This is a fucking joke right?

Other urls found in this thread:


I love this guy

>vitalick butter

>people unironicaly want the coin of that autistic fucker to flip btc
crypto is dead what now?

i think its himself sending the ether, there are no negative comments... i would expect some pajeet to write something in the comments if he gost scammed

Wow, people are actually that retarded, bahahaha

Holy kek

god people are fucking braindead

Why is this Indians skin so light? Did he use a cream?

people are spending tons of money on beine babys like cryptocelberties and cryptocountries, so yeah people be dumb

just sent 100k


LMAO already 9k in there

I knew eth fan bois are 9gag tier, but this stupid. WEEEEW LADS

guys thats how u make money in a bear market fast and easy

Wow the scammer is also fucking retarded

did that cunt just spend 2 fucking ether on a transaction fee

Now THAT's easy money.
What repercussions could anyone face for this?

I'm not sure how to feel.
On one hand you have literal retards falling for a scam right under a warning about them
But they're also giving it away to literal scum

That's the kind of people who declares flippening and fails miserably, same as bcash jews and figet spinner niggers

Some people just want to watch the world burn

LMAO didnt see that, good catch. What the fuck guys, are so many people actually this stupid?

obviously the scammer is a pajeet

WTF, this works?

Btw may I introduce myseld? Samoshi Tanakomo send BTC to this adress I will triple it!


Fuck this gay earth

Holy shit, why am I not doing this?

what a motherfucker

Really, why the fuck shouldn't I also be doing this? All these retards just giving their money to pajeets.

How are people this dense even able to get into crypto

It's fine, Vitalick will send him the 2 Ether back and he'll only be down 0.2

no, just $0.46

No he didn't you fucking retards learn to double check or at the very least check the tx

Too many retards in this world. I'm gonna try this myself.

This shit is illegal right?

Sorry friends that was etherscan webpage error

Looks normal to me, your columns are shifted one over

Dont be like pajeets, dont do it

You can be charged with fraud.


i was making that into a meme but you got there first, was adding merchants and pajeet to it

Does it work?

LMAO. now this is how you buy the dip.

me too

just sent the eth

amazing so few are doing it

But how will they ever find out your identity?

What do you think

Just sent 10 eth
match me

those are transaction going to a wallet that he probably owns
thats part of the con, make it look legit.

sent 100eth

Scammer just moved the 2eth to a whale address

kek, I just sent .2 ETH from 12 different addresses so now I'm gonna get over 5% of the entire pot. Slow fags will always be poor.

Unironically because it is morally wrong. I also considered making such a scam but it felt so wrong and made me feel dirty inside so I ended up cancelling it.

Some guy is begging in the comment section for a scammer...crypto is so wonderful.

Depends how much you get away with. (((Twitter))) will give you IP location, 7 proxies isn't going to save you if you somehow scammed over 50k unless you're from a third world country.


holy fuck i shouldve done this

sent :)


you are like a little baby
pajeets have been begging on etherscan for years

all that image needs is a ketchup bottle next to a dark red stain.

I'm glad this guy is going to get money.

How do I get into crypto currency

people are so fucking stupid. i love it

No fucking way


These guys are trash. I try to be a nice person and be considerate towards the poor but they really sicken me.

This is smart stuff compared to the literal Nigerian scam someone found the other day with the kringles

Of course it is, but crypto isn't regulated


I haven't slept all night, and I literally did it without even thinking.

That guys deserves it desu. fucking lmao

Seriously curious, how is it illegal? Would his tweet be considered a sort of contract that he is held to? I mean, I could tweet that I'll send a unicorn to anyone who sends me 30ETH, and if someone does it, and I don't send a unicorn, I'm pretty sure I'd be safe even if it were regulated.

dude its a fake account, look at the usernames

It's a form of fraud. Not a problem if you're outside the US jurisdiction.

I like the guy who sent eth from bittrex. He's fucked right? That came from the hot wallet not his personal wallet.



The question still stands though.

personal address I mean, because that's just for deposits.


Bet this guy is super easy to locate, he's running nigerian prince tier scams on Facebook, probably used his main account to buy IRL goods.


>the state of crypto """"""investors"""""

You really are a retard. Leaving aside the scam, he's impersonating Vitalik. Nobody will give you anything unless you larp as someone important.

fuck I should have saved the turbo brainlet picture for you

Honestly, I'd love to be a scammer right now, these people are genuinely fucking retarded.

Congratulations on this, seriously.

i-it's okay. at least we are moral people! getting 8 million $ is nothing compared to having a pure soul!!! RIGHT?

Someone even sent some TRX wtf...

Go on and scam people if you want so much.

He's almost certainly going to prison for this, don't worry, it's not as easy as he makes it look, if BTC TOR drug dealers got busted so will this dumb fuck. He's using Twitter for fucks sake, they probably know exactly where he is right now.



desu anyone that falls for this deserves to be scammed

I fell for it, I'm not even mad. You're right. This dude must be fucking filthy rich

it's okay guys it's not like he can just leave the country right?

He wont be down a penny, he will make thousands if not more. He will only send 200x2ETH, but will receive 0.2ETH from million of morons.

user, send me 0.1 eth and i will give you 1000 eth back, totally not a scam, trust me, i'm not even a pajeet! just send it, you're not losing anything anyway! JUST DO IT!
are you really retarded enough to fall for shit like this?


Am I dreaming? Are the people dumb enough to fall for things like this really among us? I thought they'd be facebook crypto moms, but they're really here

>The government does not consider cryptocurrencies as legal tender or coin and (will) take all measures to eliminate the use of crypto assets
pajeets on suicide watch

If you follow the trail of laundering on his accounts, you eventually end up here

101 eth scammed so far. He's moving them somewhere different in a few minutes, probably.

reddit lives here
facebook is here
your moms 50 year old single cat lady is here
even your mom has probably called you a faggot more then once on here