I'm not going back to flipping burgers after this.
Who else here HIGHLY EDUCATED?
I'm not going back to flipping burgers after this.
Who else here HIGHLY EDUCATED?
>tfw god tier but still retarded
Have a BS Mathematics with a broad base of CS skills - haven't had a job better than flipping burgers since graduation (4 yrs.) I made my money slanging crypto in the wild west. College is a myth.
>Ascended tier: Neet
Economics should be god-tier.
A good Economics Major is all you need in life to look at the world in the right perspective. Not even just in regards to money questions. You'll learn how to think.
And I am talking about a good economics major, not a washed version with barely any mathematical reasoning.
you're just a lose who probably didn't get internships in college. Stay poor.
any major in the physical sciences will do this, and actually remain employable shortly after graduation.
>sperg STEM majors who can't get a job have to make these tier lists to make themselves feel better about their student loans
this chart is misleading, you could be a marketing genius and make millions and start your own firm, you could take math and not get a job. only accurate ones are the suicide teir, which we can all agree are shit
I'm in unbelievable tier, but with a GPA that puts me 0.3 below what most graduate and intern positions want.
Going to have to go well for my last 4 subjects, and say something like "5.5 GPA average last year or two"
Feels bad.
So fucking software engineer is god tier while computer science is only great tier? software engineering is a small (!)part(!) of computer science you retard
THE unbelievable tier. Why is being an WE unbelievable? Pretty unremarkable tbqh
God tier mech engineer here. Work sucks. I design
steel structures. So boring and nerdy shit.
Nah, shit tier is accurate too. There isn't a single job there that you need to pay money to learn how to do, that interning couldn't do just as well.
>tfw know two girls going to college so that they can fucking teach kindergarten
Geophysics is in 2 categories
mech eng. its alright
im going to study mechanical engineer what do you think guys?
I don't live in USA, i have read that eng usually end up doing office work in that country, i like noise and industry stuff
Getting my med school degree in December.
>off-the-charts tier
Feels good man, love this volatility.
i have a degree in chemistry and it is probably meh tier at best, more like shit tier
God tier - physician assistant
MEng in aerospace engineering here.
Still a wage slave.
Mech Eng should be on suicide tier. Because that's my career and I'm pretty suicidal.
Contemplating doing this after getting 1-2 years experience working in a public health clinic and Emt. Is it worth it user?
In terms of salary, Political Science graduates have some of the top salaries in the US.
fun though?
I shoot sand niggers for a living and make twice as much as you faggot nerds.
why? my career lasts 7 years and im going to start this year
this is a list of college majors and vocational programs, not jobs.
just get a fucking job already
Actually its more like 3 or 4x than you faggot nerds, because I dont pay for room and board.
180k after taxes of pure profit for shooting sand niggers, something that I would do for free or for fun.
Bullied you in highschool, now I bully you financially in the real world.
Not even a fucking job, smoothbrain.
I'm sure it might be a nice career if you were a Chad who could network up through the corporate ranks.
For a beta male it's just a soul destroying dead end on below average wages.
But I suppose the same can be said of anything.
what is " shooting sand niggers" ?
God tier, but never been hired for shit.
>tfw 30 and still a cashier
I want to die
>'m sure it might be a nice career if you were a Chad who could network up through the corporate ranks.
I was thinking previously about financial stuff but im a short male and CEOS and that stuff are all chads besides i hate desktop jobs
But why you think it is soul destryoing?
4th year after finishing my M.Sc. in math. Still no proper job just doing some customer service shit. Fuck my life.
dunno. i study a master in civil engineering but will become a neet after im done. no way im going to be a wageslave
I'm in law enforcement and I make more than friends and family members that have degrees in the upper tiers. When you actually get a job in those fields they pay you shit or expect you to work for free as an intern. My sister has a doctorate in psych yet makes less than 40k, I'm at 56k. She also has been spit on more than me by her autistic clients (no she works with literal autists).
PCT going to be a PA, so Great tier?
Lost 60% of initial investment so far, key
This is a stupid chart. Software engineering and computer programming (assuming you arent talking about dev ops guys that write scripts to check if EC2 boxes are still up) are the same thing.
