get rid of your emotions and ride the new train
Get rid of your emotions and ride the new train
The flippening is real
Well, good time to hold ERC20 tokens then, after ETH pump, they will be the next ones.
TFW OP is an idiot
Tab Google search... >how to take a screenshot
And you want to give people any advise ?
>being this new
stop emberassing yourself
yes.. sure
Jesus fucking crist in ENG overthrows Bitcoin within the next 2 weeks I will take a shower
screencap this
Sorry you lost all your money on a Ponzi scheme.
thank you for pointing this out
well, most ERC20 tokens are shitcoins anyway, it's good that those will be purged.
Point is, not gonna sell my link, brah.
>Jesus fucking crist in ETH overthrows Bitcoin within the next 2 weeks I will take a shower
>screencap this
>how to take screenshot
I audibly keked.
Aso, you literally did it the worst way possible.
Protip: Screengrab.
hahahahaha top fucking kek lord jesus
what exploit?
He's full of shit, no other ERC20 token has the extremely simple bug they put in their scam contract. Not even smart contract or solidity 101, they made a fucking basic My First Hello World 101 error where they literally forgot what variable they were working with between two functions. The underflow was just a result of that much simpler bug, rather than the real cause of the problem.
Lurk more faggots
>being this new
just lurk, dude. you're not ready.
jesus christ. the responses in this thread go to show you how this board has totally gone to shit. op is not a faggot, but most of you are. your emotions will ruin you. op exposed your confirmation bias so masterfully. tldr; buy eth.
>mastering shitcoins
you sir are a genius. thank you for this.
Back to plebbit, you cancerous fucks.
you are welcome my good user
also, fuck you newfriends