where my linkies at?
Where my linkies at?
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even if you would sell nobody would buy your shittoken
Noice! did you make that yourself, user? I don't have anything physical to show for my LINKs (other than iron hands) but I am using a shadow fork wallpaper that made the rounds the other day. It's glorious
went from 150 to 270 LINK
But I'm getting out and going all in on Mobius,
Time to get out of this racist shitcoin and into the future of mobius
nah man i cant take credit for whats not mine. saw it on a thread. weeks ago
Hang on
could you 3D print a link cube with a loaded wallet id with a LINK and key printed on the inside?
That would be noce.
This coin is a meme with an intrinsic value of 0c
>nah man i cant take credit for whats not mine
Mobius does not have this issue and will be the dominant smartcontract platform.
>This coin is a meme with an intrinsic value of 0c
sergay spend all the money on burgers and the whitepaper is a joke. It funds racism. Mobius is the brown way of the future.
sold 1000 link bought 50k mobius lol dumb bagholders
>this coin is a meme
>intrinsic value of 0
>it won't be 1000 EOY
not true
>sold 1000 link bought 50k mobius lol dumb bagholders
Stinky linkies can't understand mobius
17K SAT within the next two weeks. Strap in boys.
The mobius is the platform with real partnerships.
>pajeet, the coin
"we have deal wit BISA"
Post the wallpaper user im jealous
mobius is the future
Get in here you stinky fucking linkies
>>pajeet, the coin"we have deal wit BISA"
Chainlink is not happening. Mobius ha Stanford graduate dealmakers at the helm. Plus its well known that Intel SGX is NOT SECURE. Sergey and Rory can't even answer this question. Mobius has the tiffin platform ready.
I'm thinking about starting a LINK merch store. What are your thoughts on baseball dad hats with embroidered chainlink logos? Or maybe just logo patches?
Mobius team on stage with deutche bank and reuters. LINK only has gartner
this is the equivalent of putting a target on your back, except more autistically
Just scanned the top 500 holders, barely shifted maybe 2-3 rankings shifts. Everyone is holding on to em
95% of people shilling möbius are link holders doing it for the laugh
>13 KB JPGI'm thinking about starting a LINK merch store. What are your thoughts on baseball dad hats with embroidered chainlink logos? Or maybe just logo patches?
Really want 3D printed link cubes with 1 link funded wallets inside. I wanted a real physical stack. I'm in Mobius now though
we sold a few days ago
Patch. Would also sell on /k they love that shit
Do you have the one that's orange and only has the one shadow link in the center? I'm not on my computer or I would have pic related it (I also have this one though it's also great)
you do that
>mobius is the future
This consensus on reddit is that the future is brown
all the mobiFAGS
You can't 3d print solid cubes, but if you're making it a double-piece you could put a paper wallet inside before attaching the two pieces together or something
Print it flat as a cross with indents for folding and print the key and id on it.
Buying more before it's back to $0.70
Mobius is going to power the massive infrastructure spend in that sub continent. Think what happened in China but powered by Mobius contracts. Literally million of loos delivered by Mobius smartcontracts
>Buying more before it's back to $0.70
Enjoy those bags while Mobius goes to 500
out of the green and into the pink
shouldn'ta bought that stinky link
once you FOMO, you start to sink
out of the green and into the pink
kek only 500, you wish it would stay that low
Or you could do that, good idea
Why are there always so many people attempting to fud with mobius in these threads? LINK and mobius are going after different markets and perform different functions. You literally have to have ignored both whitepapers and pitches by both teams to understand this. Holy fuck you cunts are retarded.
Hey user, I was the one who made the cube, well I cut and sanded the wood, and my girlfriend drew out the logo in pencil, and then used a wood burning iron (basically a soldering iron) and burned the logo in. Eventually I want to make a shadow fork link to go with it.
>you can't 3D print solid cubes
The absolute state of brainlets.
I bought mobius just to burn it.
>tfw out of shitty fiat to buy more linkies with
i stay super stinky
Reporting in.
Diamond hands until $250.
Also gripping VEN and XLM with the same god-like strength.
Mobius is for virgin pajeets
Reporting in
Dude that's old news. No one is Fucking selling other than the faggots that fomo'd at Ath. Smart money sold the top and are scooping dirty cheap linkies. Not me though. Managed to double my stack Daytrading post Sibos but now that i got to 50k linkies I'm afraid I will get burned Daytrading with mainnet so close.
the first person to make a 3d printed link cube is going to make bank. all you have to do is list it on shapeways as printable and we can buy it. you will get the profit.
we don't want any other shitty merch.
second thing i'm buying with my millions from link, after a big mac, will be a foam pit full of link plushies
also, can someone please photoshop link cubes over all the foam cubes in this pick so that i can visualize it?
wtf tht took 8 mins
LINK needs more diversity
It's 2018 people, how can you justify two cis-white males heading a project in multicultural America?
Diversity is our strength, and Mobius has a rainbow of races and ethnicities. This diversity will surely give it the edge in the oracle race
The major Mobius partneship is the one they signed with BRICS, with the help of Klaus Schwab though.
Don't forget Klaus Schwab mentions Mobius by name as the smart contract platform for future developing economies.
Mobius will be massive.
I have come to believe that most of the posters here are a very sophisticated AI system designed to create an information consensus to ideologically sway lurkers. No way that OC happens in 8 minutes naturally.
More proof: I'm a software program created in 2014.
we are very special people
this is extremely impressive that you turned this around in like 8-9 mins
I appreciate your dedication to the cause
don't forget the CEO of mobius met with the CEO of swift...
I miss old link threads, when there were no fucking mobi pajeets shitting and throwing their feces here.
I don't know why they deleted that tweet, must be NDAs involved with the work they've been doing with SWIFT
I believe Rory is transgendered. you need to check your privilege
holding strong..
by the way, all mobius devs are pajeets or bombers ? wtf
Is this shit the new Digibyte?
Tips for swingtrading/daytrading link?
Need to build my stack
I still don't understand how Veeky Forums fell for DGB. All it had going for it was that it was a "better" bitcoin.
ChainLink is a new thing altogether, with no other competition (pajeetius doesn't count)
sell now
>Ctrl F Mobius
>30 matches
Also check em
What do you think?
Very nice. Do this but with the other foam pits as shadow links.
It would be pretty easy to fork the ruby testnet and just add a couple features and deploy it before they get around to rewriting the entire thing from scratch.
In 3 years time this will be like wearing a hat with a Mastercard logo around.
that ID means kek is here. Asss. not sure what he meant by the chink part.
gods work user
got more @45cts