time to get your money back, people, while it's under the radar! then it's too late to get multiples of your investment in a short period of time. Tomorrow likely Binance.
* Only private presale (~=27mcap) * Trading on ED at 3-4x ico price * One of the mostly underdog project with great team of wordclass engineers and phds * Big bros have already invested: VEN, QTUM, HPB * Tech is trying to revolutinize the scale problems for iot and connected devices like self driving cars etc.
* New chain/bc will be deployed some time this year and the swap happens then with the erc20 tokens.
Xan is that you? How did this ICO ever end up. What are the RIOs for the people who ended up getting into the contract buy for it so far?
Thomas Campbell
>CP Well the fact that the majority of internet users know CP means child porn, they may have wanted to pick something else. Not trying to fund a pedo-ring on the blockchain.
Jayden Thomas
i heard about it first time... that cp is child porn. must be the worst organized FUD ever.
Logan Nguyen
Hello guys I am so happy, so excited to be here. CP Chain will change the world forever as we know it, from China to Washington to Africa to Alaska. The change is already happening and we are COMING IN WAVES.
I suggest that its about time to pick up some CPC on ED or IDEX before the dev team announces new exchange listing tmrw.
Cooper Russell
>CP coin did they think about the name a lot? on the other hand, it might be named cp on purpose
Benjamin Cook
Me too
Josiah Lee
dont buy it faggots
too many weak timothy hands in here
Xavier Hernandez
whales are not weak handed and are not selling x1000 long-term project, fool. Whales are whales for a reason... unless they got a small loan of million dollars.
Luke Cox
what the fuck is this pajeet link
Noah Gray
>7 posts by this ID.
rakesh please go
Blake Hill
8, rajesh didnt have 100+ ETH for this private sale.
Liam Foster
How many CPC for a masternode?
Sebastian Brooks
I have never seen a post screaming "I AM A NEWFRIEND" this much over my years in 4chin
Brayden Carter
not known yet, confirmed on telegram from the team. Probably 100-150k, but who knows, might be 250k.
Luis Scott
You only know that if you grew up on Veeky Forums, the rest of the world has no clue. Perhaps a rebrand will happen in the future when their main net launches but I doubt it's nescessary.
Robert Cruz
Thanks. Wow, that is a lot compared to others.
Tyler Bailey
Private sale chad here. Sitting comfy on my (big) bag of CPC. See you on the moon brother.
Gavin Russell
damn, to the moon BROS
Alexander Gomez
It is very important for the future of the human genepool that you give all your money to people who are smarter than you. Scams are good for the species. They divert money from idiots and give it to people who deserve it more.
Jackson Rodriguez
that's why you invest in TRX and IOTA and we in CPC.
Benjamin Carter
anons, don't listen to these fucking pajeets. huge organized shill campaign. this has nothing to offer until Q3, if ever.
that said, if i would have bought the dip to .30, i'd still be way up right now.
Brayden Barnes
Cant see my ether wallet balance on etherdelta after importing. Not using metamask just pasted my keys. What do? Got 0,18 ETH how much i save for gas?
Nicholas Baker
what campaign?! I AM THE CAMPAIGN.
srsly dude, what you're trying might work on some idiot with 1k in crypto, not on whales.
Juan Allen
just to remind you.
Lincoln Brown
a little help? Can't see my mew balance on etherdelta. Is it slowish? Can i withdraw CPC or do i store it in ED if i ever manage to buy some?
Tyler Cooper
proof of 500K of these, then.
Wyatt Adams
(don't trust this bullshit, anons, or wait until .25 cents.)
Nathaniel Turner
or wait till 1.5 dollars and then buy and wait for your 10% profit
Jordan Harris
What is your target price - when and why? Also when will there be a rebrand. The logo looking like MANA and the name...really.
Joseph Wright
$1 after hitting a real exchange (tomorrow or very soon)... then it’s hard to predict, might moon hard or drop back to 0.8-1 for a while.
Christopher Price
Thanks for your answer. I have done well in the past with ANS, WTC, ETP, and NULS. I appreciate your thoughts about when to take profits. I didn't get into ICO, and it looks like I don't have enough for a masternode. Trying to decide whether to buy more and hope it is enough for a masternode or take profits at your predicted $1.00 and and move on.
John Ramirez
Also, do you you think there will be incentives like VEN for holding large bags even if it isn't enough for a masternode?
Austin Hernandez
Consider that this has around 50 M marketcap, so it can x10 easily in a few weeks. I wont be selling at 1 dollar even if it goes back after that to 0.5, im in for s few weeks at least.
