>RSI 33.2...
RSI 33.2
its fucking oversold right now
is that good or bad
Its fucking good. The bounce will be Epic!
BTC moons every time when RSI goes to 30-35
everything is oversold right now. Really hope we bleed out another day so I can dump my entire paycheck into fucking LINK tomorrow.
Yeah mate, just like Enron
+50 RSI here we go! Epic, le buy now or never xD ;) =P
bought link at 0.19, thinking about to buy more...
I'll explain to you newfags
RSI is on a momentum oscillator between 0 and 100. When above 70, the coin is overbought. When below 30, the coin is oversold.
>tl;dr BTC is oversold right now
Expect a hard bounce back once we hit the 8.4k support
also check all these green ids
if nobody wants this piece of shit nobody will buy it. your ris won't matter
simple as that
>implying indicators are reliable for bitcoin
it was immensely overbought for months. wont be surprised if its oversold for months too. This is a manipulated market user
youre using 1 oscillator. check the weekly macd (just flipped red) ...i also use another custom RSI and its giving me a sell signal (last buy signal was in 2015). This month also opened red. We're not even close to the bottom.
only matters if the price is stable nitwit
why tradingview rate 33.5 RSI as neutral though
>nobody wants this piece of shit
when you got millions to play with in an unregulated wild west market where you can make a killing just by dumping and shorting thus manipulating the market you dont care about a 100$ fee to send 1k btc around
The price can continue dropping on bullish divergences starting at even lower RSI. If it breaks through the lower 50d Bollinger its gonna get ugly.
Where do I go to check the RSI of bitcoin?
RSI is 48.9 in the past 24 hours
>Lmao you really think normies are driving the price it's definitely whales and big money manipulating it
>Whales who are manipulating the price give a shit about $100 dollar fees
link to your custom rsi script?
> puts all his paycheck in a Veeky Forums meme
A fool and his money are soon parted