Am i the only One feeling Comfy and not Panic selling or is it just the usual biz crybabies?
If your portfolio is >$100k you should be prettty comfy rn desu. Feel bad for all the poorfags though
I just put my last 8k into crypto now I'm all in
Its just weak hands panicking
I think most of us are playing with house money by this point. Feel bad for those that got in in December.
this. i only have around $20k in crypto, it's fun to watch on the way up and down
what does it matter if you have 10k or 100k?
It doesn't
I'm down 9% over the last 3 weeks. There are people hurting a lot more. Not my fault that they hodl to losers, refuse to tether or trade to ETH.
Bought Stellar really cheap so I'm probably going to make my losses back.
got in at 27.December and I'm still up
although a lot lower than 10 days ago
80% of biz has gone all in right now. Me too.
The crybaby stuff is just some reddit flood here who cannot handle it. They regret already they sold.
I'm just here for the pink wojaks
>titanium fucking hands
>got burned by silk road
>got burned by mt.gox
>watched flatline for years
>made sweet $1k profits with 3.3x leverage
>got (slightly) burned by bitfinex
>laughed as it all ran up to $9k
>thought "this is the top" shorted x20 with 3.5btc
I've cashed out tons and lost tons of "paper" gains on this stupid shit over the years. My dopamine systems are calcified by now. Remember, what you feel right now is emotional; an untrained fight/flight instinct. I don't know how to recommend overcoming it except through experience. So really, panic. Panic as hard as you can so you will be tougher next time (not get so giddy on the rise/suicidal on the dip).
Good for you, most would be down 50% at least.
Started in August, 20x my initial and cashed 2/3 out end of year for profit/taxes.
Buddy I've found that getting older I wrongly assume that everyone on image boards is at my level or far beyond. I naively forget that there are 16-20 year old's that lack in life experience, discipline, and traits that can only be gained from loss and pain. So when I keep that in mind, I realize a lot of the panic is from these young fools.
>So really, panic. Panic as hard as you can so you will be tougher next time
guess my parents did a great job preparing me for crypto
I hardly feel anything anymore
Well most panic seems to be about investing more than you can afford to lose.
I'm actually really proud by how I've traded today, but that's assuming grandpa dinosaur doesn't start pissing himself again.
It is definitely time to panic
The docile bagholders get slaughtered.
Now more than ever
> I naively forget that there are 16-20 year old
Fuck, you're right, it's easy to forget it but it's probably a pretty important chunk of the board. Of course they're panicking, I would be shitting my pants.
I would even care less if i would be 16 i guess since you have no responsibility for anything.