Soldiers! Report In For Duty

Soldiers! Report In For Duty

I bought pretty much the bottom at 4505 sats

feels fucking good man


So we're all waiting to catch the bottom in order to accumulate more, right guys? I have an buying average of 0.35 and I want to bring it down a bit.

Alpha 2, this is COCKDOG7 we're taking heavy casualties, over!!!

600 private reporting in. bought as much as I could last night

COCKDOG7 Alpha2 is currently offline, try the McDonald's subversion division

Got anoter 5k buyorder at 4 sats. Just dip a little more b4 moon

bought 4600 now have 12k
is it enough to make it?

you missed the dip

We shall see.

been in since 1300 sats

Just bought 2k, now at 25k

Halfway to that 50k goal



Dumb stinky linkie, I'll buy your shit vaporware at 0,15 again and sell while you keep holding and making no gains
You're like that dumb neet who hasn't changed since high school while everyone else is married and has a job

Waiting for this shit to stabilize.
I refuse to trade in this madness to avoid poor decisions and keep my sanity


only got 400 link from the dip
should i kms as a sacrifice to sergey

Scooped up 250 more during this dip
Feels good

dont worry guys i heard about this new hire jason parser supposedly hes this genius programmer im talking big brained nigga at least 160 iq bill gates steve jobs you name it keep it on the down low tho i still ned to accumualte

How can you program for cyrpto currency?

Nearly bought the bottom.
I will never ever sell sub 100$

traded linkies for btc traded back for linkie gain ;)

Ahaha cool man. I bought at 4505 too! Like 11k or something.

Link buy order bros x

>tfw only 1450 linkies
And I can't even buy the dip

mein poorfag
1100 linkie here. I don't even bother checking or something anymore, I really need a job.

Bought 270k @ 17 cents in Nov.
Thanks Veeky Forums for the advice.

>He spent 45,000$ with the advice of a sinese fish fighting forum

>I refuse to trade in this madness to avoid poor decisions and keep my sanity

unironically the smartest man in this thread.

bought 300 euro @ 38 cents, love it.

Can someone post the ranks. I'm holding 98k now. Bought another 35k at the bottom of the dip

Could up my stack to 20k

Im worried bros. I have 22k linkies. I know the project is good but Im worried we're not gonna make it bc if no one knows about a project how will price singularity happen.

Idk im feeling all sorts of ways. Just wanted to write that.

dont do it. wait a day or two to see if it dips more

That's close to ICO levels user, well done. I didn't buy LINK on this dip (already have most of my shit in dem stinkies anyway) but my mean price is 5k sats so I'm proud of that.

Whenever we go above 5k I'm fucking rich

im more worried about how its affected by btc. If its a game changer then why is it dropping?

realistically speaking how far can Link go/

like 2$?

15 cents.

We won't know anything until Mainnet is launched.

You're buying shares in the next flash player of the internet user, nobody needs to know about LINK and all we need to know about it is that the ones who don't know about it will be using it every day on pretty much everything they do online.

1000 EOY

i hear you. But it still has me thinking

I have 17k Linkies, bought at 10c (ICO) and some more at 26c.
I have some fresh fiat on hold, but I'm wondering if it's worth it even buying this high still.
Part of me is hoping it dips some more.

at least 1000€ EOY

then why is it affected by btc?

I hope $30 but I'm selling a couple K when it reaches 3 sometime after March. The rest go in a pool, preferably the ch4npool when we decide to create it.

Cause it’s a shitcoin like everything else

Because until they release something it's garbage like everything else. We've seen evidence of what they're working on. You either believe or you don't. The price is purely speculative until after the release.

When will Mainnet go online?

Because ppl be retarted.

I bought some more at .62 thinking that was the bottom ;-;

It's all relative. You'll forget all about it when Link blasts into the stratosphere.

Because some people bought it for the memes and didn't do their own research
If you did your research it's obvious LINK is absolutely game changing for crypto

>want to buy more link at the dip
>have to wait for my fiat to eth transfer at coinbase


Digits and green id = $1000 EOY

Digits = $500 EOY

Green ID = $100 EOY

i fucking hate coinbase with their fees and ridiculous amount of time

Not quite green, let me help you

really mines is instant.

why don't y'all use gdax? i buy instantly with coinbase from a bank transfer or card. or ACH transfer which takes a week but is totally free. then send it over to gdax to send without fees.

i don't see why people hate on coinbase/gdax so much.

