>BTC dying
>Most of crypto burning/bleeding
>PRL still mooning.
Can you doubt its power now?
>BTC dying
>Most of crypto burning/bleeding
>PRL still mooning.
Can you doubt its power now?
Other urls found in this thread:
15$ EOY.
>bleeds for weeks
>only thing up right now
What is this shit doing?
Reaching it's new floor: $4.5
Does the current price even matter? It's gonna be pegged to storage, so once people realize you can store about 64GB for a year with 1 PRL it all depends on how much people value that amount of storage on an anonymous decentralized DAG.
Testnet released and it looked pretty fucking awesome (except for upload times, but that will be fixed).
That's $15 at current rates.
Also, Bruno said that 64 GB is the MINIMUM amount you'll be able to store with 1 PRL. He said realistically we can reach up to as much as 512GB, which would put it at a valuation of $48/PRL (!)
This thing is hilariously undervalued if the tech is legit.
Oops not $15, I meant $6.
5500 PRL's
What rates are these? Current centralized options? If yes i'd say PRL should be valued higher, it's not centralized and anonymous.
Decentralized, user, encrypted, can store the kiddie fiddling. 1 mil.
still a strong projection to start with
Post yfw the oyster protocol goes live this month and we do x20 like SIA
what the fuck are you talking about, it hasn't been mooning, it just started. It's been going down steadily for a month
Bought 25k at .81 yesterday, already flipped and back in. Man, solid projects with low caps on 1 exchange that's liquid makes me happy in my pants.
biz is too stupid and wont get it until it's already mooned
i've got a FEVERRR
WHEre to get this shitcoin
Been looking at this for a few weeks. Worth selling TNC for this or wait for it to dip?
Probably won't dip much, it's been dipping all month and good test net news came out yesterday. Shoulda bought when it was at 7k two days ago
It has been "dipping" this whole month, just like the rest of the market. The positive news about the testnet a is pushing the price right now. They are planing testnet b this month, then main net in april, not much time for dipping unless some of these go horribly wrong.
Fuck off pajeet troll
More like cratering
OP you such a shiteating faggot for giving this /biz cancer about PRL
>would fucking choke you right now
shoulda woulda coulda shoulda woulda coulda shoulda woulda coulda shoulda woulda coulda shoulda woulda coulda shoulda woulda coulda shoulda woulda coulda shoulda woulda coulda shoulda woulda coulda shoulda woulda coulda
>implying biz wouldn't know about PRL