If you are not buying, then you are literally a big poopface
If you are not buying, then you are literally a big poopface
I don’t know how it could be any more obvious that we are in capitulation.
>thinking we didn’t just go through mania
I guess that faggy chart was right...good thing we should only be getting justed for another few weeks. See you guys at return to mean.
We're going to break out of a huge descending triangle soon.... to the down side.
we are closing in on despair desu. i think it will go lower
>media attention
all these happened in 2017
my sister knows about bitcoin
We're not in capitulation yet. This is still fear. Capitulation is ahead, and it will likely take weeks rather than days.
I would think this graph matches better than yours..but you choose what you believe
The market cap is not even a trillion dollars, think about it. Dept in america is waay above a trillion dollars.
Just let that settle in.
How many unbanked has been banked? We have not even touched the potential of this market.
I can't wait for despair, its going to be glorious. A lot of Veeky Forums is stuck in denial, I want the butthurt to be supreme.
Lol you think that's how markets work?. It will take weeks to finish crashing and then a year at least to recover
Grab a beverage. It's gonna be bretty gud.
If you call that a bear trap, then you are a moron.
We are in a bear trap right now.
Yea, seriously biz is retarded as a fking non jew banker now. Did any of you autists understand that Kodak, Line and Telegram aren't lining up for ICOs for nothing. If you think this is the end phase of the bubble then lord knows you are all truly fucking retarded dipshits born with broken feminine hands. Learn to zoom out kids
Thanks I like this version of the graph better than the ones all the no coiners post
you are at the wrong place on the graph coiner
did they know?
Chinese New Year
number two
Yup the nocoiner ones are fucking retarded "yeah our 5-6 weeks of initial, minor, institutional investors and early public money magically = the entirity of the Awareness and Mania Phases".
This version is pretty spot on. BTC might drop to $7k/$5k or whatever but this is definitely the bear trap. The FOMO when it begins it's next bullrun when a majority of normies are aware of it and actually have a variety of options for getting involved rather than being restricted to the likes of Coinbase will melt faces.
Didn't the "institutional investors"/wallstreet start like, two weeks ago or something?
hello newcoiner
I literally have no more than 5 weeks to learn all the basics of crypto so I can get a few K in after it bottoms out. Where do I start?
this. maybe im delusional but you talk to any one on the street, 9/10 they will not have ever invested in cryptos. there has been no public enthusiasm
None because of the high transaction fees that ensure the majority will never be able to use the system. Lightning Network is a meme and won't solve anything
You are right for crypto overall, but wrong for BTC
BTC is in the fear stage.
Flippening is happening this month. Book it
my gf who can't use a PC beyond browing Facebook knows about Bitcoin and tells me a news story about it almost every week
we are far past media attention
do you own bitcoin? she probably sees youre interested and trying to have a conversation
>wehn your dumb slut gf talks about MY bitcoin
Break up with her then
>mfw Veeky Forums normies actually believe this
None of my normie friends ever talk about crypto and if they do, all they know is Bitcoin and they don't even know how the blockchain works. The only reason why it seems like everybody and there mother is in is because we live and breathe this stuff.
are you dumb?
>and they don't even know how the blockchain works
>My friends talk about Instagram all the time, but they don't even know in which programming language the app is written!
Only tech guys care about the underlying system. End-users don't need know how blockchain works.
What you retards fail to understand is that we live in a information based society. There is so much fucking info going around everywhere. Yes everyone has heard of Bitcoin, but 99% of people have no clue how blockchain works, they just see it as interweb gold moneis. When people actually start learning about blockchain and it’s applications then we are going to go for massive bullrun. You also can’t compare this bubble to the .com bubble, because it’s global and again information moves a lot faster, it’s easier to trade and read about shit. Trust me, we are still in the beginning.
Lol you know we’re in the denial phase when someone is trying to fit the meme chart in a way to say the real growth hasn’t happened yet
yep my grandma who cant work a computer knows about it and how it is "up and down" its over.
If they are wanting to make money in crypto using fundamental analysis, then they need to have a base understanding of how it works. If they can't even grasp the basics after watching a 3 minute youtube video then they are fucking retarded.
>If they are wanting to make money in crypto using fundamental analysis
They are not. The pool of gamblers and traders is limited by default.
FA, so whats your take on the whole blockchain existing for 10 years have a 400b marketcap, purely used for speculation still hasnt have a working product that people who will use it(financial world) wants. that has numerous fraudulent transactions
that is clearly clearly over bought?
care to give some FA if you consider the whole crypto market is at the stock market
There is no indicators that its over yet.
Big volume is still pushing prices down.
>blockchain existing for 10 years
Most of blockchain solutions for business will be released this year.
I would say blockchain only existed for 1 year.
This guy is correct. We are in the very early stage of this new tech and its adoption. Like gettin in on sunlight before there was fuckin sunlight.
>I would say blockchain only existed for 1 year.
What the fuck, just sell, you don't understand anything.
>ITT retards acting like they know the future
so pathetic to watch. nobody knows whats going to happen so why dont you just enjoy the ride and stfu
fucking sheeps