Show me your /nocoiner/ face
Show me your /nocoiner/ face
sold at the right time when 500M tether was printed out of nowhere, got out unscathed
>pic related
Literally my noncoiner face
nice digits
get rid of the moustache and you'll be 11/10
soy boy cuck bitch fag communist
I'm from France so you might be correct about the fag part but I voted for Le Pen.
Would you look at that, a living meme
Feels so fucking good. Comfy as fuck right now my bro.
We just love our summer home.
Textbook soyboy right here
Kys french faggot
you look french and like a cuck at the same time
do something about second part
>nocoiner who sold high
justin bieber?
I got everything airdropped for free so I'm never losing
Feels marginally smug man.
Every person here holds out hopes of buying LOWLOWLOW tho.
Fellow coiners, bookmark the archive of this thread so once prices are at an ATH and you almost start to feel bad for nocoiners, you can look back at this and instantly just start laughing
hey did u get enough soy today? hahahahaha jesus christ faggot
ATH was six months ago bruh, get wight the program and gimmie all your useless coinzzzzzzzzz
I'm american how can you tell he looks French? other than him looking like a fag
ima go play monster hunter like a comfy NEEEET later fags
You look pretty good. Don't listen to the virgin neckbeards of this board.
100% equities
: )
>can watch the crash and enjoy every second of it because I've got a steady job
>mfw I didn't waste my real money on internet money
what's up with the bigass nose ?
Me in the middle
what a nUMALE!
get rid of that fucking pathetic mustache pls
wrong pic
>tfw I got out with 4.3 million
>tfw I cashed half out last year and half out this year so the tax paid is about half
>invest in oil futures
>actually make money
feels great
I never knew tear can be so sweet until today.
How do we celebrate their misery?
Should I buy a cake or spay myself with Shampagne?
Got out of Eth at 1300
They havent even reached the despair point yet.
They will.
needs a thicker neck
don't do the slight frown/eyebrow raise thing. you know the bieber/jayden face. also the glasses are too much when matched with the hair and turtle sweater. pick one of 3.
post the face when you arent retarded
gambling at the casino is a better investment than virgincoins
Why did these autists buy into this fucking meme
>currency not backed by intrinsic value
>or being tied to commodities (oil)
>or force of arms
>gee guys this seems like a GREAT investment
Looks like a wallon to me. Could be french, but also Wester/northern euro.