Brody Taylor
Thanks for your answer and insight.
Easton Perry
Veeky Forums would rather buy ripple than this gem . where did all the cripple fags go anyway
Aaron Gutierrez
ripple fags are busy trying to get their closed bank accounts recovered
Joshua Reed
I've been looking into this but my money is stuck in shitcoins right now and I don't want to sell at a loss. I'll get in once this shitstorm blows over. Also telegram admins confirmed that the coins being traded on ED aren't official or something, could anyone elaborate on that?
Angel Green
Lol at whoever isnt buying this crypto chink gem , thats like not buying WABI for 0.25... (also being called a scam, lol).
Andrew Thompson
The tokens on ED and IDEX are real, the admin is discouraging trading there because of the low volume, which make price manipulation easier
Justin Scott
Its not recommended to buy on idex/ed because you can get scammed by selecting wrong smart contract for example... of course on ED/IDEX you can buy the real CPC, you can check the smart contract.
Justin Gray
Is there any way to check the fucking market cap of this thing?
Gavin Cook
i clicked the link on CMC so im good right?
Jonathan Phillips
It hasnt been fully distributed uet, but after the lock-ups of coins for 6 months, it should be sround 40-60 M marketcap now. Around 150 mil circulating
Liam Perry
Kucoin is coming.
Logan Johnson
And the distribution of coins is going to be finished when the new day starts in China. Big volume exchanges are being negotiated now, CMC will be fixed to show real circulating supply and etherscan will be fixed as well to show the information about the token. Information from the team on telegram. Chinese act a bit differently than Westerners, but look at Antshares or Walton, or Wabi, it was the same.
Kayden Phillips
fuck you motherfuckers I lost all my mmoney
Charles Gonzalez
This coin is the coin thats gonna save me boyos
Zachary Cook
Kucoin isnt coinsedered big volume yet...
Eli Young
But you couldnt lose with CPC.
Benjamin Morris
Looking into IDEX to go all in (80 eth), this coin or nothing, did the research, looks fcking dope. I’m from vechain gang.
John Scott
Fuck just bought. Don't want to miss this obvious moon mission.
Elijah Edwards
Walton is Korean not Chinese
Jaxon Bell
CEO has 3 patents for IOT too
Dylan Ramirez
already in since presale comrade. No one in both my pools (all put in 20-500 eth each) has even considered selling. we are just getting started
Evan Gomez
Team announced that after finishing the distribution (when the new day starts in China) and finishing negoatiation with big volume exchanges (when it gets the exclusivity), they'll be looking into marketing the coin on the Internet and reddit. It was needed to be under the radar because of the regulations in China, that's why it wasnt even an ICO, but a private sale, which cannot be automatized by the law. That's why the token distribution takes that long, but 70 % is finished and they claim to finish the next day.
Alexander Morales
Sorry, my bad. But the point stays the same.
Logan Richardson
I'm selling all my cp you fuks. Haha neets gonna be bag holding
Mason Reyes
There were no retards in the private sale, not happening. This is not Bankera or Monetha.
Hunter Davis
obvious moon mission when listed, which should be THIS WEEK/VERY SOON according to their telegram admin
Logan Hill
So is anybody falling for this fag shilling?
Landon Harris
I think I am never going to buy this because of all these organized shills and dreadful FOMO statement on Telegram. This shit is gonna pull an ETP. mark my words.
Tyler Cooper
if it was so easy to get x100, everyone would do it. You gotta trust your guts and DYOR and even get a little bit lucky. If you had a 100% project from the foot to the head, you wouldn't get any profit, because everyone would already be in it.
Alexander Cruz
>already 3x from ico
ITT: poorfags who couldn't gather 100 ETH to join the private pool
Ian Turner
If the CMC was fixed right now, CPC would be in TOP 201-300 with ~52.5 M marketcap.
Cooper Nelson
CP Chain tanking well during this bloodbath
Jacob Jackson
everything going down except CPC going up :D. amazing, it hasnt even dipped.
Jaxon Green
fuck, just got 2 ETH worth
don't fuck me this time Veeky Forums
Easton Long
Trips get free CPC anons, post eth address and roll
Joseph Howard
Why does it use MANA's logo
Asher Wood
the only thing it shares with mana logo is the circular shape.
Kayden Price
It is literally the exact same style as MANA. (A project going nowhere) You've been shilling this fucking scam all day. DAY OF FLAGS WHEN?
Cameron Carter
I gave you a chance to buy a literal moon mission, take it or leave it. The only scam here is you.