Trading for half of the ICO price, do we have the 2018 shitcoin of the year already?
I invested 10k in this shit!
Trading for half of the ICO price, do we have the 2018 shitcoin of the year already?
I invested 10k in this shit!
do you base your opinion if a coin is shit based on how much money you make on it or nah? if yes then yes if no then no
what does it do
it sounds memey but has a big name attached to it
can i expect a binance listing?
there's actually a guy who brags about putting 48 ether into this shitcoin in every thread about this coin
Jokes on you, I own over 500k now faggot.
Looks like Roger's luck AND yours... has axpired.
M8, you still don't understand that JR ruined this fucking coin. He's fudded it so hard so that he could keep accumulating. Look up the largest Axpire holding wallets: JR now owns 5.35 million tokens. You all fell for the FUD like fucking retards.
>fake partnership microsoft
>no use of the token in the first version of the product
>development outsourced to India
>no prove of hedgefund and big clients
Bagholder 4 life
Just Hodl. And forget about it for a few months.
A couple of things.
>Do people want to be buy it, is there any demand.
No for Axpire
>Is it capable of the bare minimum which is to stay above its ICO price.
No for Axpire
>Does this solution actually need a token
No for Axpire
This is actually my smallest investment at the moment.
Who is JR?
> coin does absolutely nothing
Nice, JR is in this thread samefagging again. As per usual.
This is a pretty good summary.
the axperg boogieman who singlehandedly destroyed a coin. quite the accomplishment.
its my smallest too, but what does tron do and why did it get a billion $ mcap?
Kek I'm not JR
The mods can see your IP, they've already established who JR is. Not sure if they're going to ban you now or wait for you to post something really autistic.
Not funny, go back to plebbit and repost this, you will get a lot of upvotes
Everything is dropping below ico.. fortuna devery axp ary
It's over
Like the mods are heavily invested in aXpired
Just give some arguments why you thing aXpire is a great buy. I know you can't.
JR no one is falling for your gimmicks anymore.
i know right
And the people that were shit talking this coin in the ico days were laughed at
Everyone one of you faggots were so certain about muh roger ver
Let this be a lesson to you
This is a shitcoin
There are no more 10x ico gains, with absolute pajeet coins
The problem is they couldn't even distribute the tokens, it took them like 2 fucking weeks. If they just had to be able to do that simple task we may have actually got a 2x out of this.
its not a shitcoin, its dropping because fgts are selling bitcoin, everything is dropping you absolute mudcunt
now now
Your aggression shows you are really not taking this loss well
I know it hurts to be wrong , now now
only dreams now
Also, don't fucking blame it on BTC you massive retard. This would have happened either way, just at a slower rate
Coins still had their green days during this bear market, axpire..... did not
I'm not JR, but seriously how much are you invested in it?
Just give me some good points about aXpire, like I said there are none.
I would, but anything I say wouldn't change anything. It would be continuous FUD from the same people regardless. Enjoy my sirs.
That's why you laying on your back
Looking at the roof of the church
Preacher telling the truth and it hurts
Lmao, I don't have to explain anything, learn to read a whitepaper or keep fudding, idc.
Kek, I've ready the white paper. You clearly didn't
>tokens won't be used in the first version
>rambling about AI and ML (in a fucking ERP system like whaattt)
>no explanation how it will works technically
you bought air, bags of air
Read the whitepaper, there is zero reason for this token, just wish I read it before investing hahahaha.
I work in a bank (Far bigger than any hedge fund they talk about) and I can see zero reason why we would want this solution tied with their token.
Lmao, you clearly don't know what will happen in the near future. But you need to keep fudding to have maintain that delusion that you are right. Try not to kill yourself when it goes up.
And also all those 'partnerships' should have been a redflag
As if those companies are investing big bucks in this shitcoin? As if those companies are REALLY backing this shitcoin?
No... part of the team was affiliated with some of those companies at one time. In reality, all those 'partnerships' were there to lure in gullible fags. And it worked perfectly
Same here, bought it to fast (ICO was ending). After the ICO I where reading it and felt such a regret haha. Thank god I got out (with even a little profit).
axp dropped below ICO before the carnage began lol and will stay there after the market recovers if that happens.
exactly, people have other coins on their radar
Not false advertising pajeet coin with that FAGGOT roger ver backing it