I got my degree in computer engineering so I have an issue with the placement of it in "god tier". It is a weird mix between EE and CS so you end up not being the best at either but you do at least learn a lot about CPU architecture. This is cool and all but the number of jobs for board design and ASIC design are so slim and you are competing with super knowledgable EE's so most of my classmates ended up in software engineering anyways.
Yup, its fast program just 2 years, good pay and if you go work in ER or urgent aid, do 3 12s a week and you're set. Can't really move up though unless you go back to med school, but I'm fine with 90k a year
Software engineers typically land really high paying jobs right off the bat, and CS majors often don't have very much skill with business workflow beyond cursory stuff because they focus so much on algo/theory/muh apps. Software Engineering degress are basically the equivalent of 5 internships worth of knowledge on how design of large codebases actually function. Not 4 years of toy programs and theory like CS.
whats the difference between Mech. Engy and Mech. engineer? isnt this the same xddddddddddd
Econ at one of the best universities in the world
great tier here, don't even know why I wanted to be a pharmacist
>meh tier
this chart was bad bait 7 years ago and it still is
Unbelievable tier even though computer engineering doesn't belong there lol. This shit ain't hard
>Tfw biomedicine but only bachelors
Hi, in practice, however, if you interview with the big boys (Google, FB, Microsoft), they really couldn't care about how good your practical systems design is, they will grill you for hours on your algorithms knowledge, which a CS program prepares you more for (you might take 3 or 4 algorithms classes instead of 2 that you would take in software/computer engineering). I found that only smalle companies really ask you systems design questions because they have less leeway(money) in terms of being able to train you from scratch.
>tfw shit tier
Really? Aerospace? Here I am pursuing a degree in aerospace engineering at a top 10 uni and I even thought I was being retarded. Figured it was mostly a gimmick major, hur dur space. Look at me im passionate. Cool tho, im gonna be unbeleivable.
Law is actually shit tier when you begin to realize that 90% of law is research and 10% is compiling the case. I'm somewhat new to the field but I would not want to be setting aside 8 years of studying to become a lawyer at this point.
The firms around here almost entirely rely on 2 specif legal databases and the technology to automate research will eliminate the need for a very good chunk of the manpower.
3rd year medical student. Gonna cash out in about 6 years homies.
no idea what youre on about but the research is usually done by paralegals, not lawyers.
finance and accounting here will i make it?
Need +1 more year for law degree cause of failed semester that s why i invested in crypto but my dick
sorry, you won't...
That's not how it works... a lot of time young associates are given the task of doing research as they climb up the ranks. Paralegal is 3 years of college compared to a lawyer that is 8 years does it really make much sense to have lawyers leaning on paralegals? Use common sense user, paralegals have their place but it's not as if they are a vital component to law and they are generally used in specific instances. The firm I am at has 40 attorneys and only 4 paralegals.
Short term yeah but I feel AI is going to make your job pointless eventually, it will make a lot of jobs pointless really.
Unbelievable here - design relaying for transmission substations. Not super challenging though.
Cybersec is God tier or better
>op is electrical engineer boomer
same here
> The firm I am at has 40 attorneys and only 4 paralegals
my condolences. must me one shit tier firm. usually the amount of staff (which mostly consists of paralegals) is split 50/50. if you seriously think that the biggest chunk of the research is being done by fully trained lawyers then you clearly have no clue what youre talking about. then again, considering how garbage US education is (harvard educated lawyers lose in international mootcourts to fucking german and chinese students, even though the cases being presented in english), and how worthless a degree from anything but an ivy league is, i wouldnt be surprised if a law degree actually was worthless.
Gotta say this chart triggered me, I went to a liberal arts school and got a bullshit degree in humanities, now I make pretty good money in TV, like 85k. It's really all about not being a autist and getting good internships and networking and not taking on too much debt
Am cpa/mba, make far more than be average engineer cuck. Nice bait.
IT should be great tier. High earning potential and upward mobility. Plus you can relax while in college.
You must be confusing paralegals for legal secretaries in which the split is 50/50.
