>price of 512GB cloud storage/year on Google
>price of 512GB decentralized cloud storage/year on Oyster Protocol in late 2018
>current price of 1 PRL
Testnet is extremely successful so far. Why the fuck haven't you bought this?
>price of 512GB cloud storage/year on Google
>price of 512GB decentralized cloud storage/year on Oyster Protocol in late 2018
>current price of 1 PRL
Testnet is extremely successful so far. Why the fuck haven't you bought this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Ya, but at least when the shitty ass tangle goes down I can still get my data from google. Get fucked with this stupid ass project. Its a honeypot for neets who don't have a concept of data integrity. Fuck off nigger.
>current price of prl .71
down from $4 faggot. Get fucking real, this piece of shit is dead.
Anyone who shills this has never worked with data sets guaranteed
Elaborate user
>1 GB needs 64mio tangle TX to confirm
>current speed is at 3 tps
> shit will take literal AGES to upload
> completely reliant on IOTA
yeah no thanks
I was somewhat interested until I checked their site and saw it was reliant on IOTA.
I bought some IOTA last year when I was getting back into cryptocurrency then sold it a day or two after reading more about it.
So is the tangle supposed to be memory resident? If your node goes down, does it restore the tangle state from hard disk? The Oyster Protocol site seems to imply that only CPU and GPU resources are used.
>down from $4
every fucking alt is down, where have you been?
Devs are directly working alongside the IOTA team, but they plan to implement their own network if the tangle is a failure.
and as soon as they implement their own network and can't even use the IOTA one the tps drop so low that you'll be dead before you even get 64 GB stored on their own shittangle
Everybody with half a brain knows this shit won't ever work unless IOTA achives world domination
so salty nocoiner
>seems like you missed your entry point faggot
the ui is terrible on the testnet demo, you have to copy pasta hash to retrieve a file. no normie is going to use this garbage they're all used to point and click file hierchy
>this same shitty FUD again
It's a WIP, that's why this shit isn't at $60 already. People were fudding PRL when it was 2 cents. "Lol muh psych major dev" "lol tangle doesn't work"
Big time. Just salty he didn't get in last year.
get fucked nigger
its not a WIP, its fundamentally flawed and won't ever work. I just laid out all the fundamentals to you. Tell me again how this works with actual arguments I am waiting,
> 64 MILLION TX for ONE SINGLE GB needed
> working at 3 TX PER SECOND
Hitt'em wit dat truth nigga
Not to mention that they completely pivoted from being some shitty ass crypto miner to a storage platform on muh tangle. David Sontesboro can suck a fat cock.
>being this salty
Remember what the price was when you dismissed it? ;)
Shill harder fag. This shitcoin has dropped astronomically compared to all the others. It probably is only matched by Tron.
>tell me more about botsch fagget nigger
I bought it days before the January crash when it was close to ATH. I love this coin but fuck it's killing me.
They're targeting both applications. BAT is a shitty concept (lol download our shitty browser and get paid 2 cents a day for watching ads), PRL actually has a chance for mass adoption.
Typical response from someone who bought in at the ATH.
> Hurr durr salty nocoiner!!!!
get fucked. i wouldn't touch this shit if it came from princess dianas asshole
>I don't like the truth
btw the main dev 'bruno' learned to code from codecademy.
sure thing pajeet
Didn't see a file size
> prolly less than 1kb for a shitty jpeg file
>tfw not compsci master race
Every KCS alt is in the gutter retard. Still up 76x from the beginning of December. How many coins can you say that about?
Tough user, but a correction was due. Have faith in the project, the team is one of the most professional and responsive in crypto. IOTA is going places this year and so is PRL.
wait, how is this different or better than siacoin?
and here we are back to where you started nigger
Sure thing bub, I'll check back in with you in a year.
>09:54:50 December 4, 2017
Feel free to check current price ;)
Can't hear you talking on Earth. Sound doesn't travel through space ;)