Where my Vengang at??

Where my Vengang at??


Trying to get more money to buy dip

Alive and well. No more fiat to buy the dip unfortunately.

Desperately pretending they are "comfy" probably

this is the time you guys should be spamming your shitcoin in biz
why do you only make 10 threads per second when the coin is mooning at ath

Yesterday sold my ICX for VEN. Glad I did, since ICX anti mooned while VEN is slowly bleeding. Just gonna hold VEN, since I'm a tired of looking at news, charts and what not in this fucking bear market.

hope you realize that if the PBoC rumor turns out to be false, this thing will tank hard

>tfw holding both ICX and VEN bags


Sold my Ven 3 hours ago because of the ETH flippening meme. Bought back in 15 mins ago.. gained 25 extra ven.



I'm baffled that no one has used the word "Venguards" yet. This has to become a thing.

I was at a circuit party in Barcelona last year. Before all the Vechain stuff. I was in a club that was absolutely bumping. Hot, shirtless dudes everywhere. Someone bought me a drink and I happily drank it. My world started spinning. I had been drugged. Somebody wanted to do the nasty with my chocolate starfish without my consent. Suddenly I heard the ping of a baseball bat hitting my attacker. My vision cleared just enough to see a handsome Asian man standing over my attackers corpse. He took me to his penthouse where he never made a move on me. Just spent the rest of the night with his head on my chest twirling my chest hair while I recovered. In the morning he had left. A note on the table said he had returned to Asia land and told me to raid the mini fridge. I turned on the tv to see news reports of a violent murder near the club I was at. Sunny saved my life and made me feel safe when I was at a very scary moment in my life.

No bags. Still up 3x on both. Comfy.

No one thinks pboc is real.

Is this an illiteration of the market as a whole right now?
Kinda feel this way right now. Would be eating a bullet right now if not for VEN

I went surfing off the coast of South Africa last year. It was a perfect day. The waves were amazing. There was only three other people out there. It was getting later in the morning and the waves were dying down. Suddenly a dorsel fin broke the waves. It was nearly 3 feet above the water line. It was a 20 foot long great white. We were terrified. Sitting on our surfboards trying not to have our limbs in the water. A large wave came in and riding was a small Asian man. He rode up the wave and launched himself into the air. He pulled a short dagger from his waist band. The great white leapt from the water to claim his meal. The man dodged the sharks teeth and rode down its belly digging his knife in the whole way. Literally split the shark in half. We swam to shore as fast as possible. Our saviour was sitting on the edge of the surf as the waves washed over him and rinsed the blood off. We asked him his name so we could thank him. He told us his name was Sunny. Then without a word he got up, smiled and walked down the beach and disappeared into among some rocks. I will name my first born after this incredible man.

that would just be getting rid of weak hands, no one in their right mind thinks pboc rumor is true


nobody takes it seriously ffs
the partnerships Ven has now are more than enough to justify current price, hell, it could even triple if whales didn't keep the price down

You mean if msm stopped fudding btc.
Only reason VEN isnt double digits today.
Going to be a long six months.


Main stream media...
Your not an americuck i see. Good for you. Today is hell here. I actually lost fsr more in the stock market than crypto in the last week. And i am getting crypto assraped.

Where's thor.. all the shillers said 15th, then on 15th they said end of month and to shut up. Now it's feb.. where PBOC? Shillers made a big hoohaa of PBOC.. where the fuc is it?

Why do you think it will take 6 months to correct?

i honestly hope this results in more organic and steady growth afterwards, then i don't mind a long six months

Sunny just tweeted confirmation of what Venlets already know, Vechain is the next chain of China and more. Crypto Ed here, for confirmation check my twitter.

Y'all are loonies not to go all in especially during this icy market.

Soon as we stable, VEN will plow a new trail through the market like you have not seen.

Because if it doesnt im going to unironicaly blow my fucking brains out.
It takes dipshit americans around six months to forget large events.

Where's that faggot cokacolakid?

they're either hanging from their ceiling or face down on the floor with a hole on their heads.

Who has the one where Sunny steals all the milky ways from the supermarket after trying to pay with VEN

Yuropoors were the ones who started this shit, burgers are just finishing it

it will start clearing in Feb, then resume Big in March. Everyone wants cheap bitcoin so they don't whine about missing out. Except, the normies will miss out yet again.

It doesn't matter if you guys think no one believes it. 90% of the hands out there are made out of play doo this shit is gonna hit the fan quicker and you can sell and it will go back to 3-4 usd

Its not any one groups fault. This is a worldwide market.

Now the $50k the americans took out of my retirement account this morning IS the Americans fault.

that gives me a couple of weeks to accumulate some more, nice

Getting on the train. In 2007 I was attempting to scale Mount Everest. I was in a small group of 4 people. We decided we were good enough climbers that we didn’t need guides. We were 1500 feet from the summit when I fell down a crevice and broke my ankle. I was sure I was going to die up there. My group left me as there was nothing they could do so they head back down the mountain. I cried to myself as I neared my inevitable death. Suddenly I heard rustling. A man in an orange suit and an oxygen mask suddenly appeared. He said he heard the call on the radio and couldn’t leave a fellow human to die. He was actually on his way back down the mountain. He grabbed me and threw me on his shoulder. This man was impossible strong. He didn’t carry me down the mountain. He carried me to the summit. We opened my bottle of champagne and he told me about this amazing supply chain project he was working on. Then Sunny carried me down the mountain to the base camp where a helicopter flew me to the hospital. Sunny is my hero and a legend.

If this goes to 3 I'll sell my body on the streets for fiat to buy more

Nice job man.
Been hearing about
it could be legit, thanks.

to risky to leave ven market, one tweet can send it to Jupiter with all the guns in their Arsenal. I am holding for June all the way anyway.

I dont think ill ever be NOT comfy

It’s funnny I bought ven at $1.40 when bitcoin was in the mid teens. Bitcoin is under $10,000 now and I’m still 3x. Hmmmmmmm

I guess I’ll share my Sunny story too. 1995 was a tough year for me. I was a border guard on the North Korean border. I was done with being a slave of the regime. There was a friendly border guard on the Chinese side. His name was Sunny. We often traded cigarettes. He loved the damp Korean cigarettes for some reason. I loved the sweet Chinese tobacco he had. We would trade and light up together. Talk about our hopes and dreams. He said something about one day starting a company so people didn’t have to worry about counterfeit cigarettes. I talked about defecting but couldn’t because I can’t leave my family behind. Sunny said he would help. We made a plan. He would schedule a truck bound for NK and turn it away at the border. We would sneak into that truck. Plan went off without a hitch. My entire family of 47 people successfully escaped and we have sunny to thank for it. The man is a legend.

>bought in at $3 and $5
>still feel like I'm getting justed

Dont fret, you'll make it

is it gonna be like this until the rebranding event

Shit I'm getting anxious. I want to buy the dip and I'm waiting a little bit longer but I want to buy now

Same boat ninja, gonna use my ven fu to stay calm