Conference user again--I'm here to answer questions

I'm the user from these two threads
I was supposed to post this thread two nights ago, but I got caught up and didn't have another chance until tonight.

I was a media sponsor at both the blockchain connect and NEO devcon conferences in San Francisco. Over the course of both conferences, I interviewed team members from ICON, Wanchain, Huobi, Exchange Union, Deep Brain Chain, Loopring, Bluzelle, Peer Atlas, iExec, Enigma, Ontology, and NEO (yes, this last interview was with Da Hongfei). The only interview I wasn't present for was Trinity, though I do have a video of their payment channel's demo and will post if there's enough interest.

Pic related for proof. I'm not going to disclose any other information about my identity or otherwise, so if you don't believe me, don't waste your time here. This thread is for anons who want insights into the conference and my interviews, many of which were with founders, all of which were with core team members.

Alright Veeky Forums bros, ask away.

Other urls found in this thread:

How do you see AChain stacking up in the future?

OK. I'll bite. Where will Wanchain list first? WTF is happening with DBC, they're literally a trash memecoin right now. What do you think about Ontology?

No question from me- thanks for doing this user you aight

What do you think about DBC?

If you have no info on LINK I'm not interested.
Nothing else exists for me after I discovered link

Ask them how much OMG I need to be a validator.

Stacking up just in general? Idk man I'm not a wizard and I didn't meet their team. But I do think that cross-chain support will play in their favor going forward. That said, there's a lot of competition with dApp/smart contract platforms

Who will moon and by how much $ EOY?

Are they aware that BTC is plumbing, what's their take on it (and yours)

Be real, no bias or I kill you

tell me everything you got about these please.

The DBC interview was interesting. Their CEO essentially repeated a similar answer for a lot of questions, basically along the lines of wanting to make data easier and safer for AI companies to acquire. But this could have been because all of it was in translation

He also said that, in the future, it may be possible to use blockchain to limit the capabilities of AI (i.e., restraining it, smart contracts keeping it from acting on its own).

Overall, CEO was a really nice dude, and I think the project is serious, but even he admitted that DBC application will be more robust in the longterm future

2-3 sentences about each, please. And top3 expectations, one in q2, q3 and q4

For Ontology, it's trying to be like Civic but for people, machines, items, everything. Serious founder, working closely with NEO

Un-ironically NEO. Really impressed with the team and the community they're building--but again, I'm no wizard.

And people were numb to the crash--everyone was just into the conference

Just curious if you were able to get any information on Bottos or HPB? I'm assuming you didnt see them, but just curious as those are two projects Im very interested in

Thanks. My expectations are long term so I'll just hold it. What do you think about bottos?

Thoughts on ICON? Lately it really feels like this coin is a complete meme

Did you meet the NEX team (City of Zion guys)? What sort of impression did you get from them and the project? I’ve seen most of their interviews and read up on NEC itself, and I think this is gonna be THE project on the NEO platform in the near future and gonna be absolutely huge by the end of the year. I’m going big on it. I’d like to know your take on it.

ICON: really, really focused on adoption, education, and business partnerships. The interview with Min Kim was one of my favorites, and he was essentially saying that ICON is working with Korean bluechips and other heavy hitter businesses to work on blockchain solutions. They're pretty much doing as much as they can with anyone they can with the hopes that one of these projects will make it big.

Wanchain: Can't remember their founder's name, but it was a pleasant interview. Not much insight here, as many of the questions were about how the platform works since it's so new.

Loopring: Another great interview, the founder is working on getting exchange tokens launched on NEO and QTUM, so basically every time a smart contract platform implements loopring, you'll see a new token.

Enigma: One of my favorite talks. Really cool, smart, and humble guys. Can gave some insight about LINK being a solid project when I asked him if ENG would need oracles--most of the questions were centered around how the platform works

Unfortunately, no

Definitely not a meme. See hereThey're very committed to their product, and as Min stressed, they really don't give a fuck about what it's valued at currently--they want real world use cases. They ran a 6 week education course on blockchain for businesses, universities from around Korea to raise awareness. Literally making themselves an icon for blockchain development. Coming out of both conferences, this is one of the projects I'm most confident in

I saw most of Fabio's talks, but I didn't talk to any of them personally. I will say, CoZ is doing a lot for NEO's ecosystem, so I don't doubt that NEX will have a big role going forward. Anything that NEO is vetting--within reason--will probably be a good bet in 2018 forward. NEO is really fostering a core group of projects, contributors, and developers. Really impressed with the strength of the community to this point and look forward to watching it develop

I won't give the sentences as many will be covered in this thread.

