Any ausfags left in the game?

Any ausfags left in the game?

loaded into ethereum at 800aud, holy fuck so many dumb ausfags selling on btcmarkets


Holdijg xrp and xlm, down 50%. Don't really care, waiting for normies to gtfo so I can acquire more xlm

I'm here my friend. I'm not one of the HODLfags but there is honestly no point selling right now. If you aren't a fucking retard and didn't investmore than you could lose, you deserve to stay poor forever.

Bro. What the fuck was happening on btcmarkets? Eth was selling for the equivalent of 660 USD ....I don't even understand.
Actually ripple, bitcoin and ethereum were ALL cheaper than the going rate on USA exchanges / binance. Makes me wonder how badly cunts were panicking

yeah bro.
there's bounce right now.
fuck knows if it's for real this time kek

Americans save the day yet again. Just like history. Eurofags are the worst.

Yep, still here cunts.

because of the usual slippage, and it's fucking friday night, there is nobody buying

noticed this. this wont end well when it truly crashes. Next time the market is sideways for a few hours I'm cashing out

I'm, a poor cunt though bought in mid to late jan when BTC was around 15k

Yep, bit annoyed at the moment

around 100k aud a month ago, now down to 18k usd

not touching any bullshit fiat i dont care if this goes to zero. Im in it for the long haul so i can maybe have a chance to afford more than a shed in Melbourne at some point in my life

Loaded up on Ripple in December, sold at the peak for funfair and am going to hold it long term. Only drop kicks stick to BTC for all their trades.

Fukkkk how did I miss the fire sell
It’s up again ffs

Godspeed. See you in your lambo in 2025

Been better cunt. Tempted to go all in on Jibrel but holding is probably my best bet.

was at 18k like 3 days ago and now im down to like 11.5k kill me

>only had $200 on btcmarkets
oh well, some poor bastard was selling 300k at 9000 aud kek

>Jew rubs hands
>yes yes goyim keep hating on your brothers in Europe

cringe, dude

Still here cunt, bleeding like fuck, but still here

ausfag reporting in
stronk hands confirmed

you need to be more proactive if you want to 200x your stack user

Btc to 9k soon, looks like fire sale is over
For now......

Fuck me mate, what were you holding?

Am I the poorest cunt here or what, I bought in on January with fucking centrelink loan money
Tried to catch a moon ride but the market crashed
If by some bum fucked miracle I even come close to breaking even in the next century I'm just holding something decent

>140k ATH
>now 75k


anyone here on the ASX

ok now the big boys bounced, what's the best Alt to catch a bounce on? XML? Neo? Iota?

How many opportunities to sell can one greedy boi miss?

Lmao this and canya coin JUSTed so many people

yes, my specs are getting raped over the last fortnight

i'm here.

invested $15k of my centerlink money [half my bank account].

portfolio peaked at: $70k
now at: $35k

not going to sell, but have no idea what i'm really doing.

>cringe, dude

Why didn't half you cunts cash out after tripling your money and then diversified? Are yous stupid

Haha are you me? Except I went from 16.5k to 380k now back to 120k.

jesus. when did you get in and what did you buy?

maybe because we never got close to the ATH so there wasn't a solid to sell?


God coins were cheap on BTC markets.

btc went down to 7800 aud while it was 7900 usd

I'll never understand why people use btcmarkets over independent reserve...

wont verify me

Nearly Nov, got REQ at 5 cents, SALT at 3.80, rode to 15. ICX at ~$1.50 PRL at 40 cents but didn't sell at $4 and just held. Currently hold AXP, PRL and ICX.

I meant before this shit even happened numnuts.

Cry more poofta

Early* sorry, just before the big bullrun.

How many have crypto down there anyway? In Norway 5% of the population owns one or more crypto. 60% is male between 18-25, 20% female of same age range, and the rest is men/women evenly spread out at age 25-35-50-60.
Though this country is currently embracing cryptotechnology. Some companies even offer to pay people in BTC/ETH instead of FIAT.

I'm out cunts. Money just arrived

nzfag here, nobody in new zealand knows what crypto is

It's scaring me, I don't want to miss the next run
All I'm sayin is next sharpie in the pooper for ETH could be me

seems like fuckloads, the normies have been getting stuck right into it past couple months


Yep LMAO see my comment further up. Everything was trading WELL below market value. Fucking crazy. Buying in then was a free instant moon mission.
I'm getting fiat ready for the next time that happens.

Yeah don’t buy memes, buy platforms or coins that aim to have multiple chains or interoperability with other chains and have good partners or at least a reputable team from good universities and careers beyond crypto.
That way I can filter most scams. Buy a good one like ICX and hold for a while and that’s it.
Also Centrelink really dude get a job ffs.

