The following should be added as bannable offenses:
- Promoting BazingaCoin
- Promoting ponzis like ethpyramid, powhcoin and all that crap
The following should be considered:
- Restrict the board to Veeky Forums pass holders
- Ban TRTL, UFR and any coins that's known for giving "shilling points" to the shills on discord
Other urls found in this thread:
>Restrict the board to Veeky Forums pass holders
Nice gatekeeping m8
>Restrict the board to Veeky Forums pass holders
Fuck off passfag
>Ban TRTL, UFR and any coins that's known for giving "shilling points" to the shills on discord
Come and make free money you pajeet
High volume no whales get in
It would prevent a lot of spamm/scams, since they would need to buy a new one everytime they get banned
Completely possible, you just need a mod that knows wtf is going on
>Restrict it to passholders
I love this idea, seriously. It would really clean this place up.
Bruh add thot-posting so long under two circumstances
>keeping cunts away from my money
>thots posting tits and timestamps because they are thots.
>Restrict it to people who aren’t responsible with their money
>Clean it up
Permaban anyone who uses the word bruh in a post,
This board should really have location flags so we can filter street shitters.
Agree with what you're saying but don't use pics of a leech/tranny next time.
Agree with everything fuck the pajeets and poorfags who cant afford passes
No way thats a trap.. guess im gay then
-Posting thots
Source please
You like staying poor op?
They'll just find new shillcoins OP.
> We need to ban the discord recruitment threads.
> Implement flag
The flags thing doesn't fix anything
Forcing everyone to buy a pass does
Discords are already banned but they keep getting away with it by adding a space to the URL
Sounds like you're looking for reddit, newfriend.
>Restrict the board to Veeky Forums pass holders
are you fucking high? check the pajeet discords. they're literally all pass holders...
we need fucking flags, not a way for the (((site owners))) to make more money on this subscription gayness...
why don't you just tattoo a fat "GOY" on your forehead while you're at it?
Ponzis are literally the only thing that consistently make money in this bear market you retarded negroid. I oughta slap the shit out of you!
disgusting knees 0/10 would not bang.
>No way thats a trap
Check out the hands and the muscular legs, that's a giveaway.
usually don't shill but seeing as op is being a faggot
get all your ponzi coins in one go
also buy bazinga turtle and ufr and whatever shit makes op mad
yes but how do we keep out the pajeets and the niggers
Veeky Forums pass
why are 'her' pupils slits?
I just looked at her pics for like 30 minutes definitely a woman and she is absolutely beautiful
1. A trial of flags for known shill nations would take the wind of out their sails and allow easier proactive filtering rather than reactively adding whatever shill coin of the day is to an ever growing ban list.
2. Where does it say discords are banned? Certainly not mentioned at all in our two stickys.
Give this board flags so I can flag hide Indian posters. At the very least it would be interesting to see if the shilling is infact Indians and not Chinese wage slaves
Confido team were all Germans gtfo that shit doesn't work lmfao
I completely disagree even though I do believe every coin you mentioned is ponzi and shilled to hell.
One of the things that really makes Veeky Forums great, and in my opinion, one of the best places to get your crypto investment news is the very light moderation.
Ideas go through almost a social natural selection. Instead of the board shifting towards opinions of a select few, the board naturally shifts through the strongest opinions held by the users. This is also why forums left mostly un moderated will naturally shift politically right.
It won't be 100% effective nor will it cover the more elaborate scams (like confido).]
But the low content spam FUD or shills (with posting of attractive women like how you've done OP, standard pajeet tactic) comes from the same hired click farms in the same nations.
Veeky Forums consistently has wanted a trial (just a trial) of flags
i agree. this board is legit trash now.
Well you're wrong
Some people deserve to get filtered
The moment this board gets heavy moderation is the moment it goes to shit. Guarantee.
Yeah better keep the pajeets and niggers shilling us scams 24/7
Only possibility on the list is banning ponzis. It will happen because hiroshimoot opens himself to liability by not enforcing bans on them.
Everything can already be solved by the end user with filters, though it is anoyying to update them so often.
This isn't your safe space. Go cry on Reddit
Its already gone to shit you fucking imbecile
I guess you'd rather train Jewgle's ai for free?
Who would be in charge of your ever growing list of shillcoins?
I hope you're also aware that some discords would purposefully shill every coin one after another in an attempt to ban all coin discussion for keks.
All you need is one guy checking that discord and do some basic filtering
If the coin is a piece of shit with 0.001 btc volume on cryptopia, ban
If they shill neo to troll, don't ban
Jesus christ your autistic plan is becoming more and more convoluted.
Just ban discords and implement flags. It's that easy.
>implement flags
Fuck that. I don't want Veeky Forums to become /pol/'s dominion.
Thats because you are a scamming shitskin and nobody will give you the time of day when they see your flag. Rightfully so.
It sometimes accepts false info
That's why the proposal has been a trial of applying a shill flag to posters from certain nations and a neutral flag shared by everyone else.
Solves your concerns.
Niggerlicious is American....
>a shill flag to posters from certain nations
Let it be a shit flag LMAO.
OP is a shiteating retard.
Not an argument.
That would be funny. The problem being that the biggest arguments against flags has been the concern that this place would descend into /pol/ (and to a lesser extent /int/ and /sp/) where anons would attack each others countries with stereotypes and this would lower thread quality.
If we group together the known shill nations together under a random flag it'll be harder to throw around stereotype insults. Thus dealing with the one legitimate argument against flags.
I know I tried my best to mess with it but you'll find it works better for you longer term when you [cooperate]
Hello I am UFRPAJEET. while you all crashed I already bought the UFR dip and began rising before any of you duds
>- Restrict the board to Veeky Forums pass holders
get fucked by a train and g back to /vip/ if you like QUALITY so much, you fag
>Restrict the board to Veeky Forums pass holders
We goons nao!
And 'thot'. WorldStar is that way - - > nigger
Too late faggot
We’re already here
Sieg Heil
Nigerally every nigger is talking about BZC you fucking nigger. Buy it while it's cheap you fucking niggers. Niggers.
That is a fucking trap. Look at legs and forearms of her IG. ITS A HE BABY
i wish the jpg compression on this wasn't so bad