What's your excuse for not being a millionaire?

It's kind of over for them. They need up to 6 months for the engine. Yeah yeah possibly under that but with only 7 people and the Romanians weren't even working on it earlier? What the fuck? Who the fuck is going to be using this? Not to mention all the new coins they have added so far been trash. At this point a rival to Binance or Bittrex is not possible.

I love COSS!
Most transparent team I've seen in crypto so far.
They own up to issues and try to fix them.

Just stake your COSS coins for the next 6 months and make some passive income in the meanwhile. :)

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Neat but they are currently irrelevant.

The volume they need to actually make cossholders any real money is unlikely for years, if ever.

I looked hard at them. Location, transparency, and staking all attractive.

Their momentum is glacial, however.

Nope, already sold out and not buying back in unfortunately. I was gonna buy back in but after the interview with the lawyer and the chief engineer doesn't look too good. Am thinking of finally just moving my eth out back to binance and bittrex.

learn to shill pajeet, you're doing a terrible job

I didn't buy into the UFR ICO is why im not a millionaire... :( shits on hella sale right now tho so im going to be there pretty soon

Don't get me wrong. I think they will pull through after learning from their fuck up mistakes, but up to 6 months you could probably make more gains else where than holding COSS and hope they somehow magically get 500m - 1Bill in volume.

how is your bag holding, pajeet? u got tricked by bear market, kys

>They need up to 6 months for the engine.

Isn't that the main fucking part? 6 months is nothing in development. What are you even talking about brainlet.

dear sirs kindly no bully sir!

you waiting for a patch user ?
fucking moron, at least l2shill

People here were shilling new engine in February. Now they are working on and need up to 6 months? I get they are just reusing the one they already and building on that, but I hope you know 6 months is a long time in crypto you fucking idiot. Your gonna hold it for 6 months at like around 1 dollar or less and somehow hope they gain 100m - 500mill or even 1 bill of volume over night? I mean if you are balls deep into it and believe it to the end thats all you but really with 6 months you can make gains elsewhere and then come back and buy back in.

Nah man!
I'm not shilling. I own some COSS and have had positive experiences with the exchange and people on there. Why is it that every time someone likes something here, it's automatically shilling. Don't buy COSS then if you don't like it. I'm just saying that I happen to like that exchange.

Because some of us are not good daytraders like you and others. Maybe we'll make much less money than you. You should be happy; more money for you day trading.

I don't hold that coin but I see you in e every thread saying same stupid shit.
6 months is 6 months.

I also thought they would be like you know part of the new engine would be done by now? Because maybe the Romanians were working on it? But that wasn't the case.

I assure you I'm not a day trader.

Thats not me if your talking about those Reddit threads where people are saying "OMG ITS GONNA TAKE 6 MONTHS." I see those too. I know its UP to 6 months and they can finish it in maybe 3 months. But think about it with 7 people you think thats enough? And from scratch.

I don't even know how to period trade properly. :)
I just try to buy low sell high (You know; opposite of what Veeky Forums usually suggests).

>positive experience with coss

Ask me how I know you are lying.

- Had an issue withdrawing some ETH from the DAO; Told Rune, he fixed it.
- Had an issue with ETH deposit taking too long; Contacted support. They responded within a few hours that slowness was due to Ethereum network (Compared to not getting a response after 2-3 weeks on CB).

There were other questions but I know you just want to paint me as a shill and shit on the exchange anyway, so whatever.

Why do you care, dude? Go make 1000x gains with other coins! Why do you care if I and others like me are retards for buying COSS? Fine, we get it. We're shills in retards. Now, go make your 1000x gains elsewhere and be happy.