Next Coinbase Coin ?

Lets see which user can guess this right.
My bet - XLM or ADA

Other urls found in this thread:

100% xlm

Xlm for sure



dash, zec, or xlm

you fucking brainlet retards don’t realize COINbase only has COINS? Why the fuck will they release TOKENS when you can get them on GDAX?

probably ethereum cash, and litecoin cash, and bitcoin cash cash

You fucktard, coinbase is the parent company of gdax. the question implies gdax as well.

I would say neo, dash, xrp or xlm

Either one of them, I only have xlm and out of the four I would say is the least likely to be added

Coinbase said they will be listing ERC-20 tokens. It says so on their site.

But sure, keep calling people brainlet retards, you're the real genius.

100% one of these
screenshot this

pic related

coinbase is going down.
fairx is taking its spot.
screencap this

tron you stupid brain let newfags

XRB probably.

anybody knows it's gonna be BAT. yall faggots can suck my dick.

Can't wait until Coinmetro shits on this garbage

If they don't add XLM they might as well just shut down when FairX goes online.

Fucking hot

Never heard of her shill

All fiat exchanges should shut down when fairx is live

LUX mofo, buy before the spike

FairX is supposed to be a direct competitor with coinbase, and they'll make use of xlm. Why would coinbase add xlm then?


If you can't defeat your enemies, join them I guess, they can at least try to profit off of SDEX

probably Ripple

How would that matter?

this. but not holding any of that shit and not planning to.

They already said they aren't adding that shit

Its Tron, XVG and IOTA

Fairx soon

screencapped eventho i already knew this