How much fun you holding?

im pretty pissed they got rid of poli payments

cock suckers.

I'm regretting not dumping more money into btcmarkets on thursday so they could process it for friday

ree etc

because nobody takes eth seriously. what with the fork, vitaliks word being law and an infinite amount of coins that can be minted willy nilly because it was never intended to be used as a currency, rather gas for DApps.

thank you for your time.

Can you cash out on IR?

have you seen their fucking btc tx fees at IR ? its a class action in the making

I had to wait a week for IR to post me a letter to confirm my address

meanwhile BTC markets confirmed it instantly on signup

guess who got my business

Mental disability make it hard for me to hold a job, I can't even get a car liscence
I have had over 20 jobs lasting from 3 days to 3 weeks
Longest was lawnmowing that lasted 7 months, only reason I kept that so long was the guy felt sorry for me and had hard time firing me, he directly said it
Fuck it I'm getting waves of hardcore depression from this shit, why the fuck did I think this would work out for me

What's ur disability?

Still here lost shit loads of money should have cashed out at 3x but oh well how can anyone know

why would you play with money you dont have. dumb fuck

>muh depression
Your disability is centrelink the cure is a bowl of cement.

you are me

Inattentive ADHD
IQ is fine but everything else is abit fucked
Biggest traits are absent mindedness,poor memory and impulse control

If you can think of a line of work that won't be to affected to badly by those 3 traits I'm open to suggestions
And I completely agree centrelink is a fucking disease, I wanted them to roll out those centrelink pay cards, forget the name of them but it would have gotten a lot of people off their asses and of the drugs

Doubled my holdings in Aion while on sale.

Ausbros, give me a 2 second rundown of Livingroom of Satoshi?

Is that shit legit? Heard it's the best way to cashout.


No exchanges are cheaper just cashout on coinspot or btcmarkets

Just check the fees on LROS and see what one is best

I don't really understand mental health issues user, but you shouldn't put yourself down. Get a job washing dishes in a cafe, shit work but easy as fuck. All you gotta do is stack a tray, put it through the dishwasher and take it out. Remember to smile at your coworkers and ask them what they did on the weekend. Put your money in bitcoin, ethereum, steller, cardano, monero or my pick nano. Don't touch tokens. Don't look at your portfolio. Wait a year. Welcome to lamboland... haha, seriously though user. We're all gonna make it.

not here to spread FUD, but dump PRL, 0% chance of actually getting adopted or not blocked

I never saw the point in prl either adblockers update to include it making it useless or it only works for people who whitelist it which would be few to none.

Plz stay under the radar mates. Stay invisble

im on the disability as well. if next time you encounter fuckwits like ask him how much money the government he most likely voted for has in reserve for non Australian citizens. only to complain about boat people next election year and to have your fellow australian give you shit and make you want to neck yourself because you feel less than a man for being born in this great country.

i swear to god i hope everyone like that gets chronic furunculosis and then they can tell me more how i should just "man up and get a job"

I'm 27 and sort of tricked myself into thinking that regular life would be harder than it turned out to be. I'm not diagnosed with anything but I'm clearly strange as fuck. I got my first job last week in an online warehouse.

There's always something you can do

I'm 27 too
Online warehouse sounds interesting, I will check it out

Warehouse for an online store I meant to say

its cheaper than btc I thought?

Yep ausfag here. Just recently bought heaps of shit coins at the dip. Literally have no idea what I’m doing but hoping at least one coin moons. Am I gonna make it Bros ?

I'm sorry for what I said user, you do issues that I'm hope you can resolve, and geniunly could use a hand, for a moment I thought u were just some Veeky Forums weeb faking disability to get neetbucks.
You can make it, don't put yourself down, there is people out there with disabilities far greater than u who had made it, I know this chick with down syndrome who runs a succesful glass cutting company with a family member, they're loaded. She is no retarded but she is below average for sure.

i'm a bit drunk, but I'm sorry I was a dick when you legit use centrelink to try to improve your life.

i dont think ive ever seen an apology on Veeky Forums before and let alone such a sincere one at that


RMX digs another empty hole and IAM has another software trial lol. How long until crypto shits the bed so we can have ASX threads again?

holding my $10 poorbags

It's all good mate
Lots of people on centrelink that don't need to be, it's easy to tar them all with the same brush, fuck even I do it, just seems like most of them are on it so they can sit around doing drugs all day popping out kid after kid
Makes it easy to forget some people really are just down on their luck

It's cold and lonely here and I'm tired.

peak was $1.01 mil.

mfw i make $20 an hour wagecucking
mfw still up $265k in 8 months

What the fuck are you holding aus fag?