>Social Justice Coin Too obvious dude. You need to learn their lingo and mindset if you're serious about it.
Maybe fair shake coin, or equitycoin.
I'm just saying don't sabotage yourself with something so trivial.
Juan Robinson
Thats a good idea. Wokecoin. The bitconnect retards will line up for that one. Serious question though isnt that article satire. It must be. I feel dumb even asking. Because i couldnt imagine even sjws being that shameless.
Nathan Murphy
thanks user, it was a placeholder name though
what's your opinion on this? femaletoken.org/ he left out the most 'oppressed' group, POCs so I think there's still potential
Jayden Hughes
nice to see I have some influence around here
t. X+K2MbyV
+1 or PharaohCoin
Ayden Ross
Pocwcoin proof of colored women coin. No whiteys or men allowed.
Owen Myers
i am fucking in. What about Equality Coin? ECash
Lucas Nelson
Oh shit ecash sounds good.
Michael Martinez
Are you gonna fork it from some coin or make a ERC 20token?
Daniel Campbell
Like you said, it's too limited.
If the market's clear of a generic equality kumbaya coin it's a good idea. I'd spend $100 buying it up first chance because it'll probably go someewhere.
Blake Kelly
Make an erc20 so it shows up on etherdelta
Christopher Watson
>He thinks the US elected Trump because they are dumb and not because SJW's and commies are really this repulsive with the understanding of the world. Long life dem here. No, these SJW's are fucking lunatics.
Jaxon Lee
Just use Walletbuilders.com
Jackson Diaz
Circulating supply would be the amount of people on earth and inflation would be to the population growth. Cause everyone should have possiblity to own one coin. Oh I forgot we need to minus the folks who are white cause they already have bitcoin.
David Cruz
Hey i never said that about Trump. I just said im amazaed at sjw stupidity. Thats all. Plus dont those cookies look good. Jeez relax man.
Owen Cooper
Sebastian Nelson
Anyone know of any coins built off this?
Matthew Myers
Equality cash erc20 token on etherdelta. fake feelgood whitepaper on reddit. shill it hard on steemit.instant winner.
Leo Howard
Benjamin Hall
OP here I'm thinking of sponsoring SJW content creators with the token so they're encouraged to shill it constantly
I'm not sure, what would be best for this kind of thing
I'm worried that as a straight white male it'll be difficult to get any SJWs on board I could always hire a rainbow coloured team to be the face of the company though
that's gold user symbol would be HER
Jack Nguyen
If you figure out some way of keeping us updated then we can all get in at the ground floor and many will help promote it because they have a stake. I have a lefty site and I can build a lefty twitter easy if I'm motivated. Basic follow churn with the right tools, hundreds of new followers a day.
Michael Roberts
Dress up like a women dye your hair and look like a freak. Itll work.
Lucas White
But probably don't decide on a name until later, and then only in private. Or they'll trace it back to this thread.
Jordan Ross
You can scrounge up a ragtag group of lunatics for your "dev team" photo op at your local needle exchange or homeless shelter. The lefties will be so excited at the sight of them. Youll literally be burning holes in their pockets for them.
Jose Phillips
So does anyone actually know how much money / time this would require? only have a few thousand in savings
Elijah Powell
If you actually had the technical ability and knowledge this would be a great scamcoin.
Join some tag groups on facebook, those are redpilling normies like /pol/ could only dream such is the toxicity of yank student politics. A big thing currently is demanding payment for emotional labour by putting up your paypal at the end of every post where you aggressively correct somebody for whatever mild misstep they did. Direct reparations too, some enterprising young negroes recently made away with a lot of naïve middle class pinko money running a facebook group scam.
Hell, if one of you have the technical aptitude to actually put this together I have the knowledge of sanctioned language to write the white paper.
Hunter Anderson
Not much. Just a few scripts and some wasted weekends.
Logan Barnes
ignore I can't read gud
Cooper Sanchez
It was posted on "lulz.com" yes it is satire.
Gabriel Davis
Deploying new contract for erc-20 token on ethereum wallet takes 5 seconds han
Noah Scott
Id say a separate one for woke sjws and one for black nationalist afrocentrist retards like WakandaCoin
Landon Perry
I checked it out, it's not satire. Just some SJW fags trying to coopt and start some chanology thing again.
Ryan Evans
>I'm worried that as a straight white male it'll be difficult to get any SJWs on board this is your new avatar, yvonne
enjoy it and don't forget to say "y'all"
David Wilson
You seriously think that a site called "lulz" which is posting articles like this is serious?
Evan Thomas
That's like half a book long with 50+ references to social justice sites.
Not satire.
Adrian Diaz
OP here again another concern I have is:
the reason these dipshits never made money in crypto is cus they're too tech illiterate to get involved
so how are we gonna get any of these tards to actually buy our shitcoin?
shouldn't need a whitepaper though, right? it would just be a LTC clone
and none of the people who'd fall for it, would have any idea what a white paper is or what the fuck it should look like
isn't it it ludicrously expensive though? in the thousands? i'll look into it
Dylan Lopez
It's just using the references to make fun of them.
It's not a white paper though, it's a "white paper" with all that necessary mission statement shit
-paypal accounts of online activists are being shut down -LGBTIQA+ and BPOC activists are some of the most active but also most vulnerable to these punitive actions -____coin aims to be the online currency for compensation and reparations to for alphabet soup and POC activists -something about dividend generation so those receiving the coin continually benefit