convert them to FUN and take a chance at reliving the glory of massive gains through gambling soon. cha cha cha niggers
Hodl all your shitcoins because there will be a use for them soon
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Some faggot yesterday said some supposed pump is happening at 12:01 PM EST today. I fucking doubt it, but do with random Veeky Forums posts what you will.
we gon be rich
I have 38k fun. Not having fun right now though
How far down will this dip? Should i dump my eth stack into it now?
14.6K FUN reportan.
Who here actually believes the buy signal posting that has happened lately? I would love it, but am skeptical right now. Comfy hold for 2k18 regardless.
riding this coin the the ground bois
>0.071205 USD
>I didn't buy FUN when it was 12 cents
>I didn't buy FUN when it was 10 cents
>I didn't buy FUN when it was 8 cents
>It's going to drop to 6 cents or below
When's a good time? I haven't bought in yet and I understand ICE is the 6th to 8th, but now I'm a little worried to touch this coin. Is this normal? Can anyone name any other coin that has recovered from such a drop?
>he didnt get in at 5 cents
I'm thinking about buying at 6.
bought in at 4 cents sold at 18 hoping to but in again around 4-6.
10k funlet coming through. Bought 3k at the recent dip, rest were at .5. Having some FUN. Now it all depends on whether ICE date is during a bear market or a bullish one. Hopefully we're on a bullish one and can sell the news.
unironically I think that FUN along with UFR are going to be pretty comfy holds, when the market crashes FOR REAL. I mean these two at least have kinda out of the box blockchain implementation, that actually solves real world problems
The entire market is tanking, it will recover.
It was at 2 cents at the end of November, I'm still at a profit.
i can't wait for a Veeky Forums casino to open up
I'm buying some now in case it doesn't go any lower. If it does, I'll throw some money at it under 5,5
Literally only buy shitcoin for coke and FUN for gambling.
What the fuck are you hodling for cunt.
Enjoy your life fag, before you are old and dead.
up 10 percent in the past hour.
Is 10.7m user lurking? 104k here. bought at 14 and 9.