1. Dedicated fiat to Stellar exchanges 2. Stellar/alt trading pairs 3. Stellar is slightly inflationary, it will be MUCH more stable than Bitcoin 4. Because we'll have a high stability coin to trade other coins with, the alt's value will be more reflective of their actual value and not plummet based on the piece of shit coin it's trading with
You didnt post a single real reason to buy stellar
Nolan Jenkins
You'll have to buy it if you want to buy your faggot little shitcoins, kind of like you have to do now with Bitcoin you little fucking homo.
Charles Lewis
right because demand doesn't have a positive effect on price amirite??? xD
Dylan Nelson
Fairx will save the crypto market and delete the tether question.
Aaron Allen
There is no crypto anymore, there is only Stellar.
Stellar IS crpyto now.
Give it a few months bitch. Watch.
Kayden Barnes
FairX beta launch was stated as launching "late jan, early feb". FYI
Leo Long
nice subtle fud OP >muh sidewayscoin
Joseph Nelson
Don't forget that CC companies are now charging crypto purchases as cash advances. Depending on the issuer this can be anywhere from 4-29.99%. That's ON TOP of Coinbase's 3.5-4% fee AND mark-up. With CC no longer a viable option Coinbase has no advantage over an exchange like FairX
Logan Nguyen
> Was the #3 coin in 2017 >Was #1 coin for most of 2018 already.
Retard calls it sideways coin. Fucking morons. Your kind of stupidity belongs on /r/politics.
Logan Ortiz
My only regret is that I only used $2.5k of the $4.5k credit I had before they started doing the cash advance charges.
Nathan Torres
Stellar is the future.
Landon Ortiz
So full of shit. Fairx will be in the later half of 2018. So tired of Xml bag holders making stupid posts and lies. Hey at least you dont make stupid snek memes anymore..
Andrew Watson
Do you know what a beta is you virgin?
Jeremiah Richardson
Autistic niggers from leddit are leaking their globalist shitcoin into 4chizzle again
Camden Perry
Xlm hold is so comfy. Feels good
Austin Thomas
>Depending on the issuer this can be anywhere from 4-29.99%. oh my fucking god
when did this start?
Kayden Foster
They charge interest from the date of purchase pursuant to your cash back apr, so this isn't a flat fee, however it isn't subject to a grace period like a regular credit statement is
Luke James
Coinbase sent out an email yesterday I think. It literally just happened. Chase charges 4% (or $10) and Barclaycard charges 24.99% as some examples. It's fucking ridiculous.
Thomas Bailey
Welp good thing I haven't put any money in the day before but I'm still going to take a close look at my bank statement
Nathaniel Young
i got mine!
Landon Russell
Jason Gomez
IT's dumping
Kayden Myers
Which coin isn't dumping?
Juan Peterson
What use will it have when we don’t need exchanges because the pyramid schemes are over?
Julian Watson
>CC companies are now charging crypto purchases as cash advances Does that mean financial institutions consider cryptos real currency?
Xavier Stewart
Only when it suits them
Lucas Flores
Lmao who gives a fuck. With Pundi X devices and cards, you can pay with almost no fee. Look it up. CC jews are gonna lose anyway.
Jace Anderson
> Fairx will be in the later half of 2018
lol fairX will be huge by that time u fucking idiot. stay poor
Henry Adams
You forgot the fact that Stellar has multiple major market-makers looking to partner with it. This along with the major synergy with IBM, Stripe and a seasoned tech-team will ensure XLM supremacy in the future. Wells Fargo and IBM also have patents on FairX.
The reason why Mt. Gox & Bitfinex failed in the past is as the banks refused to give them access to credit as Wells Fargo pulled out and this is why Stellar will succeed.
Could this have anything to do with Stellar Lumens?
Henry Sanders
Michael Dowling, Group CTO and Chief Architect for Blockchain Financial Services at IBM: "My point here is that you're going to find that IBM will be delivering on blockchain on multiple fronts - and that's the point. Much of this is interconnected, and you're going to see more of this from IBM in 2018. Some will involve Stellar tech where appropriate (anything related to finance, payments, securitization, equities, bonds), some will involve Hyperledger Fabric (orchestration, process, provenance), some will involve other platforms for other purposes, where it makes sense. These solutions, I imagine, will evolve in 2018 and converge quite soon."
Ayden Wood
Public knowledge Already priced in
Jeremiah Thompson
>Everything is dying >Stellarcunts keep shilling their overhyped shitcoin
Oliver Reed
Stfu ya jabroni
Gabriel Watson
Which is why I have Kin ;)
Jonathan Sanchez
Currently holding 12,000 XLM, 1.4k ENG and 2.2k LINK…today I'll be deciding where to spend my next $1300 in this nice little sale we've got going on.
Adam Parker
jesus christ sub 40 if you have fiat and youre not buying you are fucking retarded
Austin Gonzalez
>mfw I fomo'ed in at 66 cents Scared as fuck now
Isaiah Robinson
>Year 2025 >Walk into coffee shop with my good friend, Chad >Wagecuck cashier: "Okay sir that'll be $2.87 each!" >Looks at my phone, see that I have option to pay with either XLM or Nano >XLM total: $2.875 after fee >Nano total: $2.87 no fee >... >Choose to pay with XLM >Chad: "Why'd you choose to pay with Stellar instead of Nano?" >Me: "Check this out man. I chose XLM because it has smart contracts and REALLY cool technology and have you seen their website?? Plus they are partnered with IBM!" >Chad: "Ouch! Okay buddy." >Chad pays $2.87 for his coffee, no fees
Blake Smith
>Underrated token
Benjamin Bailey
>Stellar Lumens will SAVE this market
Jackson King
And it'll crash even more when that comes out. Historically it always does