Post what you got .
Only Rule :no LARPING - only stuff you were told not to repeat .
This thread will be the Skull & Bones of /Biz
Remember this thread
Post what you got .
Only Rule :no LARPING - only stuff you were told not to repeat .
This thread will be the Skull & Bones of /Biz
Remember this thread
DOT exchange integration on cryptopia, march
To be invited to the exclusive Veeky Forums dick huffers club you gotta own trx
I literally only have your mom OP
Can you explain further ?
somebody top this
explain. its a new model for measuring performance using econophysics?
CND partners with Goldman for hedge fund trading. April
Next US pres will be a champion, of the people
Related stock will continue it's insane bull run, splitting two for one before continuing upward
Buy and hold. 4-5 year time frame. You're welcome
>Next US pres will be a champion, of the people
but the current one is??
Look into SingularityNET (AGI). The idea of an open marketplace for AIs is exciting and the first of it's kind. Beta version going live in July and 1.0 release (complete functional version of their infrastructure) by the end of this year. Definitely worth to observe this one.
>he doesn't know about bottos
FUN 30-50$ EOY
DBC 20-30$ EOY
TRX 5-10$ EOY
XLM 0.40-0.50 EOY
>Champion of Israel
No insider info but the private groups I pay 1 ETH+ a month to get in say buy ITC & DTA on Huobi before it moons on more exchanges.
They've got a great track record (called BCH 24 hours before coinbase listing)
just buy them both and at least one will 20x by EoY
i got more calls too if ur interested but those two are premiums
If DBC hits $30 by the end of the year I will have turned $300 into $90,000. It's just too good to be true. Please tell me you're telling the truth.
the next US president is going to be Dwayne Johnson, screencap this. Place bets now boys.
see image attached for todays earlier prediction (GMT time)
what did it stop at $8,300? pretty damn good
I'm all in on NAS but hands are getting weak. What other good calls have they made?
Facebook have been working on adding a banking and payment layer to their system for about 18 months, its why zucc is interested in blockchain but is in opposition to cryptocurrency. It will happen this year.
link group
This thread is getting juicy ....
Can you go into more detail
NSA controls 51%
What that website where you can bet on all kinds of dumb shit like this?
Is this real ?
ISO 20022 is gonna be thing that gets this whole party started.
Love this guy. I shoulda sold the rest of my icx bags but whatever. These are gonna make us rich
Just looked, you can bet on
You're only getting 25/1 odds though that's fucking lol
Seriously, if he runs (and it's likely), he's gonna win
Quantstamp partnered with WanChain. It was on the WanChain website for a few minutes and disappeared. Looks like someone posted it by accident too early.
Thx for the tip user, I'm doing detective work as we speak.
Quick rundown on shopped picture context please?
Elites keep wealth with art
what's the equation?
the chat comes across as an infomercial conversation; seems scammy
The company that makes a brand name long acting injectable antipsychotic. Has one in the works that is going to last twice as long. People in mental health know all about it already but the Norman doesn't. It's a similar situation to when long acting insulin was introduced.
This company will use synthetic cannabinoids to cure specific diseases. Act accordingly
xlm, march, not giving any more info. buy up to $1.20
>Presale almost instantly oversubscribed the moment they were discovered, became pretty much impossible to get in within hours of people finding out about them
>Lead developer is Lead Engineer at HERE (a multibillion dollar consortium of the European car companies)
>Front end developer is a veteran consultant of multiple YCombinator alumni
They keep hinting that their MVP is nearly done and that they are just cock teasing us to build hype. The telegram is still under 150 people. This thing is flying so low under the radar and only the whales are moving in on it.
so buy cannabis coin?
I finished the detective work for now, Apparently these two photos were shilled in atleast 3 seperate threads (of which I could find the archive), starting as early as January 10th. You can confirm it by reverse googling the pic I uploaded.
It does seem very suspicious, but also I could not find a motive for shilling a quantum economics paper on a chinese cartoon imageboard. From what I can tell, it's a legit paper too.
Also, to add. I saw the same pics uploaded in another thread 1 hour ago, which is 404'd now. In all instances the guy uses the same language and phrases.
I don’t even know what this paper is saying . Seems like nonsense to me unless someone can eli5
I don't have much, just swissbro's thread
and the ramblings of a madman:
I am trying to decipher it together with a mathfag friend atm. Can't say anything yet, but the introduction theory looks solid and potentially very useful.
Could just be wasting my time, but worst case scenario is just spending some time reading quantum physics.
are we really going there now
whats the relevance of the discord shot you posted?
Owning these 3 in 2018 will make you rich.
If you aren't already in on EOS, this is your opportunity. While you hear people shill LINK and ETH as some sort of "inside info" you're going to fucking blow it and miss the massive gains EOS is going to give by the end of Q2 and Q3 this year.
Accumulate now or post your wojacks when you're getting in at $250+ or more.
The guy who shills the paper posts that image every time, supposedly its people talking about how they figured out how to use the formulas.