DYOR, this is literally a stranger's take on internet, but NEO will be big this year, ICON will also take off, and take your pick between iExec and ENG--both teams have the brain power to execute what they're doing

Any further insight into enigma, such as bringing the protocol to Neo?


No I didn't get any vibe like that, though I will say that, if since they were there, there's the potential that they're looking to do that--but I can't confirm .

it's clearly a fucking shitcoin mate

ai? blockchain?

lmao anyone with an ounce of technical knowledge knows its just fucking buzzwords

ok thanks, do you hold positions in any of the projects you listed?

how the fuck are you not shitting yourself that bitcoin is making your shit go down? or are you one of those people who know that its just a phase for this year and we will have another bull run for the other half of the year?

Because this correction is healthy and is setting the clock back a few months. I'm buying the dip and chilling out, mainly because, while it might pullback more still, there's way too much momentum going into 18 for this to be the end

Which coin seems very shady and to be cautious about?

I would like the run down on iExec, please. That’s my second biggest hold.

The only one I hold is ICON, but I'm gonna pick up some iExec, ENG, NEO, and (maybe) Ontology

Honestly, Trinity. Not because I think the team is shady--they're legit. I just don't get why you need a token for a payment channel. Why not just implement it directly into NEO like a LN or Plasma? Seems like the only reason you'd want to is for a cash grab


Will your interviews be published somewhere? On news articles? youtube? podcasts? Or will this be a private matter?

Interviewed with Jean-Charles and it was really enlightening.

He and the iExec team have held meetings with French financial institutions and the French government on blockchain and its potential. They're very active on educating and making sure that institutional players are up to speed, and he said that the big financial institutions began to see the upsides of crypto the more they talked about it.

As for the platform, he mentioned that they tested a 100,000 node infrastructure (seems unbelievable, but I'm pretty sure this is right) a few years ago to measure the feasibility of the network and it was a success.
I asked him why Amazon cloud services couldn't do the same thing, and his final answer was that iExec's model would be more private, more secure, but not necessarily faster.

Very impressed with the quality of his answers--pretty confident on this one, and this meeting essentially sold me on the project

Will definitely be published, but I won't reveal where. If you do enough digging on in the coming weeks for these projects (i.e., search "ICON interview," "Depp Brain Chain interview") you'll find them

Thanks for your time user. What do you think of Bottas (BTO)? Do you think it can compete against DBC and AGI?

going afk, be back in a bit

goys, OP is just trying to prop the market from freefall by saying every interview and project was solid until he can finish his selling off the rest of his bags.

Didn't get much of a look into it and don't know much at all, unfortunately. I do think that any AI crypto will likely be a safe bet for the next 2-3 years

Interesting theory, but like I've already said, some projects are not solid (Trinity) and some I don't have much to say on (Wanchain)

Godbless user.

I appreciate the insight OP. Recently invested in NEO and been considering iExec for a month.

I know that one idea is the ability to inexpensively do number crunching. If it can be done safely and without a risk of data corruption/modification, it could be huge for universities looking to reduce costs.

Thank you OP. I have ICON as well. I'll add to the stack.

I have faith in iExec but I still consider it a bit of a gamble. I'm sold on the project because of the team and their moves in France with the gov and legacy institutions, but the project is extremely ambitious.

Also, seriously considering dropping my ETH for NEO. Da Hongfei wants it to be THE top crypto by 2020. I don't know if it will happen, but I definitely foresee top 3 after this conference. Really impressed with the overall NEO community that is being built and with the NEO team's professionalism and dedication to quality

Right now I’m 1:1:1 in ETH:ZRX:RLC because I believe in the flippening and I believe in the year of the dapp. 10k usd in right now. You anons think I should move one or two ETH to NEO?

I agree that it's an ambitious project. Everything looks fairly well done. I looked up some research that the two main guys did and they seem to have a grasp of what they are aiming to do.

