What went wrong?
What went wrong?
retards treating cryptos as an investment, rather than a currency
Retards treating cryptos as a get rich quick instead of a bank run.
>buying a neat logo
wow how could that implode
new investors and jewish fud.
Normans got involved so naturally it all went to shit
Institutional raped the movement and too many shit coins
Nothing. It's still before Chinese New Year. Wait and fucking see.
Ah yes, financial astrology will save the day!
I guess on the plus side, John McAfee will have to eat his penis on TV.
Retards blindly trusting blockchain technology when less than 1% of the people using it understand it and realize it has drawbacks. Unabashed shilling, unregulated market rife with false data, manipulated reports of business "partnerships", and vaporware
its almost as if you have no understanding of the chinese and money
the dream is over isnt it
What's the runic looking one? Second from left, bottom row.
theres nobody to blame but yourself, it wasnt the jews who crashed it it was you the jews didnt even need to step in, you became the juden and crashed it yourself
stop spamming fud with your pink ass id OP
How about the people who actually do understand blockchain tech?
In one form or another, this shit is not going away no matter how crazy the crypto market swings.