Korean Ethercraft Launch

See you on the moon in 10 minutes, Veeky Forums

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how many frog hats for this girl?

got my moon mission pants on and im just putting in an order for a lambo

Hush beautiful i have not don my acumulateion yet

Geezthe feels right now is insane.

How is it launching in Korea? It's on the block chain, therefore global. You scammin me, m80?

Realistically, about 8 frog hats or so would suffice. You’d have 7 after diving in her pool for loot


its a launch of the korean translations + cultural items

Already global in native India. Big money big invest big lambo and bobs my friend.


bitch lasagna yoour right we get rich now

how you find the link?


soju is the best item in the game trust me

Eyyyyyy Korea

jesus fucking christ shits going ntus! waiting on dividends to withdraw to buy more but gas prices are spiking like crazy

Lmao is this fucking real?!


Get Soju

daily reminder that this are discord shills who bought at the top and trying to make you buy at the bottom.


New items are overpowered honestly, many BiS pieces in this set.

firing my arrows to the moon

so easy...

I’m glad I believed in it this time holy fuck what did you guys get? Or what were you able to get freaking chaos

That enchanted black belt is so sick looking

Buy weapon for game, make twice as much money you spent on it back... pretty fucking no brainer

then sell it when the market opens and these items are no longer available... no brainer

I can't do anything with it :(

easy returns

Holy shit read this and bought some at 4.43 and in the blink of an eye 4.69 thanks OP.

I’m making stupid money with this

almost even boys lets make some money

Stock up before reddit gets in on this, items should go to around 350.
Ez 2x

I can't buy anything! :(


want to go to sleep... but can't stop buying

expect 500 sales min for everything
and they'll have resale valu

Don't buy the expensive stuff unless it has meme value kek. The 0.05 starting price items have had the best returns so far. I'm buying Kimchi like crazy whenever I get enough dividends to rebuy.

fukin get in before the reddit shill

I was a poorfag literally 45 min ago

might give the best return when the game actually releases and these weapons are supposed to be very powerful. also less buys = more rare as you correctly pointed out

TFW Veeky Forums got legitimate advice

lol nothing on the entire shop has 500 sales you fucking cuck

:) tag me again when they all do to apologise


> 2 ETH on bread alone

That first post on the left is from me, I made it earlier trying to tell people. I have already had a few new comers thank me for showing them Ethercraft. That’s usually how it always is

but but, it's a pyramid scheme right? All the purchases of the brown backed items don't earn dividends (to anyone unaware) which shows how much the user base believes in teh devs and the game being released.

dis is shill and chill. i bought bow.



even the common items are selling fast.

>although the bat may be destroyed in the process.
People are paying 100$ for a breakable bat in a game that hasn’t even been released Veeky Forums truly is smart money


Dividends + Item to sell on auction house. It’s looking like an easy win. Just heard beta crafting is being rolled out tonight!!!

If it breaks you into a room worth $500 in loot though...