Been thinking of moving my BTC over to other projects when and if it moons again. Use it as seed money on networks and projects with real world application.

Yes I would. Kicking myself for not holding when I bought last Nov, but my own regret aside, NEO is actively fostering a community of projects/devs/individuals around it. And not just blockchain projects, but an entire NEO-centric ecosystem (they even have their own news (neonewstoday).

Never seen such dedication from a team to cultivate an ecosystem that touches on development, investment, media and general interest in the project

The real world application part is one of the reasons why I really do like iExec. If it works as it's trying to, it will be the standard for cloud computing, dApps or otherwise

His first post here about the conference was exclusively about LINK.

Dapps are really intriguing with what they have to offer. I work in the pizza delivery business and creating a dapp based around cashless transaction that is automated and secure could speed up the delivery process. In food delivery, every minute saved between delivery adds up.

A coworker of mine has found that calling customers in advance easily speeds up his deliveries by 30 to 60 seconds each. He'll do 30+ deliveries in a night, thus saving 15-30 minimum per shift minutes so he can clock out sooner.

Interesting application--never thought about dApps a they relate to something like food service

What about OST for things like this?

Did the Icon team mention anything interesting? I know they talked a lot about adoption - any news on upcoming events / exchanges, etc? Did people listen to Icon?

They didn't actually present at the conference, but their booth had a lot of interest.

I think the most interesting thing Min let on to was that blue chip companies are working with ICON and that the public main net and wallet release are really close

What do you think of VEN? Is it a pajeet shill?

Aye, the whole idea of DAPPS to me with regards to food service is to bring a highly redundant, secure scalable and inexpensive systems involved from ordering to delivery.

I've looked over at the Domino's franchise agreement and it's full of expenses that makes it insane. The Domino's investor statement basically says "franchisees eat any costs increases".

Part of the allure of Domino's beyond the advertising is the POS and delivery system. It's pretty slick. Expensive AF licensing though.

There's also the need IMO to attach cyptocurrencies to being used as currency rather than a store of valu

I hold a bit of OST, but haven't really looked into it. From the bit of what I understand, it might be useful.

I've talked to my coworker about it and his concern stems from tips dropping in value if handled in any form of crypto given the market's potential for volatility.

Hooooo I’m so bullish.


See if any of them have heard of Moria Token, and how they plan to compete with a US based security token that pays quarterly dividends in ETH to the walletholder.

Yes. It’s a copy of NEO and WTC mixed together. Lacks any originality.

ok bros, I'm going to sleep. If anons keep asking questions and the thread is still active tomorrow morning, I'll do my best to respond
Otherwise, godspeed during this dip, boys. Buy it up and strap in for 2018

why is nobody talking about this?

Bump for the road.

But what about all that chinese back up shit? Is it all just lies?

Thanks for your input man, it makes me more confident in my ENG and RLC holdings.

cosplayer name ???

One more bump for the night before I sleep--let's keep this thing roollllllllin

Seriously, I love this shit--shootin the shit about crypto with my Veeky Forums bros--this is what this board is supposed to be about, not all of this shill v.s FUD negativity shit
>muh coin is better than your coin with same use case
Who the fuck cares. That's one thing that devcon really made me see: good projects will build up other ones so that the whole space can prosper. It's all about cooperation, because at the end of the day, we're all on the same team

So stop being dicks to each other, listen to one another, provide actual useful commentary and back up your claims, and chill the fuck out--we can all make it, but we'll need to help each other to do so (unless you bought in like two years ago--fuck even last year--then you're loaded and don't need shit from anyone)

/end rant--peace, bros

No fucking idea

I was thinking about it the other day, and there's a lot of people that think the different cryptos will consolidate into a few dominant handful... But my estimation is, that either wont happen for a very long time, or there will always be some several hundred good players out there, because of the diversity of businesses and specific applications for the technology.

I'm trying to figure this out. I guess you could say the same about Raiden Network Token though?

Any of these you think will pay off dividends like NEO?

thanks, kinda disappointed to find out that she's not a trap

This is probably not gonna be up in the morning but did you get any information on AION?

am i going to make it user? WILL I FUKING MAKE IT EOY?

i dont want to live in poverty anymore. i researched top 100 and i think if this doesnt take me to lamboland nothing will