
We are past the last 2 weeks of January.
What do?

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bankers crashed the whole crypto market for the EXCLUSIVE REASON to accumulate more LINK.


AB, any insights as to this crash? What happened to the floodgates, is this just the preamble? Has it all been done with the aid of the futures markets?

Assblaster's last communique said to watch out for exactly what came to pass -- a major fund that purchased 2.2 mil worth of LINK. He's proven himself to be legit.

In his last posts he specifically said there was no rush to buy Link now and that it wouldn't really take off until mainnet was up and partnerships were announced. Nothing has fucking changed. There's no reason to be spastic faggots. He didn't promise you an escape from poverty by February 2nd.

That was confirmed nothing to do with chainlink. Check Andrew Hoppins LinkedIn. Says so there.

You can always check his wallet. Was 130k links a few days ago

>a major fund that purchased 2.2 mil worth of LINK
How do you know this came to pass?

Hello. I dumped my LINK cuz I got scared. I am now a /mobiusmarine/


Holy fuck lurk more

Were you in a coma? Murat assblaster threads almost daily

>he isnt on Veeky Forums 24/7

That said, its hardly "a major fund". It's just a group of tech & fin people

powhpyramid .com

this ones only got 6 ETH get in now shills and shill this shit in to deep space.

I really don’t think that 2.2mil will be their only amount in it. Also that gives them an insane amount of swing trade ability

buy mobius sirs best return

I don't think 2.2 is the actual amount either, but I doubt they're going to trade it some user said that it might be they're planning to run a node as hoppin has some kind of medical record company so they might be going to use that something , but I'm a brainlet so fuck knows


Do you have his address? I missed when he posted it

I'd like to believe as much as anyone, but has there been any confirmation they specifically bought or are planning to buy LINK?
I mean it would make sense but no confirmation I know of.

Ohh that hedge fund thing. Forgot about that.

Check it on LinkedIn of A Hoppin. It’s written there. AssBlaster didn’t prove shit.


I've been watching this wallet. Slowly accumulating since the crash (as well as much earlier) adding about 30k each day.

God damn that makes me green with envy

When was the last ass blaster post?

tfw never gonna make it because whales with millions of link will dump

This is extremely fucking interesting user. Who’s accumulating 3 million link?

Lots of it will be for nodes.

wew lad

Swiss Banks most likely

>Who’s accumulating 3 million link?

I invented money. I collect shitcoins for fun.

Banks would have/want more than that, and didn’t Sergey reserve a bunch of tokens to give away for free to such institutions?
So is this wallet just an individual whale?

>unironically asking to be larped by a larping pajeet

>Banks would have/want more than that, and didn’t Sergey reserve a bunch of tokens to give away for free to such institutions?
>So is this wallet just an individual whale?
Even so, somebody with money knows something.

Don't know what to think about this post with the dubz and all... Pajeet were you holding your lucky charm when you made that post?

>green id
we're gonna be rich fellow linkies. hold tight and never surrender

Yes, and it seems like they’re still buying about 30k each day or so. So perhaps it is a bank or institution: they wouldn’t buy all at once because it would cause the price to skyrocket and they’d end up paying more.
It will be interesting to watch this wallet for the next few weeks to see how much LINK they accumulate. Perhaps they will reach ridiculous levels, then we can speculate it’s more than just 1 rich person.

The (decentralised) oracle has spoken boyos. Now get the fuck in here, bull run's just kicking off

Lots of people with money know something kek, this is what's so crazy, the magic is real

Actually the tokens are locked up in legal contracts under NDA with different agencies (SWIFT etc). They are already set at a predetermined amount, this is where the idea of the price singularity came from, as those corporations may have agreed at a higher price for LINKs.

we were NEVER supposed to get link

I feel like you're not larping and you really believe that... Jesus

fuck off phoneposting faggot

hes a shitty larper. who cares.

chinese new year plus all the government fud

stop begging for him to come back. these are his calls for the next two years. he called all of these before their significant moons. if you can't wait, get out of link. fuck you faggot plebbit pieces of shit who are just looking for the next ETH

we own link to stake it

>Actually the tokens are locked up in legal contracts under NDA with different agencies (SWIFT etc). They are already set at a predetermined amount

Link isnt proof of stake you dumb fuck.

>these are the people who fall for shitty larpers

she pulled it out of her ass

Enough of an insider. The price was set higher than ICO because Sergey and co. have to deliver a usable product before those tokens will be purchased/used. What the price is for the rest of those tokens is unknown.

>ChainLink is a hedge fund of funds seeking diversification across multiple strategies in blockchain and crypto assets.

Actually the ChainLink Crypto Fund is just incredibly vague in description. We still don't know specifically what they're invested in but you'd be pretty fucking dumb to not assume they have a large amount of LINK. Their investments are diversified but so are the vast majority of people on here who hold LINK as well.

There is none. Delusions about NDAs is just coping. Its like when there was absolutely zero news between sibos and december, the bagholders convinced themselves that it was because of NDAs.

>what are nodes

I only have 1000 link cuz I bought at $1.30 and now I have no more money. what do I do


How long have you been here?


tfw wanted 3k more but i would have to go into debt and would end up panic selling in a month or two

When you get more money buy more.

What’s your eth address. I have plenty now and I remember back a while ago someone sent me some. It’s yours when I get home


Thanks bro

Haha it took a lot less time than I thought