This girl has 11 MILLION followers. Imagine. 11 MILLION beta males to kiss the dirt that you walk on, who are prepared to shovel out hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars just to touch you.
Women are the most inflated asset in the world, and can gain millions by sitting on their seat doing nothing. I on the other hand have to work my ass off, or have a lot of initial capital to make millions :(
You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means
Alexander Gomez
>wanting millions of people to view pics of you everyday
Being rich and unknown is much better tbqh unless you have a deep desire for fame. Most people suck so I would rather not deal with most people and having people know me would hinder my debauchery fueled lifestyle.
Noah Perez
Ryder Reed
OP, why did you copy paste my words from another thread?
That'll be .01 ETH bitch
Carter Diaz
There are hotter girls you can touch. Maybe not as famous. Lots of bombshells in your hometown.
Ryan Perez
Camden Roberts
Ayden Price
>11 million beta male followers, unthinkable >OP obsessed and following her anyway
really makes you think
Carter Ramirez
So who is she
Brody Rogers
Unironically this
Evan Cooper
That girl was probably an unattractive 3rd-world woman who had a very hard life filled with pain and misery and reincarnated as this woman
can still get resources, money, and companionship from a desperate beta
the true hard mode is being an unattractive male with no social or monetary status
Henry Sanders
>tattoo Gross She's not even that hot. I have a qt Venezuelan maid who would agree to marry me at a moment's notice. U jelly?
Adrian Flores
Jason Turner
Honestly shes not that hot, her lips are too bigand hey eyes are a little slanted in an ugly way
Aiden Campbell
Kek c'mon who are you kidding, she's fuckin gorgeous
I dunno why you dweebs get über critical when you see a girl who's out of your league. She's out of mine too but fuck me I'd cut out my right eye just to lick her asshole once
No, he's right, her face looks too wide and too plump in the few candid shots ther eare around On the other hand imagine looking at yourself in the mirror and thinking "I'm contributing nothing to the world other than my tits and ass. Only my parents talk to me or think of me as a person, the rest of the world only thinks of me as a coat hanger for my tits and ass."
Eli Martinez
No I work in porn my man, shes an 8/10 at best,those kinds of faces dont make the same dollar as others
niggerlips and her eyes are shit, its too distracting for the viewer, they just want to focus on the fucking, not her face
Brayden Jackson
She looks like a 56%. Ugly product of racemixing. Disgusting.
Landon Morales
>Outta your league Nope >Lick her asshole once I literally get pic related to lick MY asshole
Thomas Sanchez
You're retarded if you think thinner lips are more attractive.
Colton Peterson
Anthony Long
Only niggers go for niggerlips, and niggers dont watch porn, they go to strip clubs
Blake Rodriguez
Guarantee you your venezeluan maid has a maximum 4/10 face. This girl is gorgeous. Stop fucking coping.
Jace Lewis
Andrew Green
meh, I backpacked through europe two years ago and barebacked a handful of eastern european chicks who looked as good or better than her these instagram sluts have no power over me, because I have had better
Jaxson Gray
Is it weird I want to eat her ass really badly?
Mason Jackson
Full lips are objectively and globally more attractive. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.
Brandon Myers
>I work in porn In what capacity?
Nicholas Martinez
Aaron Rivera
Coping? You literally made a thread to worship some 7/10. And no, I'm not going to post her face, but I honestly think she's cuter than your insta whore
Lucas Morris
>>european chicks >>looked good Can't have both user. They don't bathe regularly over there...
Ayden Barnes
Biz is full of people who can't copy with not being able to get gorgeous women. Get yourself checked by the way.
Nicholas Baker
I'm not worshipping her you idiot. Just wanted to point out how easy it is to make money being her.
Ryan Lee
Aiden Lopez
>Get yourself checked by the way.
mind your own business, you rude little faggot
Sebastian Jones
Agreed, tattoos are not sexy, and one that close to the hand is crack whore tier.
Lucas Lee
>he markets his wares to niggers poorfag detected
I manage a few whores, its pretty easy work desu, just tell them to do shit that would be sexy and film it
I mostly do lesbian and fetish porn fwiw, there are more profitable genres but its hot as fuck
Adrian Johnson
All that money and still no ass(ets)
Dylan Roberts
Justin Watson
fags and their shitting hole obsession. not even once
Ian Hall
bost moar
Elijah Moore
>mfw the world is already too degenerated to think like this >mfw there's no going back
Ryan Turner
Jordan Bailey
You got that right
Also consider this:
She will be worthless and old in like 4 years, user. Yea she's got people kissing her ass now, but the power of a woman is extremely short lived. Once the looks are gone, she literally has nothing, where as you will only improve. I think it all balances out.
Brody Young
I want to be a pornographer. Any tips? I have a Canon Rebel and I know a porn star.
Julian Hall
Why? I don't see anything special about her.
Juan Nelson
Ayden Phillips
>temporarily hot = thot
Nicholas Nelson
That woman is ugly and tatooed and is a prostitute why would anyone want her
Alexander Turner
Lincoln James
Finding a niche can work pretty well when you're starting out, you need to get a name for yourself, it sounds ridiculous but names matter in porn, work towards a contract with someone, once you have that your foot is in the door
Logan Jenkins
not that you've ever kissed a girl, but k
Jonathan Green
Jordan Adams
Landon Peterson
just wait a few years and her value will drop harder than bitcoin
Colton Wright
Bigger lips are more attractive especially when she suckin
Jaxson Ross
Statistically only niggers believe this, same with asses, if you want sexy you find someone lithe and nubile, thats what makes you money
Cameron Evans
>asset Hate to tell you this but women are a liability not an asset
Dominic Diaz
Landon Brown
Isaiah Young
>women >asset Anything that can drop you on a whim and take half your shit legally is not an asset
Jose Wright
go spam on
Zachary Baker
Top left is what quality looks like, not this nigger lip bullshit
Brandon Taylor
Zachary Long
If I was miniature I'd love to suck onto her titties and hold for dear life
Michael Stewart
Thanks just bought 100 whores
Dylan Johnson
ohh triggered kike
Ryder Rodriguez
Well I have been writing erotica to very modest success, but I would consider using my pen name as the face of the label.
Logan Ross
This entire fucking thread is off-topic bullshit and didn't have anything to do with business from the start. Who gives a shit.
Logan Gutierrez
You can't contain a rising culture to a specific board on the internet bro. Look at me, we are the progressives now.
Logan Hernandez
Benjamin Price
You're genuinely retarded. I'm hoping no more than 1k people watch your videos if you truly believe that. Look at the most popular pornstars dumb fuck.
David Allen
Adam Nguyen
Is pic related what gets r/incels going
Isaac Garcia
If you can't beat em join em. Guy paid me $300 just to cuddle last week.
Blake Fisher
Erotica is a great way to start, good porn isnt just friction and bodily fluids desu
>100,000 last time I checked I wish you could hear me kekkling
Evan Garcia
Christopher Lewis
Well I publish my next book later this year. Better market the shit out of it, I guess.
I remember biz used to be able to have actual discussions involving women thay didn't devolve into r9k and pol tier incel autism
Jason Edwards
Hire a PR guy, they arent memes, they're honestly worth the money if you can afford it
Andrew Bailey
Okay.. what's your point?
Leo Williams
That would definitely be an improvement over how I promoted my first book, which was to shill it on Tumblr, along with posting porn and cheesecake, which ended up getting me lots of followers. [spoiler]that's how I found out i wanted to be a pornographer[/spoiler]