when eth back to $300?
and fuck off flippening fags, you know that it will follow btc, like it always does.
when eth back to $300?
and fuck off flippening fags, you know that it will follow btc, like it always does.
Other urls found in this thread:
As soon as everyone here buys it
it literally wont
also it might take few days to get there but there's gonna be huge bounce at 8k, whether the down trend will continue after that or not is another matter
its habbening
I don't know but when it does I will just sell my house to buy more hahahahaha ETH is invincible
> fuck you my horse will never change to cars ever! I love my horse and I hate technology!
can someone explain why is it not tanking hard right now after the serious exploit found?
Get a load of this retard
The weak handed crypto currency doubters are now weak handed bitcoin doubters who are selling into Eth rather Fiat.
First Bitcoin dies then Eth dies and all the other alts follow once everyone realises that there is no holy grail crypto that will earn them 100x until the one launched by VISA/JPM/The Fed comes and everyone wonders how the hell they actually believed that a few Pajeets could transform the world of finance from their bedroom.
Shitcoins will pump tomorow
It was NEO's time :(
What exploit?
i said:
if you think normies will ever value eth over btc you're more deluded than arkies
Once it flips during the next month, BTC will go to $1000 and ETH to 10k
The hype is over.
All the nerds into crypto have been here for months.
All the normies have been here since December/January and are now exiting after their losses.
Older people won't touch this shit because they're smart enough to not invest in a dying trend.
6K in a few weeks.
Common Response:
> This is just like last year, don't worry guys!!!
No it's not like fucking last year. For starters, there were no major future contracts. Right now, there's more volume on Poloniex and Bitfinex than the entire Binance volume as a whole. There will never be a parabolic run ever again. Open up the chart, look at the long term trend, and stop telling yourself lies.
Remember this simple fact: When everyone thinks they're going to get rich off something, it's already too late. When your taxi driver wants to invest in crypto, it's too late. When your friend from high school calls you up talking about how he found a new get rich quick scheme through crypto, it's time to pack the bags, wish crypto a good farewell, and find another way to make money again.
Et tu brute? Cried the dying buttcorner. Even your diction is falling out of fashion
Lol this is a fake screenshot and means nothing for ETH even if it were real because it says ERC20 not ETH you morons.
People forget that normies don’t understand marketcap. As long as btc has a higher price they will think it’s more valuable than ETH
flippening is real
So much pain and denial from BTC holders...
I wonder how you explain that ETH is going up while your relic coin loses more and more value.
What do you think gives eth value beside erc 20 token? Right, nothing
Oh no a Reddit comment time to sell all my tokens
>making normies rich
>Buy the rumour sell the news
In a bear market
ETH isn't going up, its staying at the same value, indians selling BTC to ETH and BTC to USD panicking the market.
nice pasta faggot
If you post pic with sharpie in pooper I might send you 0.5 eth
nice analysis just sold 100k eth
yes just like how the stock market never recovered from the dot com bubble
or like how real estate never recovered from its bubble
Are people in denial or are they just pretending they can't grasp trends?
two posts on an anonymous west Ghanaian basket weaving imageboard in a row reassuring yourself that everything is gone be allright.
You poor money hating fool
nice just bought 1000k
its not an exploit inherent to ethereum or erc20 tokens. it was shitty code.