Early adopter
Early adopter
Replace the monetary system
In before August 2017
New Paradigm
itll only get lower.
anyone holding btc or crypto is getting exactly what they deserve. it was obvious hype and mainstream media pumped it up in december. it was obvious the party was over when it was stalled at 15k for almost a month after. then when it fell to 11k and got stuck there for a couple weeks it was obvious it was going to fall again. now its fallen to 9k. guess what will happen next? go up, no fucking chance.
people buying it over the last couple months were only buying it banking on the fact that more people buy it. but the was hype was already on the down turn. the fad is fading and fading fast. anyone holding this shit is retarded.
Flippening imminent
Mainstream adoption
Now look at the composition by country, keep in mind how much population each of those has and compare parts of europe, USA
Turns out interest in any googeable shitcoin is particularly high on St. Helena. Turns out the corsican ogre is at it again, glory awaits us, seeing as the ridiculous and the sublime are ever only separated by a single step
cryptocurrency bear trap confirmed
while your ignorant ass is calling it a fag, Japan is leading the vanguard at mainstream adoption and is announcing a shit ton of big box vendors that will be using it for payment and other outfits are paying their employees with BTC.
eat shit asshole and read a few articles before you spew your ignorant venom over here
nigga u dumb
I'm fucking leaving
who the fuck is going to accept a currency that changes in value so drastically by the day? oh, thats right, no one.
fuck my sides
well if you're going to spend all day browsing Veeky Forums then i doubt you're going to know what's happening around the world.
either way i don't give a shit. but rest assured that the whole world will be using blockchain and the largest chain is not going anywhere.
INTERNET 3.0 queerbait
user r u ok
t. Jew shill
McCaffee predicted 1 million per bitcoin by 2020 an He's right.
Oh yea it's over
Hentai gold standard?
no one uses it. no one wants it.
what exactly are you trying to get away from the banks for? the fee of transferring money? i can wire 20usd or 200kusd for a 40 dollar wire fee.
ive been on here 20 min m8.
I'm actually fucking laughing my ass off
nigga u dumb its a joke
Fucking normies, why do they ruin everything they touch, I'm glad they've been shaken out.
Hmm something isn't adding up here
The more money in the coin the less volitile dumb ass. If it starts to become adopted it will not be as volitile
>The more money in the coin the less volitile dumb ass
so there was less money in it the past 3 months opposed to before when it was worth 10 bucks a coin?
the technology isnt new. the hype is dying. if it hasnt caught on by now, it never will.
9999/10000 people want to use banks and usd. deal with it.
well played
Keep up everyone. Did you continuously keep googling the same words or did your searches evolve with research and understanding.
NoLinkers BTFO
Singapore is on their game...wonder why?