How many bitcoins do you need in order to get a gril like this?
How many bitcoins do you need in order to get a gril like this?
Whats wrong with her ass?
I see a merchant hidden in there if you squint
Jesus Christ, I almost vomited. Fucking disgusting ass. Fuck you OP
A quantity which grows by the hour.
10 if you want it easy.
30 to keep her around and obedient.
0... you need a tupperware full of fermented milk
That disgusting ass again.
Are your gonna post this everyday?
You like her, don't you?
$3.19 to fuck a tub of cottage cheese
All asses look like this if a roastie is not posing.
No they absolutely do not, you retarded virgin.
we need to lower our expectations now.
Ford focus instead of lambo
cottage cheese pancakes instead of ass
its fucking over.
none that whore will probably fuck you for a tiny bit of attention
>dating or being involved with women over the age of 24
Jesus man, no just no
Holy mother of God.... I can't eat.... disgusting
This, they start to go downhill after 16.
>virgin only saw girls' asses on instagram and in porn
10BTC for every inch you are below 6'8" (manlet cutoff height).
She stuffed her ass with pic?
Nah he's right. Maybe you just get with some gross girls?
>has never fucked an 8 or higher
>soyboys see what a real ass looks like
>start freaking out
holy fuck the low-t soyboy meme is right
You're retarded, bud. I know you're probably just b8ing, but kys anyways.
I would eat dorito crumbs out of her ass.
would still smash. you all are fags. I'd eat that ass and fill her womb.
We can smell your filthy sweaty fedora from here you neck beard
I've literally had naked women on top of me and I'm still a virgin by religious choice.
Women are whores these days, it's so hard to find a sweet innocent Christian virgin bride.
Have some self-control.
>inb4 paid for it
I've never paid for attention once.
That's just the life of a Christian chad virgin.
HAHA you're a faggot. Rationalize that all you want. Faggot.
A virgin deserves a virgin.
Bait, but 2 sats max.
dude asses don't look like that bud, get with a fit girl at least once in your life.
buncha faggots in here
id lick her asshole clean...just a bad angle
This is white girl ass, take notice.
It's shopped and I think her underwear might be too tight on her jelly ass.
She's not THICC.
My waifu is white, ass looks nothing like this .. this ass is sick and diseased. Makes me sad.
>not fond of fucking 6s with disgusting asses
>must be a neckbeard virgin
Ok buddy
I saw some sick shit in my time, but this ass is the absolute worst. Why the fuck would she take a photo of it, unless it’s to show her doctor?
Someone post that gif of the woman rotating her ass implant around under the skin. I didn't have the heart to save it.
Found the virgin
12.5 after it goes to $1 over the weekend.
So what color f-ocus you guys g-getting? Heh...
0 with that cheese ass.
At least I'll die of old age with my full power-level intact!
>I've literally had naked women on top of me and I'm still a virgin by religious choice.
Now now, don't tell starving NEETs you threw away lots of choice dinners because you weren't hungry.
If youre as ugly and awkward as im assuming you probably need around 50btc
I hope you get lots of milkies and get your faced crushed by your virgin wifes puss every night too, user.
Now go read your bible.
fucking virgins, its normal, every girl looks like this with that posture.
she did it intentionally, look at
Wow. This post just weeded out the actually virgins who have not spent significant time with girls
I'm so confused by this body