Normally I wouldn't care, but once LINK takes of and many of us will make it many here will become influential people over time.

When an immature child tries to compensate for its fears it may imagine itself to be strong and fearless like superman or somthing.

I see you LINK marines doing the same thing. You are all trying to compensate for your own deficient characters and inability to hold on to LINK on your own personal strengh. Maybe you will thoughen up over time and not give a fuck about those tiny fluctuations we just had. Maybe you will become able to handle other stessfull situations. But something tells me that many of you will stay autistic baby losers fucking up the future creating real world crisis also affecting me.

>screencap this and post it on other COIN/TOKEN marine threads aswell

Come here for a discussion of your investments. Learn together Veeky Forums enough memes

Link will be 85-150$ eoy realistically, 1000$ if we manage to pull an ETH

Coinbase has a ton of secret fees. Check your bank every now and then and you’ll see coinbase transactions processing without your permission.


i've never seen anything like that. the "buy instant" via bank account actually doesn't charge me a fee, either. i use cash for pretty much everything so there's not much to check in my statement, figure i'd notice is pretty quickly.

what sort of fees are you talking about?

2k stinky here and im all in


Nice shill but realistically, we’re most likely going to see $3 - $5 by the end of the year. Might possibly break double digits by this time next year though.


Dat market cap tho, 1 billion coins bruh

this counts as green

Kek, 5$ summer, 20$ EOY



FFS user encrypted json file + paper wallet with the private key, how can you fuck this up?

Nah bruh

Market cap is completely fake anyway.
It's the total value in dollars of a coin IF all of the coins were to be sold at a certain value. Which is a completely unrealistic scenario.

>1 billion coins

While this is technically true, the nature of LINK means that most of it will be staked. That, combined with the current circulating supply of 350 mill changes things a bit.

Regardless, imma be rich as fuck. Checkem.

This is my expectation. I think people expecting $100 EOY are just setting themselves up for disappointment. LINK should have a nice steady growth for years and years to come though as smart contracts gain mainstream adoption.


Then again maybe the price will just go straight to $10 overnight when partnerships are announced.

Nigga mainnet this year + partnerships reveal is easily worth $50-150$

No official release date for mainnet.
Thee go-lang release is Q1 2018 (Jan-Mar).

The Ruby version is functional in it's current state, and works with external connectors as promised.

This has a functional product and a good group of people working on it.

Did you write down your seed pass phrase somewhere other than your comp?

The whales who manipulate BTC also manipulate the rest of the market, I don't think there's any mystery to that...

im sooooooooo cooooooollllllllddddddd

Dubs confirmed it

>not give a fuck about those tiny fluctuations we just had
>tiny fluctuations
nigga I lost $13k dollars or in other words a -66% on this "tiny fluctuation"
and $13k dollars is a fuckton when you've never owned a phone worth more than $50 and $600 is the minimum monthly wage in your country

No, I only used metamask for meme shit. I don't usually leave anything on there for more than a couple hours. I'm running recuva now. If I can't find these I might need to starve for a while

I'm down $60,000 since EOY 2017, AMA

Well, Veeky Forums, or rather Veeky Forums should have it's own pool, right? Strength in numbers and all that shit.

So, if we are to make our own pool nodes some day, what better name than ch4npool? We own a good chunk of the market, may as well make the most of it.

Who here /boughtatonedollar/

did you sell?

25k Holder here.

I admit I sold half my stack!

But only to take out money for my bills and rent for the next half a year since I'm unemployed :(

I couldn't risk it.

guilty to a degree

I sold several shitcoins to acquire more LINK, that's about it.


Also we can drive the price of LINK up way high just to make the newfags bag hold for a lil bit

you're going to make it


nice laptop nerd

>Sold 20k LINK before the crash
>Knew this was the day we'd reach bottom
>Put it all in ETH
>ETH bled like a motherfucker
>By the time crash finished, I rebought LINK at a 10% loss

At least I made 40k shorting BTC. But that fucking sucked. I thought LINK would get slaughtered.