As if multi million dollar companies are relying on paralegals to do the brunt of the work.
the average associate doesnt have a secretary user. most of the time only the partners do. a pretty big chunk of the staff is made up of well trained paralegals and other associates (who basically do the same shit). i really dont get your disrespect for the profession. paralegals are an essential part of any top end law firm. the sheer amount of experience theyve gathered over the years makes research much more time efficient. you think the other half of the staff are janitors and secretaries?
fuck yeah, i'd rather be messing about within an engineering environment than to be pushing a pen, in an office, after studying business and finance, whilst looking for self acceptance.
Lol hahahaha
Human Resources here for a huge corporation. I don’t deal with people, but integrate and maintain payroll and HRM systems. Will probably be working from home once I get promoted further. Don’t know if I will like that or not. Anyone else work from home?
>my career lasts 7 years and im going to start this year
I've read this about three times over now, I don't understand what you is sayin nigga. Do you mean studies (course duration) instead of career?
>flipping burgers instead of fixing routers at a hospital
If you cant get your ccna then you are legit retarded.
Accountant here. It's pretty sweet. Only time I flip burgers is when I'm cooking at home.
Yeah sorry where i am we say career as the studies duration but in english the word is more used for the your worklife i think right? kek
I'm unbelievable/god tier. Am I gonna make it bros?
Legit everyone in those fields is high functioning aspergers.
It's more about the person than the degree, it just so happens that good people also tend to do those degrees. Inserting some dullard into one of those highly rated degrees doesn't improve their chances, it just negatively effects the stats of that degree.
>free fallin playing in the catalog
First year econ at a decent UK university.
Looking to move after degree, ideally something warm and not poor. good crypto taxes are bonus.
[spoiler]Which tier is translator?[/spoiler]
ah, the Veeky Forums i remember and love
Ahh cool, no worries. What are you gonna be studying?
mechanical engineering, my main concern was that had read that engineers usually do desk work and stuff like that but i think it is mostly in USA
I mean it is going to take me 7 long ass years i don't want to end up in a desktop job
What about music production!?!?
want to know how to get a decent job with an actual path way?
Go get a ccna cert. It requires next to know computer skills and if you are smart you know where to pirate all the netsims
Way is it a good choice? The ccna gives you the skills to do actual real world work. Even if you get a cs degree in cosci or even CE you only have the theory down which can help you move up the ranks of management eventually but as far as skills there are no. The programming you were taught while teaching you the fundamentals of programming didn't teach you how software engineering works in the real world.
Now if you go get an a+ and ccna you should be able to get an entry level IT that pays relatively well. You can stay on that path or go switch over to coding once once you have a job pretty easily.
The problem with most people who get degrees fresh out of school is they think way too broad in terms of their field. They often wonder trying to find a job and don't really have a specialization in one subset of the field which is bad if you are just startng out. What I find even funnier is guys who have advance degrees then come into the corperate world seem to be way too focus one thing which can be good but one should learn to strike the rigth balance. I am just rambling now.
Go get a ccna faggots and get a 40k to 60k a year job after finishing it. It takes maybe two months of non stop studying if you are a neet to get and maybe six months if you have a job.
PhD here, make 6 figs and spend my time at work on Veeky Forums
People i know are freaking out abotu this drop. I am not.
I won't even try to properly answer. You can barely interpret basic english. Joke's on you.
>computer science
>still cant get a job
guess suicide is always an option
>Good Tier
Enjoy cleaning up granny shits and emptying bed pans and being a virtual glorified janitor.
>Mechanical above electrical
CS here. 1.5 years of experience, trying to finish my school up
I studied economics but im working in accounting
kill me
I just want to be a cool economic consultant but I need a Phd but Im too much of a brainlet to learn calculus
Yep. I absolutely agree.
Economics + software engineering = crypto = unbelievable tier.
>CS degree
>2.1 GPA, shitty state school
>No internships
>Got a job a 8 months before graduation and have been working for a year and a half now
listen i know signal analysis with vinny here is a little bit stressful but it doesn't hold a candle to fucking thermodynamics
>can't learn calculus
really nigga? just sit your ass down and practice its not hard at all
>god tied as a PA
>can't practice medicine w/ out oversight of a physician
mfw you can't spell PArrot without PA