I saved it from the last thread. Good luck to anyone smart enough to figure this out.
openlink sold by hellman & friedman, dunno to who
>quantum TA
Youre fucking retarded that paper is literally a joke
he's a retarded fucking pajeet scammer, there is no mystery here
if you question his ideas he instantly blocks you, he just tries to get you to play along with his little scam and send him crypto
You have to go back you fucking ledditor piece of shit.
xrb on binance in four days
Instructions unclear
*hurriedly buys mobius*
Is Huobi safe
Riddle user from 2-3 days ago
chill out or get out faggot. is the best project of 2018 and the only reason it's flying under the radar is because of market downturn
Riddle user on the LINK crypto fund that /biz discovered..
I have insider info about a company developing blockchain record keeping for the flight data system used by the FAA.
My insider info for you is that there will be no ICO, and that a token economy is not required for blockchain enterprise solutions, merely distributed nodes among trusted entities.
Basically world governments already have decided to use blockchain, and they have decided that random assholes owning and trading tokens is in fact detrimental to the health of blockchain based infrastructure.
As this realization grows among industries, they will
begin to steer clear of anything that requires public distribution, and instead enter into 'node alliances' with other business and government entities, to ensure proper distribution of the ledger.
Needless to say, this will completely and eternally dumpster the concept of public trading of 'blockchain for business/logistics' solutions.
You might be able to squeeze some gains out of projects like this this year before people figure out publicly traded tokens/platforms are totally fucking pointless. 2019 will be rough though.
Get into IPO's, not ICO's for blockchain development companies that have the potential to be government/industry contracted to create this type of solution.
It's already starting.
there's whisperings that Publix Super Market will go public soon now that all of the founder's family is out of the board of directors and other positions of influence
there's also speculation that since Kroger has had a good quarter, Publix's stock will jump too as publix has historically done well when Kroger does well
Is this related?
If singles BTC hits 1k by june and takes alts with it
If doubles only Monero and Chainlink survive
If Trips put all your money in LTC before the next full moon or you will kill yourself
This is all insider info, don't tell anyone else where you got this from alright, a lot of powerful people might lose their jobs
Holy fuck I forgot about this from /b years ago. I am now heavily in link coincidentally.
ITC good coin yep 30% dgaf
i say we bring it back. i still dont know how to do it however.
pic related
Yes, it's equilivent of Binance for asians, I got my ITC & DTA from there
Anything interesting about ZCL, VEN ?
I believe this.
In a thread full of people trying to shill their bags, this is actually good info.
Cheers mate
That's the first swissbro thread.
Here is #2
>that imgur link
How the fuck do they come up with these conclusions using a spyder tracker and a word filter?
He's basically saying in the next three year, normies will flood the crypto markets and we will have tech and new understandings of science so advanced it will cause physical stress for some people, so much so they will cause violent outbursts. Also ayyliums and UFOs will be disclosed.
You think that would be a bad thing?
Not that it's a bad thing, but that he sounds pretty bat shit.
Also, he thinks humans are psychic and bases his assumptions on pseudo-science mumbo jumbo he made up...
CryptoCue insider, leaking every message
as a simple commodityfutures/spot trader that just trades with speculation so not too technical but how can you use blockchain tech without actually having bitcoin in it? I thought blockchain was btc? would companies using blockchain have no effect at all with bitcoin?
Blackchain technology is literally just encrypted data sent to a "public" ledger hosted on servers, where that data is then distributed to everyone else who is connected to the blockchain.
So think of a voting system based off blockchain. When people vote, it will send encrypted data to the centralized ledger hosted on servers somewhere, and that data will be viewable to any entites who have access to that "ledger" displaying all incoming and outcoming data to the blockchain.
In terms of crypto, when new coins are created or sent somewhere in the BTC blockchain, that data is sent the servers where the BTC ledger is held, and then that data shows up to everyone who is connected or has access to the blockchain (in this case, everyone who has an official BTC wallet or a scan website that tracks the blockchain).
Amazon is making some big announcement tomorrow. Some say they are going to start accepting crypto. They are already fucking with the health insurance companies, why wouldn't they fuck with the credit card companies too?
thanks for your time.
how the fuck do you use this shit
show me the way
to early. if you plan on holding that you'll ride a horrific wave hoping it survives. AI hasn't been developed or even researched to the extent that it's tradable in an open market. it's basically r&d for big corporations to serve their own purpose, or large entities trying to provide services to those huge corporations. buy it and chuck it with the hype because there isn't enough cash flowing in to support it.
if i posted what i know on here, i'd get killed. if only you guys knew what i knew. no larp
haha me too. i'd be suicided or car-accidented, or something would happen to my loved one, or simply v&.
i wish i was larping.
Nice larp boys. Bet you're living large with your 200 dollar gains from some pajeet shill.
You’re gonna get us killed you dirty dog...
waiting on more intel on that quantum financing
the equations in that chinese study are well beyond me
anyone figure this out yet?