you guys should seriously consider selling everything and investing your hard earned money into stocks or real estate.
The crypto market wont recover from this, this crash is just too much. Trust me guys sell now and get out its just going downhill for the rest of the year.
Just buy again and re-enter the market Jan 2019, by then youre guaranteed to skyrocket your investments, come on guys youre smarter then this, your parents didnt raise a fool. Sell your coins and just be happy
>investing a high enough percent of your net worth in crypto to actually care if it dips by 50% or crashes completely
Hudson Jackson
>trying to deprogram gambling addicts by telling them to wait patiently get back into the same pyramid scheme after telling them they can't lose, the IRS will never find out, and they better hurry when most of them don't know how to get back their real money
Liam Gutierrez
just trying to toss you guys a bone here. money is money and if you can grow it in a safer method then why even invest in crypto.
cashing out of crypto is the best financial move ive made since 2017. im comfy AF while you guys are pink wojacking all over the place. just think about it
Nolan Bennett
Screen capped so we call all laugh at you in spring
Leo Foster
by spring time btc is going sub 1000. how is BTC even relevant when compared to other shit coins? if btc's codeing becomes irrelevant and obsolete (which it basically is now) the rest of the alt market will fall also.
so yes please screen cap and make sure you post it even if im right
Christian Perez
I unironically took all of my crypto gains and put them into Tesla and various 1000% gain stocks. Its a simple game that most brainlets will never understand.
Charles Martinez
>sell cryptos low >buy stocks high ah yes, the classic Veeky Forums method truly transcends every market
Adrian Barnes
this is honestly the way to go. Tesla is only going up from here. Same with many more commodities.
i dont get why people are still debating leaving or not. like the last 30 days of january wasn't enough of a signal.
and i feel bad because noobs come on here expecting good advice and everyone just says HODL.
come on guys be nice to the new guys we were all there once
Jeremiah Phillips
Holy shit guys, it’s the fucking crypto wizard coming to save us with his prophecies. You are too kind!
David Hall
i do this to help.
i called out ripples crash but everyone was saying no, ripple is the future blah blah and now look.
David Rogers
Took me to long but i am out now. Still up 60% Will buy back it the recovery comes. Some alt projects I really dislike selling.
But I can understand guys that are 10-20x and hodling
Cameron Hughes
this is the second best time to sell cryptos ever in the history of cryptos. except for a single month, cryptos are the highest they've been ever
Benjamin Ross
Crypto is here to stay. Bitcoin is the one fucking up this market, better altcoins will take over the market once BTC is done correcting.
I am still up 2000%, so I don't care about a 80% correction after a parabolic run.
Bubble pops in crypto are normal and will happen every time.
We are still early in this market, no stock market will give me the returns crypto did.
So I am here to stay. Either I become a millionaire or I will lose profit, I already took out my initial investment.
There is no in between, no stocks are gonna make me rich.
Kayden Moore
>own cryptos >own weed stocks >own silver
>every. single. one. is down
I've unironically never been JUSTed this hard in my entire life
>mfw I bought this shit before the October earnings call
Logan Peterson
i was in middle school in 2009 m8
also enjoy losing everything when the market crashes
Austin Butler
Why no gold?
Hudson Barnes
I'm in on silver. I think gold will see a demand shift with nanotubes, but both silver and gold should be ready for upward motion.
Ethan Sullivan
I need to to get in the metal market for long term growth, I've been seeing a few super bullish articles about gold lately. Do you buy certificates or physical silver?
Wyatt Hill
>invest in stock market >nice I'm up 10% after a year, solid investment
>invest in Cryptos >aaaaaaaaahhh!!!! mummy help everything crashed I'm fucked, I'm only up 47% after 2 months
David Fisher
im still 300% up but feels bad no longer being 600% up :(