Can you tell me who is in this picture with the Oracle lord, if not fuck off and do some research and you might realise what you are missing out on
Link fudders and no linkers
Other urls found in this thread:
Looks shopped
this one is actually pretty good, only feeling slightly suicidal with my 3k linkies
old news guys move on
George Clooney on the left, Courney Cox to his right and Roger Federer on the right.
Old news yes, photoshopped no. But look at him rubbing shoulders with these guys, and you have pajeet cunts saying this is a shitcoin, get the fuck out of here. Like I said I can bet most fudders and no linkers even have a clue who is in this picture
Will you tell us? All in on link already.
wonder why is this shill team so obsessed with link, there's a zillion other coins that have better rep and brand to shill
He's selling his Smart Oracle product to them, not chainlink
Two completely different things
Smart Oracle only makes sergey rich
Just sell
You should know this already linkie, I will give the fudders the chance to get it correct so they don't look like dumb cunts then I'll tell u if they don't get it
it is not shopped those are the same people who won the award for the economic conference back in october 2017 there were three different people who got a chance to present sergey was one of them
Get in here you deuded fucks!
at what point will sergey be forced to turn his ponzi scam into an actual product?
i have a feeling that if he dont, the linky cult members will unironicaly kill him
never seen someone more brainwashed than them
smart oracle is literally what the chainlink network was called before the LINK ICO
Looks like they're having a good time laughing about selling a memecoin online and making a 100 mill, tbf I'm impressed they made so much selling s dream to you user. Please don't kys when link hits 10c just HODL till 3c sell all your bags and buy a milk shake with your link money
I wonder how many strong handed linkie you made sell, probably none but keep trying just do give up your day job faggot
So not one fudding faggot can answer this, just as I thought. You cunts should be ashamed of yourself. See linkie this is why you do not listen to these link fudders, they know nothing about chainlink
It's Jason Parser
Shadow Fork confirmed
It's been answered, it's impressive you managed to hack coinbase to publish your photoshopped picture but authorities will find you sir. Mobius would never step this low because it has real partnerships.
Nope, fud. Can't faggot even know how to google image search, fuck you cunt surprise me at times. This photo has nothing to do with coinbase faggot
This is one of the Mobius founders on stage with deutche bank and reuters IN 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LINK confirmed fucked.
Mobius and visa from the hindu times article
on the rise of microfinance
These are photoshopped
it's a meme, an inside joke, board culture...
>Jason Parser
So many dirty places
>it's a meme, an inside joke, board culture...
This. Ignore linkies. Mobius is the real deal
Unlike kim kardashians ass Mobius is beautiful as it is.
yes Mobius has media connections. Unlike chainlink which has no PR team.
let me find the video you faggot cunt
I must apologize sir, I mixed the names, but I will use your statement as an admision of hacking coindesk. The important point is that there are no partnerships. Zero. Zilch. Nada. कुछ भी तो नहीं.
> There has been no evidence of network user traction (in terms of Node activity or institutional partnerships/onboarding) thus far, which gives credence to the fact that the only inherent value of the LINK token is due to speculation as opposed to platform usage. Indeed, the token has risen in value from $0.15 at the time of issue to $0.56 at the time of writing based purely on speculation of future adoption.
This is what researchers at universities are saying about you sir, that ChaniLink is alone and nobody knows it and nobody wants it.
aruthapadatha Valibar Sangam is everything ghostbusters 2 was not. Go check it out. Mobius media partnership are rock solid. Bollywood is worth billions in cash flow it is no surprise the smart chap at mobiu are forging media partnerships as well as finance ties to visa
>that ChaniLink is alone and nobody knows it and nobody wants it.
this ^. LINK promised but Mobius delivered
You can tell it's 'shopped b/c it lacks Sergey's trademark awkward wave.
its not shopped this was a real even with sergey
OP reveal answer pls. I am 10k all in as a poorfag, and I bought at $1.42. I've suffered enough
Can the shill give a reason why this photo is important?
Grats kiddo you won an award, let's snap a photo for the website
its from sibos 2017
Mobius is the future
Yes I know. Old news. Trying to shill as something unknown and game changing... it isn't. Pathetic shill attempt from OP
This is why anyone with half a brain avoided chainlink from the start. The community surrounding it is pnd as fuckc
wtf is link?
biz is being censored. search jp morgan insurance blockchain, it is link
You stupid cunts, I wanted to see if fudders knew what this was
This is at sibos, with Barclay, do you know what Barclay is? They will partner with them and swift
Is that Jes Staley?
You are very determined Pajeet
>You are very determined Pajeet
this is why Mobius will triump
Silly pajeet, if you sell your link listening to these faggots I guess you deserve to be burnt
Even your tag is the shittiest color of shit, go fucking die of Malaria Poo lord.