its fine senpai. they will see it rallying like a mother fucker.
ETH will be #1 by summer. All alts will be up white BTC will be down. We aren't crashing, we are decoupling.
*Go in to ETH
FUCK BTC that shitcoin needs to die.
cause idiot pajeets panic selling into tether right now
Most money isn't leaving crypto. Money is leaving BTC for ETH.
Et tu, Eteram?
I have a magical ability to make everything dump the second I go in on it with a decent sized stack. Just warning you guys.
I trust Vitalik and the ETH dev team much more than the tards at blockstream. We know where the brainpower has moved.
Faster ETH gets #1, the better it is for the whole crypto community.
Do us all a favor and go-all in on granpa, so we can get this shit over with.
I went in. Prepare to see ETH tank to 900!!
Eth can slowly take Btc position
We will recover as a market, then Cardano will finally be ready and implemented. Taking ETH spot, because it will be noticed as fool proof technology with no hurdles.
Buy orders getting eaten faster than daddy's cummies
The entire crypto market is speculative.The only underlying value for Eth is cryptocats and ICO scams. The far bigger barrier for Eth is getting normies to understand what the value of a smart contract is - It took 10 years for even the most basic level of understanding what a cryptocurrency is.
Anyway the futures market is now edging towards long positions so if the BTC price starts moving up in the next two weeks it is 100% confirmed it is the plaything of Wall Street.
More top 10 coins pairs and more fiat pairs for alts!
No more BTC dependance on the exit price!
Oh and delist USDT pairs!
Radix, Jibrel, Maker to the rescue.
More DEXes soon!
I mean, sure, when BTC dives all the way to 8k later today it's going to drop below 1100 eventually
but the fast that it stays so strong despite what's happening is a testament to ETH's strength
this and finally!
alt will pump hard after everyone understands that it's about bitcoin crashing not the whole market (which is only a consequence of pairing)
More specifically its about people who ONLY measure value in Sats and not USD.
Please I would get in on that in a fucking heartbeat
Oh I meant BTC's buy orders lol. I believe in ETH's strength.
I disagree. I don't think you've done enough research into ETH. A large part of what's happening is due to the superiority of ETH's fees and tx time along with BTC becoming less used for trading pairs.
It didn't tank a single second during the whole month. It was getting up in satoshis the whole time.
Once BTC dips below $8000 ETH will hit $2000 in a couple of hours.
>measuring in sats
ETH is mainly trades against USD though
I want to suggest to the VR Chat devs that ETh smart contracts would be an amazing way to combat people stealing each others avatars. Probably would be easy to setup too. Not only that but true ownership of Avatars would be interesting for that setting.
Honestly I see lots of use cases for ETH.
Who else shorting BTC with leverage now?
Money is ROLLING IN.
Screamer. Do. Not. Click. That. Link.
what does this mean exactly?
Alt fag here
He wasn't joking holy hell
I'm a retard who traded my ETH for a shitty alt last night. Now I don't know if I should go back into ETH for a 15% loss or just wait it out.
Fuck this shit, I knew btc would dip lower too. I got too greedy and fell for the "buy le dip" meme.
ahh damnit ETH is starting to go down now. Fuck it though this is it, HODL MODE ENABLED.
It means you put in money and borrow 1-100x that amount from the exchange.
I put 4 BTC at 10x leverage. Which means I'm really shorting with 40 BTC.
What'd you do with your litecoin
this. same for any bch flip. most wont move until its obvious a coin has flipped. then they will panic rush over.
I clicked the link. :X will I make it? I have most hit disabled in brave browser though.
ETH is going to come out of this just fine. It'll probably follow BTC down at a much slower pace, and then recover hard when BTC is down for the count.
Its still amazingly resilient.Only one of my coins that has shown good growth in the last month.
Yeah thats my thinking. But I was NOT expecting ETH to hold this strongly holy shit.
ty oldfag
Wait, how the fuck do i bower money from the exchange!?
Yeah I expected this, the more times it has to climb it's way back up above 10k the more buyers will get demoralized which is how we'll slide into 8k
Whales are flippening.
It's happening.
Me neither, to be honest. But it's a pleasant surprise. Turns out a lot of people in crypto aren't complete retards.
It is nothing to do with that - there are far better coins than ETH for transaction times and costs, I fully understand how ETH works.
What I am trying to point out is how the markets and big money works.
For example, the traders that use futures to hedge/strengthen their positions cash out parts of their portfolio in excess $100 million plus in single transactions.
Think about how that can influence a market with that level of money behind them.
This is it.
Once we go at 70% it's over
post yfw 500k ETH buy order at market price
If you have to ask that, you don't do it.
Easiest hodl ive ever had to do. I could tether up and buy at the end of the dip but i have absolute faith in ETH
never had any
Also, reminder that Americans aren't awake yet.
And they're the most emotional traders of all. They're going to throw us right over the edge.
been comfy for weeks now
Short or no-coiner?
30 minutes until they begin doing their magic.
East coast doesn't start trading seriously for another two and a half hours.
How do you get the exchange to loan you those 40 BTC?
For the last few days I have been having visions of sitting in front of my computer and watching history being made as ETH surges past BTC in price for the first time and becomes the new king.
Soon. I've already pulled everything into ETH, if you haven't - do it.
w-when are the alts going back up
hold me guys, I panic sold at 1095 during initial flash crash
literally no opportunity to buy back so far even though BTC keeps testing new lows
this surely can't keep going like that r-right?
After BTC starts being humble.
A whole $750! No wonder BTC is tanking.
>surely can't keep going like that r-right?
Its already blown my expectations out of the water. Competely. I was EXPECTING ETH to be in the low 900s by now.
Now is the worst fucking time to be in alts. Except for the few robust ones. I couldn't be bothered transferring my OMG to Binance because it is more closely linked to ETH than BTC.
Everything else went right out the window. BTC is going to take them all down with it.
>For the last few days I have been having visions
consider seeing a doctor mate
senpai can you take 2min of your precious time and tell me where and how can i see whats going on with the futures,
I would like to understand better when and how to check the expiration of the contracts, the current price and the volume...
Thank you user, tell me what can i offer in return