Fucking whores. Hookers only 3 years older than me won't even fucking go on a date with me. I've had it...

Fucking whores. Hookers only 3 years older than me won't even fucking go on a date with me. I've had it. Non hookers don't want me, hookers don't want me. It's over. I didn't even want to have sex all I wanted to do was hang out with a girl my age and talk, kiss, go to some interesting places but no, I can't even do that. NOTHING WILL HELP ME EVEN GO ON A DATE. She's not texting back. Fuck I finally found a girl that wasn't a fake. Fuck hookers.

autistic as fuck. sad

jesus christ desu

is that u varappi
u fucking retard

Ahhaha you absolute mong.

If you think of regular women as "non hookers" you obviously have some issues you need to address

you talk too much and you talk like a complete faggot

the trick is to be a dickhead and not care at all about the conversation

>race and age

Do they reject niggers or something?

mute volume 4G LTE 25% battery 6:22 PM larping faggot

quit lurking on backpage you dumb nigger

I seriously hope this is just bait.

>gril doesn;t fall over me in seconds
>call her a whore
>why doesn't she call
This is why we need compulsory classes and licensing for millennial neets before they allowed within 100ft of a womyn

Yeah most hookers don't see nogs becuase they are more prone to hit them and not pay. I'm not sure why they don't like younger guys, though. Maybe they think since they're young they won't have enough money.

The trick is not trying to date an escort

You basically lost your fucking marbles in that conversation. Don't give up information unless you're at gun point or you're trying to save your own ass. Why are you admitting your life shit to a fucking hooker? What the fuck is wrong with you. "Do you accept BTC/ETH." Jesus Christ, this fucking board sometimes.


>5 messages in 4 minutes
found your problem autist

Bad when a whore smells the desperation on you
hit up a male prostitute

I am a girl, 25, White . I will go on a date with you , beach, restaurant , dancing on rooftops, etc. Make the deposit and we can schedule after the payment, ETH only. Hours and grants will be proportional to your deposit.


Oh My Jesus Christus
these thread are pathetic as fuck.

>Be me
>not giving a fuck
>Just like you, when i was 20.
>now I'm fucking 16/18 year old
>anything above 30 is too old.

escorts dont allow blacks
"No AA"

Hookers do reject niggers due to poor hygiene, potential for violence, and inability to pay/trying to haggle down the price after the date is already set.

>please reply

Yeah, can you imagine having to be anywhere near OP?

Thanks maam just deposited 100k

Show bobs to verify yourself

Its a literal hooker

Stop with so many messages. The fuck is wrong with you.
Also dont pay in crypto. Again what the fuck are you thinking.

She is a whore. Its a business. Be respectful, pay what she askes plus tip, treat her like a human being and enjoy yourself. If you continue being an autistic retard your not going to have a good time.


What the fuck dude you text like an autist and blame the chick?

1. "such as a restaurant..."etc text was not needed.
2. "Is that too young" unnecessary, insecure
3. "I have never been on a date before btw" unncessary, super insecure
4. "and will you accept crypto currency" dumbfuck
5. "does my age matter if we will just be going on a date" this is probably the worst one.


I see my autism has been outclassed
This is a surprisingly comfy feel

i can’t even get traps to go on a date with me. this really nice trap i messages on tumblr took pity on me and when >she has free time >she goes through the messages i’ve sent to girls and trips and gives me advice on how to write better messages and seem more like a normie in my responses. the only problem is every conversation is different so it’s hard to implement >her advice but i think i’m getting better

Ok, confirmed here, Thanks for your preference.
Pls contact me [email protected]

No, only stupid woman do.
We only reject cryptoless man.
Race is bullshit

also dont want a bbc pounding

You haven't asked her to respond yet, that's why she's ignoring you. And be polite about it.

>Do they reject niggers or something?

Keep an eye on this. Risky ICO, but if it's not a scam it will be like tinder where you can pay with crypto.

Watch the latest Nathan for you episode. Quality prostitution still exists.

>Hookers only 3 years older than me
doing it wrong bro. they should be your age/2 + 7

You're 40 and you fuck 16 year olds? How? Are you in brazil?

This formula seems legit.
Ok sold, bought 100k 22yr olds

You have autism

perfectly put


I love these threads so much.

She probably thought you were a fucking kid. Autistic fuck


It's not even a dude with tits you doublenigger retard it's just a fucking guy with a skirt one what the fuck

>Paying a hooker to go on a date

The only thing sadder is getting rejected by that hooker.

you are sending way to much text, typical whore texting is generally pretty short

>Hey Jasmin, this is user, saw your ad on craigslist, I want to book 1 hour GFE incall, are you available at 4:00? I'm Asian and 34
>Yes baby I am available at 4:00. Donation is $200. Incall is on suthers and rhodes. I'll text you the address when you are on your way

>Great, looking forward to seeing you at 4:00!

>you too baby can't wait!

thats all you need to do

Kek. Keep lying to yourself nigger. Muh dick is unironically a jewish trick propagated through porn to promote race mixing.

I feel sorry for people like you, I truly do.

I'm a natural loner and have been single for 16 months. So I can understand the frustration of wanting to share moments with people, but in the end I value being by myself more than anything else.

Nah hoes need $ to spend on drugs or food for their kids immediately like

go to the strip club u tard if you're polite and not a complete jew with your money girls will talk to you there

does this look like a guy to you? no i didn’t think so


30 months bitch get on my level.

> offers to pay BTC or ETH out of nowhere

> "Will you accept my monopoly money?"

i’m 24 and never had a gf or even held a girls hand other than my mums