Who's feeling comfy with their portfolio?

Who's feeling comfy with their portfolio?

80% XRB

Fuck you and fuck NanoCoin

Fucking shitcoin nodes are going to get overloaded and it’ll go the way of Iota

Sorry what did you just say?

Kek jk user I just like Fudding my own coin

Haha Chad's gonna Chad

How much XRB does everyone have?

Enough to make it user

how much is that? I only have 700

you need another digit at least

Real XRB Chad’s don’t need to reveal their holdings. They’re all confident they’ll make it

I know I can't afford it though. I need to parlay it into something else.

I have let you down brother.

chad does not apologise or show remorse

I'm all in.
Also running two nodes from my linux boxes, they don't use a noticeable amount of bandwidth. After seeing that and the wallet xfer speed I was sold.

2k reporting

nano was the gayest rebrand attempt in crypto history I seriously cant believe they blew an opportunity this big. the name is corny and the logo looks like it was made by a pajeet on fiverr.

Normies gonna love their nano

nano has no SEO

WW3 id

>pump it

Looks gay af


90% VEN
never felt more comfy during a crash